Jaba Ioseliani

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Jaba Ioseliani (born 10th July 1926) is a Georgian Vor v Zakone (Thief-in-Law) and the leader, as well as founder, of the Thief Territory of Yugra.


Early Career

In-Game, very little is known about Jaba's earlier life before leading Yugra, but what is known is that he, as well as many other people of the Vory v Zakone, had been imprisoned in the Vorkuta gulags for many years, until finally escaping by a series of violent skirmishes and riots, with Ioseliani leading the riot that was instrumental in freeing the various prisoners.


With their liberation, Jaba Ioseliani would eventually found the Thief Territory of Yugra; an almost anarchic, bandit state which is ran by criminals and the Mafia. Despite finding much success, Vorkuta eventually got it's revenge, after those who were loyal to the state managed to push much of Yugra away from it's arctic coasts. This conflict ultimately resulted in Jaba making Yugorsk the new capital of his domain.

Present Day

Jaba Ioseliani regularly buys weapons from Yevgeny Dragunov, much to the dismay of many in Yugra's council who consider this to be a betrayal of the code which the state was founded upon.


In real life; Jaba Ioseliani was a member of the Parliment of the country of Georgia for 3 years, from 1992-1995, as well as having led the paramilitary crime group; the Mkhedrioni for 6 years, from 1989-1995.