Curtis LeMay

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Curtis LeMay (born November 15, 1906) is an American politician, air force general, and member of the Nationalist Party. He can become Vice-President of the United States of America under George Wallace, and President should Wallace be impeached. LeMay is known for his inexperience and rough personality.



LeMay is notorious due to his statements about "bombing Africa to the Stone Age," a statement he made during Wallace's 1964 campaign trail. Some members of the Nationalist Party see LeMay as a political liability due to LeMay's statements and inexperience.


When George Wallace is impeached, Curtis LeMay has to unite a broken National Progressive Pact. He can choose to stick true to Wallace's campaign and racial segregation with the risk of alienating the Progressive Party, or he can reform the party to move to a non-racial platform at the risk of angering Wallace's base of segregationists. Each choice can bolster radical parties with the former boosting the Communist Party USA and the later boosting the far-right All-American National Vanguard. Either way, LeMay has to play his cards well or his coalition may disintegrate.

If Martin Bormann visits LeMay, the two will find each other to be equals in profanity, and the flavor event will end with LeMay telling Borman "We Will Bury You!," a line that in real life, was a famous phrase said by Nikita Khrushchev.
