National Redemption Front

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The National Redemption Front is a faction within Falangist Spain and a potential country in the Iberian Wars that rises up from the Falangists. Made up of a radical variant of Catholics, the Front is led by Carlos Arias Navarro, who insists he is chosen by God to lead a crusade against the ones that have betrayed the Catholic church and restore the order in Spain. The Front gains incredible amounts of popularity as the war exhaustion rises in the Frente Azul, all desperate to end the Iberian Wars. The Front is a combined force of the ones that were the worst affected by the wars and is widely known for their immense brutality. The NRF aims to eradicate all traces of secularism for their part in the so-called "Thousand Years" betrayal, including every semblance of a functional state. This also translates into mobs of fanatics cowing citizens into submission and having free rein to enact whatever they see as God's will, so long as it's tolerated by the leadership. As if the Falangists weren't unsavory enough, the National Redemption Front takes all of their negative qualities and cranks it up tenfold to create an even more insane and genocidal state than them. Moreover, the radicals' exploits and twisted worldview make them schismatic heretics in the eyes of the wider Catholic Church.

Rise of the Front

Just like the Frente Azul, the Front spawns out of Falangist Spain. This means that:

  • Falangist Spain must be alive and participating in the civil war.
  • Falangist Spain must have its war exhaustion beyond 70%.

Should these requirements met, the player or AI will be confronted with an event (ID = iberiawars.13) which indicated the formation of the Front. The Front will be given the Iberian Wars national spirit and will spawn in the province of Burgos (and should Fangalist Spain control León and/or La Rioja, also in those). On top of that, the Front will gain cores on all that is Iberia, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands. Gibraltar is not included as a core. Should the Front reconquer Iberia, their respective news event will announce their victory (ID = WORLD.499).