Lester B. Pearson

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Pearson is a career politician, having served as High Commissioner of Canada for the United Kingdom until Operation Sealion. Following his return, Pearson entered federal politics, first as an MP and later as leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. He called for closer ties to the United States, and for strengthening the OFN against its rivals. His rhetoric was a success, and he led the Liberals to a massive victory against the Progressive Conservatives, ending their decade-long government.

In-game biography

Born in Ontario in 1897, Lester B. Pearson is widely seen as one of the greatest diplomats of his generation. After scoring top marks in the Canadian foreign service entry exam in 1927, Pearson began a distinguished career. His posting in 1935 to the High Commission of Canada to the United Kingdom, and then to Washington D.C. in 1942, saw him reach the apex of his diplomatic career at a relatively young age. Yet his time as a diplomat was spent in the shadow of the catastrophic Second World War.

The fall of the United Kingdom left Canada adrift and increasingly reliant on its American ally. Entering Parliament as a Liberal MP in the dark days of 1946, Pearson's tireless work as an assistant to Mackenzie King's foreign ministry marked him as promising liberal politician. The former diplomat did not spend the following decade of Conservative government idle, advocating strong ties to America and strengthening the OFN as a shield for the free world. His work organizing nonpartisan efforts to better Canada's reputation in non-aligned countries as made him one of the most famous politicians of the former British Empire throughout the fifties.

The Conservatives' defeat in 1958 saw the liberals sweeping back in power with a platform of social programs and increased OFN cooperation, with Lester B. Pearson at the helm. The world waits to see if the former diplomat can continue to pilot Canada's domestic and foreign policy to a brighter future.


  • Lester B. Pearson is a major figure in the history of Canada. Prime Minister from 1963 to 1968, he launched a lot of progressive policies like a universal health care. Before becoming Prime Minister, Pearson received the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the resolution of the Suez Canal Crisis as the Secretary of State for External Affairs. He died of cancer in 1972.