Juscelino Kubitschek

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Juscelino Kubitschek (born 12th September 1902) is a Brazilian politician. A member of the ruling Social Democratic Party, he is a close confidant to incumbent president Henrique Teixeira Lott.


Considered a political heavyweight for his seniority in politics and his affiliation with the Social Democrats, who've held near monoply since the re-democratization of Brazil in 1949, He served in the presidency between 1955 and 1961 on a left wing populist platform energising his traditional base of workers, state industrialists and other nascent philanthropists.

Critically acclaiming "Fifty Years of Development in Five" he dominated the popular vote with over 35.68% with a platform that involved developing energy, agriculture, industry, education, and transportation. Kubitschek's ascension was almost blocked by opposing Carlos Lacerda and Plínio Salgado of the minor Party of Popular Representation (PRP) alongside erstwhile military support due to lingering resentment from the political crisis of 1954 that undermined military support of civilian government. With claims of fraud legitimising their attempts to prevent a transition of power, Minister of War Henrique Texteria Lott would intervene coalescing a collective of high ranking military officers to stage a countercoup to ensure that Juscelino Kubitschek was inaugurated

The incident would table a tumultuous time in Brazilian history with many analysts hedging the possibility of languishing instability through Kubitschek's term. Largely however, Kubitschek emerged as a centrist reconciler. After exiling Salgado to the Iberian Union for clear national security threats, In consultation with the CIA, He would largely remain out of serious controversy with his Congressional rivals preferring a precarious balancing act that saw the nation enter a period of extended economic and political stability in a era that Getulio Vargas had previously discredited as Brazil's inevitable decline into totalitarian revanchism.

His administration however has been critically examined by the right wing UDN as the key reason to ongoing financial difficulties constricting the nation after his departure from office. Particularly his public works, promotion of the automobile industry, naval industry, heavy industry and the construction of hydroelectric power stations and construction of Brasilia as the new capital of the nation caused the national debt to grow from 87 million dollars to 297 million dollars. Inflation and wealth inequality have grown larger, with rural-zone strikes orchestrated by the Peasant Leagues spreading to the urban areas. However, the minimum wage from 1961 has remained the highest at any moment in Brazilian history.

Kubitschek ended his time in office with a growth of 80% in industrial production but with an inflation rate of 43%.

Upon the conclusion of his term, Kubitschek remained active in politics being a key architect in drafting Henrique Texteria Lott to run as his preferred candidate in 1960. The popular "People's Marshal" for his obsentibly firebrand military career that brought him to the national spotlight in his suppression of the 1955 Coup he dubiously took his endorsement and subsequently won national office. Whilst not provided any ministerial positions, Kubitschek has a firm ear with the president and has if tabloids are to be believed been influencing Lott's policymaking alongside Tancredo Neves.


Kubitschek starts the game as a retired president, with little desire to return to the office. Yet events on the Brazillian political landscape can change his mind, and he can rally the PSD once again to lead a charge for a second term in office.He may achieve that either through democratic elections or the 100 days crisis. He can lead the Varguist coalition of the PSD-PTB and colaborate heavily with the left wing to protect against the UDN's interests in destroying 'JK's' plans.

Juscelino can also gain power if the 'sorbonne' wing of the army coups the goverment. The army will set up controlled elections, only allowing Kubitschek and Lacerda to run.

Kubitschek will return to his attempts to grow the economy through a mix of state intervention and private investments. He attempts that by creating the "Second Plano de Metas (Second goals plan) and sets up a cabinet to devise the plan. In the 100 days crisis he works with Goulart to defeat the coup attempt by Lacerda, and set up a gambit to assume the presidency.


  • In real-life, Kubitschek was the president of Brazil from 1956 to 1961, overseeing the construction of Brasília, among other achievements.
  • Kubitschek was the starting leader of Brazil, before the integration of Cold Southern Springs Submod.