Leonid Brezhnev

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Leonid Brezhnev is a post-Soviet general in service to the People's Revolutionary Council.


Brezhnev was born to a Russian working-class family in Kamenskoye (now Kamianske, Reichskommissariat Ukraine) within the Yekaterinoslav Governorate of the Russian Empire. After the results of the October Revolution were finalized with the creation of the Soviet Union, Brezhnev joined the Communist Party's youth league in 1923, before becoming an official party member in 1929. When Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, he joined the Red Army as a commissar and rose rapidly through the ranks to become a major general during World War II.

When Nikolai Bukharin's cabinet devolved into chaos, Brezhnev was faced with a dilemma. He could either flee to Irkutsk where the remainder of the Presidium were moving, or desert to Alexander Vasilevsky's Red Army garrison. In the end, he decided to follow Vasilevsky as his garrison retreated to (what was left of) the Mongolian People's Republic. He and Vasilevsky attempted to continue their attack against the Empire of Japan, but to little avail.


  • In real life, Brezhnev was the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 14th October 1964 to his death on 10th November 1982, being the second-longest Soviet politician to hold the position (the longest being Joseph Stalin).
  • Ironically, due to how unification mechanics work, it's entirely possible for Brezhnev to wind up as a general under Valery Sablin, who in real life, is most famous for staging a mutiny against Brezhnev's regime.