Nikolay Petlin

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Nikolay Petlin (born 23rd February 1909) is a member of Matkovsky's wing of the Russian Fascist Party stationed in Magadan, and during its regional stage, he can become its leader and a potential unifier for Russia.



Petlin was born on 23rd of February, 1909, in Harbin. Not much else is known about his life other than that he joined the Russian Fascist Party somewhere in the 1930s, whilst he was writing and developing his literature.

Political career

As mentioned above, he joined the Russian Fascist Party somewhere around the 1930s, while the USSR was still around, and ever since then, he staunchly opposed communism together with his colleagues in the party. However, not all was well when the Third Reich invaded the Soviet Union, in which he saw the party's founder, Konstantin Rodzaevsky, cheering upon the invaders, who he thought were doing a great favor by liquidating Bolshevism. Shocked by this, alongside with Mikhail Matkovsky, they started to move out from his sphere of influence, and eventually, with Matkovsky at the helm, they seized the port of Magadan, thus splitting the party into two wings.

Present day

Over time and fast forward to 1962, he grew disillusioned with fascism, however, he realizes that it would be outright suicidal to advocate for such act, and instead, with danger of Rodzaevsky and the Tsarists in Chita growing near, he would become a main proponent for aid assisted by the Organization of Free Nations.


Petlin is not available as a leader of Magadan until the regional stage, in which the player has to take focuses that strengthens the reformist cause within the republic. Once he has enough influence and support, he will ascend to power, arresting Matkovsky in the process.

In the regional stage, player can see a sharp difference between Matkovsky's and Petlin's economic focuses. Whilst Matkovsky has focuses that align with the principles of "Solidarists", Petlin due to his commitment for democracy and future OFN allies has more market liberalization oriented focuses that give him plenty of boosts and benefits.

This difference becomes more apparent in his super regional focus tree, in which he also wants to establish entirely friendly support for United States and the Organization of Free Nations, indicating that Petlin's Russia in the future will be able to join the faction to fight against the Germany and retake the territory of Reichskommissariat Moskowien back.

The difficulty of playing Magadan with Petlin is significantly lowered, considering his in-game ideology is Paternalism, which means he can easily reunify with other democratic regional stage states across Russia.

Quote upon unification

"In these days of doubt, in these days of painful brooding over the fate of my country, thou alone art my rod and my staff, O great, mighty, true and free Russia!"

—Ivan Turgenev


Petlin's disillusionment with fascism in the game is consistent with his real-life views - in real life, Petlin left the [=RFP=] over it's support for Hitler, and spent the rest of his days running a White émigré literary journal in the United States until his death in 1999.