Frente Azul

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The Frente Azul is both a faction within Falangist Spain and a potential country that can rise up in the Iberian Wars. The faction is one of the three factions within Falangist Spain, along with the fascist faction and an ultranationalist faction. Unlike its two counterparts, the Frente Azul is Germanophilic and has structured their idea of a Spanish State according to the Germans. The state therefore will try to acquire German support and recognition.

Rise of the Front

Just like the National Redemption Front, the Frente Azul will emerge when:

  1. Falangist Spain exists and participating in the Iberian Wars.
  2. Falangist Spain has its War Exhaustion beyond 70%.
  3. National Redemption Front exists.

In these conditions, the Frente Azul will rise up via an event (ID = iberiawars.18). With the war exhaustion beyond 70%, fate in the Falangist State drops at significant rate, making various generals, soldiers and citizens look for alternative options, hence the abandonment of the concept of Falangist policies. Unlike the National Redemption Front however, the Frente Azul will coup instead of break away from Falangist Spain. This causes the dissolution of Falangist Spain and the Frente Azul to replace them. Their rule is consolidated with the relevant news event (ID = WORLD.500).