Iberian Union

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The Iberian Union is a country in Western Europe. It borders the French State and the Principality of Andorra to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south and the east. Iberia controls Morocco directly as a colony, as well as several other small territories in Africa and the Atlantic.

The country is a federation between the nations of Spain and Portugal. The country technically has two heads of state, Francisco Franco, the Caudillo (military dictator) of Spain, and António de Oliveira Salazar, the Prime Minister of Portugal. Both nations have equal political representation in the Union, and the right to veto any legislation that the other side attempts to pass. This largely cripples the nation’s government, as both sides of the government often dispute one another.

An ineffective government, along with a weak federal military and prolonged authoritarian rule has led to a rise in nationalist regional independence movements; particularly in Galicia, Catalonia, Basque Country, and Morocco. These movements have accepted copious amounts of funding from the German government and elsewhere.

Iberian Divorce

After the death of Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, there is an option in decisions called the Iberian Divorce. After its clicked, a focus tree is activated, which eventually results in dissolving the Iberian Union and is a way to avoid the Iberian Wars.


  • There is no real life precedence for this incarnation of the Iberian Union. However, there was a period of time when both Spain and Portugal were united under the Spanish House of Habsburg monarchy. However, neither Franco nor Salazar ever approached the other with the idea of merging the two countries in real life. The union's inclusion was likely done for the sake of telling stories.
  • Before the canon was scrapped, the canonical fate for the Iberian Union was that it would have undergone a peaceful divorce at the end of the 1960s.
  • Although the Union is ruled by the Falangist party, it's classified as Despotic, despite the fact that Falangism is closer to Fascism. However, Franco's regime uses Falangism as a façade for what would be considered as an authoritarian conservative state.