Robert F. Kennedy

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Robert Francis Kennedy (born November 20, 1925), commonly known as RFK or Bobby, is an American lawyer and politician serving as the junior United States senator for Massachusetts. He is a member of the Democratic Party and the brother of Vice President John F. Kennedy.


Post-war (1945-present)

After serving in the U.S. Naval Reserve from 1944 to 1946, he returned to his studies in Harvard and graduated in 1948. He also was a lawyer for the Justice Department during his brother's term in the U.S. Senate. Robert replaced John as a senator in the 1960 presidential election, because of his Vice President nomination. Currently attending the U.S. Senate with Democrat senior delegate Foster Furcolo.


If Richard Nixon vetoes the Civil Rights Act, after his brother is assassinated, RFK leaves the Democratic Party and joins the Progressive Party, becoming the National Progressive Pact's candidate for the 1964 Presidential election. His presidency focus is passing the Civil Rights Act and expanding social security standards. Allthough later in his tree some of his actions can result in violence involing fighting the KKK and he will create CONTRIPELO, a program originaly meant to target leftists, to target the Right using some Illegal Methods involving Black Mail and the FBI. His Attorney General will Attempt to Leak the News and Kennedy will have to silence him. If his reforms go too far and anger the far-right, he can get assassinated alongside his Vice President William Guy outside a Hotel, and be succeeded by Strom Thurmond, the president pro tempore of the Senate, as Thurmond blackmails the Speaker into not wanting the Presidency.

In-Game Description

What things on this earth are worth fighting for? What things are worth dying for? For Robert Francis Kennedy, the answer to that question has always been obvious: family; honor; and duty to one's common man. These are ideas that he has spent his entire life pursuing, aspirations that were, engraved on his soul by a father determined to see his family win at any cost.

Raised in suburban Massachusetts, Bobby Kennedy enjoyed a glamorous but unhappy childhood. While he avoided much of the suffering of the Great Depression as a member of the glamorous Kennedy clan, he was forced to contend with a withholding father who considered him a "runt" unworthy of his attention. Unable to seriously pursue the priesthood or journalism as he might have done in another life, Bobby shed his gentle and generous, personality to become a ruthless opportunist unwilling to stop at anything to achieve his ambitions.

This new Bobby was put to the test in the 1950s. After a brief stint in the US Navy and a tour observing the implementation of the Kyoto Accords, the family installed Bobby as the campaign manager of his beloved brother John's 1952 Senate campaign. Hard-fought against an entrenched incumbent, Bobby earned the approval of the larger Democratic Party by winning. He earned similar accolades as Sen. J. William Fulbright's assistant counsel and an aide in the Kefauver administration. In 1960, he managed his brother and Nixon's run for the White House before winning a special election for his brother's former Senate seat in Massachusetts.

Tragedy would strike soon after. Nixon's failures on civil rights and the death of his brother broke Bobby's heart. Enraged at the RDC and in grief, he did not halt the "Draft Kennedy" movement as it consumed the NPP's Progressive Caucus. Having now won the presidency, an enraged Bobby Kennedy, is determined to do what it takes to realize his brother's legacy. He will fight whoever stands in the way of his family's vision of a free, prosperous, and liberal America.

How to avoid his assassination

His transition Letter to Phyllis Schlafy

After passing the Civil Rights Act of any type, Kennedy has two variables that determine when his assassination takes place: level and target. Each month that passes, the target increases in value depending on how high his level is. For example, if the level is at 20, then each month will add 20 to the target and if it is at -7, then each month will subtract the value by 7. Some of Kennedy's decisions and focuses raise the level higher such as the COINTELPRO focuses and decisions to investigate the FR-NPP while the "Ease Southern Fears" decision that costs 150 political power lowers the level. As long as the target does not exceed 250, Kennedy won't get assassinated. When the presidential election season starts every February, the target does not raise until after the season is over, but keep in mind the level can still rise depending on what Kennedy does during those months and the beginning of February. The target can then rise one last time meaning it is still possible for Kennedy to get assassinated in February.


"I was Loyal to the Republican-Democrats also. That ends today."

"This is the end of my presidency. I'm fucked."

"Fuck you, you racist bastard! I'd rather die on my brother's grave than appease your racist, whitewashed, disgusting attempt at aid for the poor. This bill has more holes in it than the swiss cheese on my sandwich this morning, and it's going to fail outside of your little cadre of backward, authoritarian warhawks. You hear me?"