National Democratic Union (Brazil)

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The União Democrática Nacional (English: National Democratic Union) is a Brazilian conservative party. Standing as the main opposition against the varguist left-wing, the UDN champions free market, conservative and pro-OFN reforms. It presents itself as the party of the middle class appealing to it as its main demographic, while also appeasing the big bussiness elite.


The UDN was created in 1950 by Carlos Lacerda after the deposition of Vargas and the legalization of political parties. The UDN was founded on the basis of a conservative free market party seeking to undo many varguist political and economic reforms, most notably nationalist-protectionist market reforms.

The party put forward brigadier Eduardo Gomes to run as president in the first democratic post-Estado Novo election. Eduardo managed to score a win for the UDN over the opposition Varguist candidate.

The Gomes presidency

Eduardo Gomes, air force commander, ex-Vargas supporter and notorious plotter was selected as the UDN's candidate. He won the election handily reeling in from the inpopularity of the Varguists after the resignation of Vargas and the general disorganization of the movement. One of his first and most controversial acts was to ban the communist party using a "national security act" after surprisingly high results coming in from the past elections.

The UDN used a high tide of popularity to pass market reforms to combat the economic malaise of the late 40's, implementing multiple deflationary policies along with heavy investment from the nations of the OFN. Contradicting Lacerda, Gomes refused to privatize Petrobras, but still continued with privatization campaigns. Gomes allowed the US to operate multiple naval bases in the north of the country, to much protest which would couple along with other events to create a perfect storm against Gomes.

While some of those policies were controversial, it all came tumbling down when Gomes abolished the minimum wage, implemented by Vargas post ww2. This caused massive revolt that, coupled with the unpopular lease of bases to America, led to the UDN's numbers dropping significantly. Gomes found himself in a deadlock, unable to continue his plans such as Brazil's entry to the Organization of Free nations.

The post-Gomes decline

The UDN entered a long stage of decline after the controversial Gomes administration. The party lost the 1955 elections to the Varguist coalition. in a act of insurrection multiple UDN members and politicians sided with a military coup to prevent Juscelino Kubitschek from ascending to the presidency. This coup was countered by general Lott who opened way for JK to assume his power.

Despite attempts to counter-act the Varguist agenda, the UDN still found itself in decline heading into the 1960 elections. The party nominated Jurchay Maghalles to run against general Lott of the PSD.

Lott defead Jurcy, but in a surprise vote Jânio Quadros of the UDN affiliated, PTN, managed to defeat João Goulart of the Varguist coalition in the vice presidential vote.

The UDN's position in 1962

In the start of the year the UDN starts with 23 senate seats, the most of any party, yet still less than the total tally of the PTB-PSD's alliance 38 seats. Lacerda starts as the governor of Guanabara, he uses this position to manage connections from the United States and the Army to take power one way or the other.

The party finds itself in a split between conservatives, classical liberals and Liberal Conservatives. One of the main battlegrounds of this battle will be with Quadros, in a position of power, he may attempt to challenge the current Lacerdite order and make the cracks of the party obvious.

Now the party stands in a crossroad, with various ways to take power Lacerda or Quadros can decide if they will accept the democratic order or subvert it. But most importantly they will have to face off the Varguist estabilishment and try bringing it down, and bring a new order to Brazil as they see fit.

Associated Parties

  • Partido Trabalhista Nacional (PTN)
  • Partido Democratic Cristão (PDC)


  • Its motto is "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance," a quote falsely attributed to Thomas Jefferson.
  • Even with its staunch anti-fascist leader, Milton Leite, a nazi is still allowed to join the party and gain a seat in the chamber of deputies