John W. McCormack

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John W. McCormack (born 21st December 1891) is an American politician who is currently serving as speaker of the House of Representatives.

In game

McCormack becomes President after Richard Nixon resigns and John F. Kennedy is assassinated. As he has no interest in the presidency, he will not run for re-election. His focus tree largely focuses on maintaining the United States until the victor of the 1964 elections (either Robert F. Kennedy, George Wallace, Wallace F. Bennett or Lyndon B. Johnson) is sworn in. President McCormack can either distance from Nixon's legacy or attempt to rehabilitate it.

In-Game Description (Speaker)

Melvin Laird is a respected congressman from Wisconsin, having served in Congress since 1953 as a member of the House Appropriations Committee specializing in defense budget and procurement issues. Though well-versed in defense affairs - advocating for a gradual reorientation of American force structure to support a defensive posture with OFN allies - Laird continually fights to defend his portfolio against Nixon's Secretary of the Treasury, Robert Mc Namara, who pushes for a more statistical and results-driven approach to a more assertive defense policy.

Finding his own position in question in the Nixon administration and with his talents increasingly used purely for Congressional affairs, Laird has expressed his desire to run again for the House of Representatives in 1964, potentially setting up a race to succeed him in the Nixon Administration.

In-Game Description (President)

For most presidents, their inauguration is the culmination of years of political ambition and success, bringing them to the highest office in the land and a chance to ultimately shape the nation to their ideals.

Former Speaker of the House John McCormack is not one such President. Rushed out of Congress and into the White House on a day of panic and blood, he is faced with a nation in turmoil. Outrage over President Nixon's actions on civil rights has shattered any semblance of political decorum in Congress, with constant shouting matches taking more time than legislation. The people have made their voice heard as well, with riots and protests breaking out weekly and voters changing their registration to support the radicals of the National Progressive Pact.

McCormack has isolated himself in the White House, only speaking to trusted aides and friends on the matters affecting the nation and leaving his deputies to calm the turbulent waters America is headed for. Facing a party in crisis, the divisive issue of segregation, and the rapidly escalating war in South Africa, the reluctant president's next days in office will change the nation's direction for years to come.


Much like in the mod, McCormack was the speaker of the house, serving from 1962 to 1971, but never became president.