Francis Parker Yockey

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Francis Parker Yockey is an American politician, attorney and political philosopher. He is the leader of the American National Vanguard, a National Socialist party in the National Progressive Pact.

Achieving the Yockey presidency

Like getting Gus Hall as president, the player must fail in pretty much every decision or conflict, which may include:

  • Prolonging and failing US wars (i.e. South Africa, Indonesia and Iran) to get massive domestic unrest and trigger wide-scale radicalization.
  • Pass the Civil Rights Act to get George Wallace elected and then impeach him.
  • As Wallace's vice president Curtis LeMay, provoking the Dixiecrat southern base by passing a new Civil Rights Act, angering and further radicalizing the NPP-FR base to the point where they defect to Yockey's faction.
  • Have Barry Goldwater win the 1968 election, then fail as him by not being able to get legislation passed and get caught targeting the unions.
  • Destroy the unity of the Republican-Democratic Party and ensure that NPP unity is fairly high by 1972.
  • Getting 20% party popularity for the Yockeys will allow Yockey to be the 1972 NPP presidential candidate.
  • If the above methods fail, you can use console commands to give Yockey 100%+ party popularity to win the election.

Yockey presidency


The developers chose Yockey over the far more well known George Lincoln Rockwell due to them feeling Rockwell was overused. Rockwell is still referenced in the game as the namesake of Fall Rockwell, Hermann Göring's invasion of the United States.