Mawlawi Hindustoni

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'Hindustoni' - or Hindustani, an ephitet given to Muhammadjon Rustamov, who left Central Asia during the Bolshevik revolution to continue his studies of Islam first in Afghanistan and then in India (sometimes referred to as Hindustan). Such an education has but redoubled his determined faith and resolve to maintain the old ways in his home country, as they have been for decades prior.

If the titanic catastrophe that has befallen the people of Tajikistan is indicative of anything, it is only the side-effects of their previous trial's completion. Decades of godless communism and oppression were the test for true believers, and those who have remained steadfast and firm can now carve a truly Islamic state from the ashes of that which was always damned to collapse. Islam was never the movement of radicals or extremists - it was and is the faith of those quite, determined men who can withstand persecution from all quaters and come out as faithful as ever.

Now, Hindustoni stands as the guarantor of the Islamic State of Tajikistan - a mdoerate, conservative, traditionalist nation founded on those ideals that have served the Tajik people so well in the past. Getting caught in the heady winds of revolution or radicalism is a recipe for disaster - and so he will defend the nation against those winds until the fruits of slow, steady, and steadfast labour reveal themselves.