João Goulart

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João Belchior Marques "Jango" Goulart is a Brazilian politician. A protégé of Getúlio Vargas, he is the current leader of the PTB and a candidate in the 1965 Presidential election.


Being born in Sao Borja to a family of Azorean descent, Jango was always close to the politics of the town and the state. His family had close ties to the Vargas family, also Sao Borja locals. Witnessing his parents fight in the 1923 civil war and multiple of his siblings die at a early age, Jango had a rough childhood leading up to his teenage years.

Being a dedicated farmer along with his family's tradition, owning large plots of land he worked in for most of his life leading up to politics. The business lead to his family and himself to find important contacts, most importantly with Protasio Vargas, Getulio's brother.

Goulart found a passion in sports and left his home town to Sao Paulo and other larger cities to study and find job opportunities. During this time his leg got paralyzed as a result of siphillys.

Introduction to politics

Shortly after his return to São Borja, Getúlio Vargas resigned. Due to the very intimate ties between the families, Goulart joined the PTB in 1949 under a invite of his old friend Protasio. Running along with his friend and Leonel Brizola.

Goulart worked along with his party to stop the UDN's plans during the Gomes presidency. During this period multiple unpopular policies brought Gomes down. Sensing opportunity, the PTB formed a alliance with the PSD in anticipation of the elections. Jango was chosen to run with Kubitschek as his running mate.

The vice presidency under Kubitschek

João Goulart was able to win the vice presidential elections and went on to serve the coalition goverment. Working with Kubitschek, Goulart passed multiple laws regarding labour such as restoring the minnimum wage, repealed during the last goverment.Developmentarist policies, like the goals plan, was influenced by the PTB and most importantly Goulart.

With the relative sucess the Varguist coalition was enjoying those years, the PTB-PSD ticket ran again during the 1960 elections. Jango was once again chosen to be the running mate in the following election.

1960 elections and the Lott presidency

Unfortunatelly, Goulart lost the elections to Jânio Quadros, Putting the coalition in a tightspot. Goulart returned to the PTB headquarters to be their leader. Goulart is a staunch advocate for agrarian reform, he lobbies the goverment and the coalition extensivelly to pass it. Goulart is also the proponent of a independent foreign policy, balancing the interests of the Sphere and the OFN while still being antagonistic to the Reich.

Goulart now aims for the highest office in the land, coming to frequent blows with the UDN. Being the enemy of multiple power holders, such as the army, Goulart may be the centerpiece of future crisis should he gain too much power. But if he suceeds he will work to instate significant change and restore the legacy of Getúlio Vargas.


If Lacerda wins the 100 days crisis, but Goulart wins the election, Lacerda will coup the goverment to prevent Goulart from entering office. If he's successful he will instate the imperial presidency, but if Goulart counter coups the goverment he unlocks the "Jango unchained path" which he flips his ideology to controlled democracy.