Greater Germanic Reich/Gameplay

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Germany will land a man on the moon, after which an assassin who is suspected to be from the Japanese Secret Service but is actually from Burgundy will try to kill Hitler. Hitler will survive and will pick a successor, with the focus tree being switched to a different one that supports them. Because of this, it is impossible without using cheats, commands, exploits or any other unintended method to complete the starting focus tree. The candidates are Martin Bormann, a conservative who thinks everything is fine despite the economic crisis, Hermann Goring, leader of the militarists who want to conquer the world in order to improve the German economy, Albert Speer, leader of the reformists who want to liberalize the Reich (and intensify imperialist exploitation to raise the funds for this), a movement for liberalizing reforms like women's rights and the abolition of slavery as well as the introduction of "democracy," or a greater representation for the massive private industrial backbone of the Reich, and Reinhard Heydrich, leader of the German Schutzstaffel and secretly the right-hand man of Himmler.

On the death of Hitler, Germany will collapse into a civil war between these four men and their supporters. Heydrich will start with Luxembourg, Elsass-Lothringen, and Mosseland. Speer will start with the Rheinland, Westfalen, Weser-Ems, Munster, Hessen, Hamburg, and Sudhannover-Braunschweig. Goring will start with Ost-Hannover, Schleswig-Holstein, Nordschleswig, Mecklenburg, Vorpommern, Ostmark, Hinterpommern, Posen, Niederschlesien, Oberschlesien, Wartheland, Danzig-Westpreußen, Ostpreußen, Neuostpreußen, Niederpreußen, and Ost-Sudetenland. Bormann will start with Baden, Franken, Thüringen, Sachsen, West-Sudetenland, Niederbayern, Württemberg-Hohenzollern, Oberbayern, Tirol-Vorarlberg, Oberdonau, Untersteiermark, Niederdonau, and Wien. Brandenburg will be controlled by the neutral Schutzzone Germania in order to protect its namesake from damage. It will declare war on Heydrich if he eliminates the other contenders, however.

Gameplay with Bormann

In the civil war, Bormann will, unlike the other contenders, utilize politics to bring the people to his side.

After defeating his rivals in the German Civil War, Bormann will attempt to purge Germany and will then just do nothing other than small reforms to keep the Reich working and also to legalize his crimes.

Gameplay with Göring

In the civil war, Göring will divert almost all of his resources to the war effort and force Germans to work for their lives.

After defeating his rivals in the German Civil War, Göring would begin a series of conquests such as: War Plan 0 (the reconquest of all of the Reich's territories), War Plan A (the conquest of the rest of Europe, save for the SS State of Burgundy), War Plan B (the conquest of Russia), and War Plan C (the conquest of the other nuclear powers, being the Empire of Japan, the United States of America, and Burgundy), in which he will attempt to defeat other countries in the progress, however there is a risk of a second German Civil War, which can happen as well.

If the player conquers Russia , but then refuses to continue on with the conflicts and does NOT execute War Plan C , Germany will collapse following the oil crisis.

Gameplay with Speer

During the civil war, Speer will try to get support from foreign countries and dissidents in the Reich, most notably students and slaves.

After defeating his rivals in the German Civil War, Speer will reform the Reich to go down a path of rebirth in order for it to be more efficient. Holding onto the old views, but changing it into a Reich of the modern era that will suit the needs of its people and allow it to truly last a thousand years. He will try to make the world think he will liberalize Germany and turn it into a bastion of democracy, which he of course won't actually do.

Once in power Speer will have to maintain stability in his regime while also giving concessions to the conservatives and reformists. His "Gang of Four", Kiesinger, Schmidt, Erhard and von Tresckow will push for reform so that Germany will have a liberal, slaveless society with the strongest economy in the world and the most professional (but also small) army. How much Speer will listen to the Gang of Four and whether he will lean conservative or reformist is up to the player.

Gameplay with Heydrich

During the civil war, Heydrich will focus on getting support from Burgundy and/or the German SS and will decide whether his forces are loyal to him or Himmler.

After defeating his rivals in the German Civil War, Heydrich would have to deal with a SS German Civil War against Himmler after he disobeys orders from him. He and Himmler will have to bring the warlords to their side. If Himmler secures the German nukes, the Thermonuclear War event will fire. If Heydrich is able to prevent Himmler from doing this, Himmler and Heydrich will annex the warlords that have sided with them and declare war on each other. If Heydrich defeats Himmler he will then commit suicide after realizing the madness of National Socialism and his career, igniting a third German Civil War in which civil authority completely collapses and Germany goes into anarchy.