José Yulo

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José Yulo (born 24th September 1894) is the current leader of the Second Philippine Republic.


Early Life

José Yulo was born on September 24, 1894, in Calamba, Laguna, Philippines. He came from a family with a background in law and public service. His father, Florentino Yulo, was a lawyer and a judge, while his mother, Maria Almeda, came from a family of landowners. Yulo's early education began in his hometown of Calamba.

University Era

He pursued higher education at the University of the Philippines College of Law, where he earned his law degree. Yulo's academic prowess and dedication to his studies paved the way for his future career in law and public service.

After completing his legal education, Yulo went on to establish a successful legal practice, specializing in constitutional and administrative law. His expertise and reputation as a lawyer eventually led him to become involved in politics and government service.

Post-University Era

After earning his law degree from the University of the Philippines College of Law, Yulo established a successful legal practice. He became known for his expertise in constitutional and administrative law, as well as his eloquence as an orator. His reputation as a skilled lawyer contributed to his eventual entry into politics and government service.

Yulo's political career began when he was elected as a member of the Philippine House of Representatives in 1916, representing the 1st District of Negros Occidental. He served in the House until 1922 and then represented the 2nd District of the same province from 1922 to 1934. During his time in the House, he gained experience in legislative affairs and governance.

Yulo's political acumen and leadership qualities led him to become the Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1923. He held this position until 1931. As Speaker, he played a crucial role in shaping legislative priorities and facilitating important policy discussions.

Yulo's commitment to public service extended to his home province. He served as the Governor of Negros Occidental from 1934 to 1937, focusing on local development and addressing the needs of his constituents. Yulo participated in the 1934 Constitutional Convention as a delegate, where he contributed to the drafting of the 1935 Constitution of the Philippines. His legal expertise was instrumental in shaping the foundational document of the Commonwealth of the Philippines.

World War II (Pacific Theater)

Prior to World War II, Yulo was appointed as the Secretary of Justice in the Philippine government. He held this position from 1938 to 1941, overseeing legal matters and ensuring the administration of justice.

In 1942, Yulo was appointed as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines by the Japanese-controlled government during the Japanese occupation.


José Yulo succeeded Jose P. Laurel after the latter's death during the 1959 Philippine War due to myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage. While he successfully managed to push the communist rebels back all those years ago, Yulo now leads a country on the verge of a second rebel offensive and tries his best to keep it all together. He only plans to stay in office until he can handle the rebels in the Philippines.


If the Second Philippine Republic defeats the partisans in the Philippine War, Yulo joins the victory celebration, as he's hailed as the Republic's heroic savior. Yulo will get assassinated during it, throwing the nation into chaos and forcing Japan to oversee a difficult period of reconstruction to keep the islands stable until a successor can take over. Otherwise, should the guerrillas reach the outskirts of Manila, he and his cabinet will be evacuated to Tokyo before the ensuing siege.