Orenburg national focus tree

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As one of the playable countries in the mod, Orenburg has a unique national focus tree.

#The Fifty-Seventh Congress branch#The Counter-Proposal sub-branch#The Beginning sub-branch#Dust In The Wind sub-branch#Malenkov Rises sub-branch#Burba's Speech sub-branchOREfocus.png
​​​​The Orenburg national focus tree. Clicking on the branches leads to the appropriate section.

The Orenburg national focus tree can be divided into one branch and 5 sub-branches:

The Fifty-Seventh Congress branch
This is the main branch of the Orenburg national focus tree, it can advance the plot and decide Orenburg's fate.
The Counter-Proposal sub-branch
This sub-branch leads to the communal route of Orenburg, it can centralize the Orenburg state without choosing a certain chairman.
The Beginning sub-branch
This sub-branch leads to a route where the reforms in the communal route succeed and a centralized Orenburg state has been established.
Dust In The Wind sub-branch
This sub-branch leads to a route where the reforms in the communal route fails and Orenburg falls into anarchy.
Malenkov Rises sub-branch
This sub-branch leads to the Malenkov route of Orenburg, it can centralize the Commune with authority, transform the militias into a skilled military and industrialize the land.
Burba's Speech sub-branch
This sub-branch leads to the Burba route of Orenburg, it can centralize and democratize the Commune, transform the militias into a professional military and industrialize the land for building up the economy.

The Fifty-Seventh Congress branch

#The Fifty-Seventh Congress#The Matter Of The Urals#The Matter Of Communal Agriculture#The Matter Of Communal Autonomy#The Matter Of Trade#The Communes' Input#The End Of The Congress#Word From The Fringes#Revive The Communal Levy Proposal?#Investigate The Communal Militias#Raising The Issue Once More#Re-assure The Communes#The Fundamental Problems#We Need A Plan#Arrange The Program#The Fifty-Eighth Congress#Fight The Controversy#Make Compromises#Propose A ChairpersonFile:OREfocus1.pngOREfocus1.png
​​​​Main branch of the Orenburg national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.​​
Focus Prerequisites Effects and description
RAJ The Second Congress.png
The Fifty-Seventh Congress
The Congress shall be officially opened...

  • Gets event The Minutes Of The Fifty-Seventh Congress
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +120
It is time again to call representatives of the communes to begin a great congress of the communes. A long, raucous democratic affair where every man is given a chance to discuss the state of the Orenburg commune. Problems both internal and external require the urgent attention of this 57th council. However, getting the assembly to agree unanimously on moving forward with various projects is a Sisyphean task...
XSM In the Mountains.png
The Matter Of The Urals
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ The Second Congress.pngThe Fifty-Seventh Congress
We will decide our policy towards the Ural League.

  • Gets event The Fifty-Seventh Congress - The Urals
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +10
The most pressing topic on the council's agenda is the ever worsening refugee crisis. The trickle of men and women seeking an oasis from the Russian anarchy has turned into a flood of wretched refugees trying to escape the depravity of the Black Mountain or the Black army. This influx of newcomers is straining the economy of various communes in the region and has brought our sluggish political system to a standstill. To the north, the Ural League is facing a similar refugee crisis, and has suggested we join forces to solve the refugee crisis, and perhaps even strike at the twin evils of the east. While many on the council believe this to be the only real way to fix the crisis, a surprising level of opposition has coalesced against this idea. The Ural League's military hierarchy stands against every political principle of the Orenburg Commune, such as decentralization and bottom up leadership. Breaking the deadlock on this issue is crucial for our future defensive and foreign policy.
CHI New Agricultural Equipment.png
The Matter Of Communal Agriculture
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ The Second Congress.pngThe Fifty-Seventh Congress
We will tackle the inefficiency of our agriculture.

  • Gets event The Fifty-Seventh Congress - Agriculture
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +10
Among the communes, only the city of Orenburg has something vaguely approximating a pre-industrial craftsmen economy. Every other commune is a loose association of local peasants working their fields in antediluvian fashion. As a result, crop yield is never very high even in good harvests. Keeping the city of Orenburg fed in a timely fashion generates much of the tension between the other communes and the city council even in the best of times. Now, the refugee crisis stresses the food stores to breaking point. Comrade Malenkov and Burba of Orenburg city have for once found a topic where both agree: industrialization and organization of the various commune's agriculture must improve. Their proposal for mild reforms toward a joint agricultural policy has raised an uproar among the council. However, others have shown interest in helping the peasants by sharing tools and knowledge. We find ourselves with the opportunity of building a coalition on the topic, or letting the reform idea slide.
RAJ Autonomous Industry.png
The Matter Of Communal Autonomy
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ The Second Congress.pngThe Fifty-Seventh Congress
We will decide on the level of autonomy the communes have.

  • Gets events:
    • The Fifty-Seventh Congress - Communal Autonomy
    • The Flight
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +10
Difficulties in discussing Orenburg's relationship with the Ural League and potential reforms to the commune's agriculture originate from a single place: the centralization debate. Most of Orenburg's peasants do not feel any particular attachment to any regional identity; they work their land with their neighbors, and whenever a complicated problem arises a few local representative make the trek to Orenburg to complain and seek arbitration.

This extreme decentralization had to give way a little, explaining the creation of the worker's council. But few agree on what should the council really be. Many, especially among Orenburg city itself, wish to see the council be a springboard for a more centralized government able to cut through endless negotiations and squabbles between the different communes, for the good of everyone in Orenburg. But many others argue that the council doesn't have any authority beyond mediation and that true power has always resided in the communes.

On and on the centralization debate goes, as old arguments are brought on again and again. Meanwhile, the wolves outside Orenburg look on as our disunity threatens our land. The 57th worker's council is an occasion to try and sway the debate one way or the other.
RAJ India The Trade.png
The Matter Of Trade
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ The Second Congress.pngThe Fifty-Seventh Congress
We will decide on trade policy of our confederation.

  • Gets event The Fifty-Seventh Congress - Trade Security
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +10
Our land has been mercifully spared most of the devastation brought on by the Germans. Some left-over Soviet industry as well as still functional natural resource extraction facilities bring the communes what little non-agricultural wealth they possess. Over time some of the outer communes have even begun to trade with the outer world, bringing in rare tools, supplies, and even a little bit of industrial and agricultural knowhow. Orenburg city itself is visited by foreign caravans several times a year. However the direction that Orenburg should take with regard to trade is filled with controversy. Many decry the impact of traders on regional security. Once safe roads are now preyed on by bandits. Communal militias bear much of the costs of keeping the trade routes secure, and communes with little interest in exports still find themselves embroiled in low intensity skirmish with bandits. During the Ural League debate a young priest from Abramovka suggested that the refugee crisis was made worse by the rumor that Orenburg is an untouched oasis amidst the chaos of Russia and Kazakhstan. His words touched a nerve, and soon a working committee of isolationist commune began producing proposals to regulate trade with the outside world.
Socialism of the people.png
The Communes' Input
  • Requires the following:
    • XSM In the Mountains.pngThe Matter Of The Urals
    • CHI New Agricultural Equipment.pngThe Matter Of Communal Agriculture
    • RAJ Autonomous Industry.pngThe Matter Of Communal Autonomy
    • RAJ India The Trade.pngThe Matter Of Trade
The Communes will put forth proposals.

  • Gets events:
    • The Communes' Input - Infrastructure
    • The Communes' Input - Guest Proposals
    • The Communes' Input - The Militias
    • The Communes' Input - Trade Protection
    • The Communes' Input - Secessionism?
    • The Communes' Input - Education
  • Orenburg (652) add 1 building slot
The worker's council wax and wanes as the days pass. Previously discussed topics recur again and again. Sasha, a peasant from Chernyy Otrog commune wishes to give his village's opinion on how the Ural League bastards that once bought him a cow for a fifth of its real worth. Another commune has helpfully crafted a new version of Malenkov and Burba's agricultural policy that they insist will obtain everyone's agreement.

Commune by commune, village by village, family by family, all of Orenburg has the right to speak at the worker's council. Peasants plough old topics, revealing fresh disagreements. Communal representatives give their assessment of the day's proposals. Occasionally representatives from remote area stumble through the door, and other members explain to them in detail the discussions they missed.

The effort of worker's democracy continues late into every night, only stopping when the samovar runs out of water for tea.
RAJ Wrap Up The Congress.png
The End Of The Congress
  • Requires the following:
    • Socialism of the people.pngThe Communes' Input
We will find out if our first efforts were a success...

  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +120
  • If ORECentralizedPower > 3:
    • Gets event A Successful Congress
  • If ORECentralizedPower < 3.01
    • Gets event A Failed Congress
Tired Orenburg city council members struggle to write their position paper. Treasures of rhetoric, energy and backroom deals have once again been spent by the centralization faction for little gain. Outside Orenburg, the wolves circle ever closer...
ORS A Second Great Raid.png
Word From The Fringes
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ Wrap Up The Congress.pngThe End Of The Congress
Not all is calm on the eastern front.

  • Gets events:
    • Raiders On The Frontier?
    • A New Type of Secessionist
  • War Support.pngWar Support: +2.50%
Not long after the end of the 57th worker congress word news reached us of increased raids on isolated communes on the frontier. It is difficult to assess the extent of the danger from the conflicting stories told by refugees and the remnants of frontier militias. The rumor running through Orenburg tells of Dirlewanger's accursed brigade, having begun an invasion of the Ural league and the Orenburg commune. Filtering through the information and sending riders to the frontier communes will take time, but allow us to know what is truly going on.
RAJ India Increase Conscription.png
Revive The Communal Levy Proposal?
  • Requires the following:
    • ORS A Second Great Raid.pngWord From The Fringes
  • ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:
    • CNT formalize militias.pngInvestigate The Communal Militias
We'll attempt to raise a communal levy.

  • Gets event Reviving The Communal Levy?
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +500
Our worst fears about the military situation on the frontier have revealed themselves true. Dirlewanger's bandit army and Lysenko's NKVD remnants are preparing an invasion of the commune. The worker's council currently has no army to speak off and is unable to command the various communal militias to join up on the frontier. A controversial old idea has been brought back to life: levying troops from the various communes to form an army able to defend the region. The idea had never made it past the discussion stage in better times; let us hope that the communes will agree to collaborate in this time of crisis...
CNT formalize militias.png
Investigate The Communal Militias
  • Requires the following:
    • ORS A Second Great Raid.pngWord From The Fringes
  • ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:
    • RAJ India Increase Conscription.pngRevive The Communal Levy Proposal?
We will attempt to organize the communal militias.

  • Improves Army Professionalism
  • Gets event Inspecting The Communal Militias
  • 0.15K units of Orenburg Mosin-Nagant 91/30 is added to the national stockpile.
Each village is defended by its men and women, arranged in irregular communal militias. Since each commune is free to tend to its safety independently, standards vary from village to village. If nothing else, assessing the constellation of militias will let us gauge how many men and women can be marshaled in time of needs. Knowing the current distribution of military equipment will also help us spread our meager ammunition and gun reserves to where it is most needed.
BAS target urals.png
Raising The Issue Once More
  • Requires one of the following:
    • RAJ India Increase Conscription.pngRevive The Communal Levy Proposal?
    • CNT formalize militias.pngInvestigate The Communal Militias
We will continue the debate on the issue of the Ural League.

  • War Support.pngWar Support: +5.00%
  • Gets event The Bandit And The Scientist
With a better idea of the situation on the frontiers and of the state of military preparation across Orenburg, the worker's council has drafted a new military policy proposal. Reviving the levy idea has resulted in many a shouting match in the relatively tame worker's council between those that are for centralization or against it; now we must prepare for the coming wave of indignation when the idea is brought to every commune.
RAJ Decentralized Land Reform.png
Re-assure The Communes
  • Requires the following:
    • BAS target urals.pngRaising The Issue Once More
We will try to calm down the communal dissent.

  • Gets event Reassuring The Communes
  • If country flag OREBurbaArrested has not been set:
    • 50% Gets event A Bitter Stream
    • 50% Gets event A Brighter Future through Electrical Lighting?
  • If country flag OREBurbaArrested has been set:
    • Gets event A Brighter Future through Electrical Lighting?
Thanks to the rough state of Orenburg's roads the avalanche of angry reactions has been slow to build up. But this morning a great commotion broke out on the edges of Orenburg city as angry communal representatives began marching into the city. The angry shouts of "traitors to the peasants" shouted at the guards brought on a counter march of refugees crying for the representatives to go argue with the raiders instead of hiding here in Orenburg city. The chaos continued spreading as neighboring villages began marching in militiamen to help restore order and ascertain that reactionaries had not taken power. It is now a priority to send riders to as many communes as possible to stem the flow of angry representatives as well as calm things down in Orenburg city. Soothing the commune's nerves will avoid further damages to the worker's council legitimacy.
RAJ The Red Constitution.png
The Fundamental Problems
  • Requires the following:
    • BAS target urals.pngRaising The Issue Once More
We will start raising the issue of centralization.

  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +25
  • Gets event Identifying Our Fundamental Problems
The fallout of the communal levy fiasco has roused many factions of the worker's council to intense debates. A strong majority of the worker's council have now been convinced beyond doubt that Orenburg's dysfunctional structure is killing it, and previously fringe ideas have begun to enter the worker council's mainstream. It is time for us to sway undecided members to the cause of reform and keep anti-centralization factions on the margin of the debate.
RAJ India Own Constitution.png
We Need A Plan
  • Requires the following:
    • BAS target urals.pngRaising The Issue Once More
The Congress will hear out a plan designed to save our country.

  • Gets event Burba's Plan
  • Command power.pngCommand Power: +25
Our coalition building work has paid dividend. The worker's council now hums along as former rivals work together to hash out a new plan for the upcoming 58th worker's congress. Backroom deals, blackmail, bribery, heartfelt arguments; a wealth of political capital is being gathered to help push ambitious proposals forwards.Two men, Georgy Malenkov and Aleksander Burba have emerged as leaders in this newly energized reform movement. While both agree that economical and political reforms need to be completed for Orenburg to live, they and their supporters argue endlessly about the necessary scope of the reforms. Burba's radical proposal are believed to be too difficult to make work, while Malenkov's plan is accused of being a mess of halfway measures. Time being of the essence, a decision must be reached as to which path the reform faction desires to proceed with.
RAJ The Red Constitution.png
Arrange The Program
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ Decentralized Land Reform.pngRe-assure The Communes
    • RAJ The Red Constitution.pngThe Fundamental Problems
    • RAJ India Own Constitution.pngWe Need A Plan
We will compose a new agenda for the new Congress.

It is time again to call representatives of the communes to begin a great congress of the communes. A long, raucous democratic affair where every man is given a chance to discuss the state of the Orenburg commune. This time, however, things shall be different. The soft and leaderless worker's council has been hardened by the military crisis and energized by a newfound sense of urgency. With the backing of increasingly desperate border communes, we have begun finalizing our preparation for the worker's congress. It will be a difficult fight, but for the good of the Orenburg commune it is one that we must win.
RAJ The Second Congress.png
The Fifty-Eighth Congress
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ The Red Constitution.pngArrange The Program
The Congress will try to find new solutions for our problems.

  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +120
  • Gets event The Congress Begins
The time has come for the Fifty-Eighth Congress, a meeting which we hope shall lead to actual solutions for the issues that plague Orenburg. Much political capital has been spent, plans discussed, and coalitions formed in the Worker's Council. The issues that shall be discussed are many - the decentralized militias, the lack of leadership on the Council, and the utter inability for Orenburg to perform any sort of decisive action. By the end of the Congress, we hope to be able to finally start addressing these issues.
RAJ fight the system.png
Fight The Controversy
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ The Second Congress.pngThe Fifty-Eighth Congress
We will push through the idea of a Chairman for our Council.

One of the greatest controversies that has afflicted Orenburg is the issue of putting a chairperson at the head of the Worker's Council. To many in the communes, it harkens back to the days of Lenin putting down the regional soviets and the left-SRs - a dangerous and reactionary move that could lead to tyranny in Orenburg. However, we must be able to fight this controversy, and move past it. The Council needs a chair in this trying time, and any excessive powers that they are given are sure to have a check on them that can be used in a truly democratic manner.
RAJ India Comprimise Constitution.png
Make Compromises
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ The Second Congress.pngThe Fifty-Eighth Congress
We will predefine the extent of power of a new Chairman.

Currently, the Worker's Council can be separated into two: Those who wish to concentrate power into the government in the name of efficiency, and those who wish to distribute it across the Commune in the name of principle. Nowhere has their diverging opinions erupted more violently than in deciding upon the new Chairman's powers. Understandably, the firebrands for maintaining Orenburg's direct democracy to the letter look askance at any attempts to give the Chairman responsibilities beyond that of a figurehead, whereas its reformists long for a figure who can bring motion to their government past shaky, tenuous consensus. In an ideal world either side will find all their objectives accomplished -- the Chairman can be as weak or as strong as they wish. But in the war-torn remnants of Russia, where wolves gather upon hoarfrosted sheep? Compromise must suffice.
KTG Elections.png
Propose A Chairperson
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ fight the system.pngFight The Controversy
    • RAJ India Comprimise Constitution.pngMake Compromises
The Council will elect our first Chairman.

  • Gets events:
    • The Council Votes
    • Rumors of corruption within the council
  • Gains Base Stability.pngStability: 2.50%
The time has come, to propose a chairperson for the Council. This is a drastic measure, but even if we fail in our task, there are alternatives. In addition to proposing a chairman, one of our allies has also put forth a proposal for an empowered council with a rotating chair, voted on each meeting. By putting our most extreme proposal first, even if it fails, we should be able to negotiate the Council down to choosing our more moderate proposal. The indecision and inanity ends today!

The Counter-Proposal sub-branch

#The Counter-Proposal#Calling The Council To Order#Organize Communal Representation#Scheduled Congress Meetings#Codify Central Powers#Draft The Worker's Constitution#The Fifty-Ninth Congress#Institute Common Judicial Guidelines#Discuss The Unequal Investments#Reform The People's Tribunals#Common Investment Contributions#The People's Justice#Develop The Outer RegionsFile:ORE focus21.pngORE focus21.png

Communal sub-branch of the Orenburg national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

Focus Prerequisites Effects and description
ORE WorkersCouncil.png
The Counter-Proposal
  • Requires the following:
    • KTG Elections.pngPropose A Chairperson
  • ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:
    • ORE Malenkov.pngMalenkov Rises
    • ORE Burba.pngBurba's speech
  • Global flag OREChoseNobody has been set
The Council has failed to elect our first Chairman.

  • Set country flag ORE_chairman_chosen
  • Gets events in sequence of:
    • 33% Matters of Governance, Love in the Wasteland,
      and Intervening
    • 33% Intervening, Love in the Wasteland,
      and Matters of Governance
    • 34% Love in the Wasteland, Matters of Governance,
      and Intervening
The council has voted down our proposal, but accepted our more discrete secondary proposal. The Council shall having a rotating chairperson with the power to end discussion on a topic, so long as this measure is not cancelled by a 50% vote in the Council. Additionally, the new position will have the power to prioritize measures. This should, hopefully, open up a window where we can propose measures that would otherwise be buried in less important issues, lost, or otherwise require an impractical amount of political capital to actually bring to the floor.
ORE call the council to order.png
Calling The Council To Order
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE WorkersCouncil.pngThe Counter-Proposal
We will try to calm down the representatives.

  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +50
  • Gains Base Stability.pngStability: 5.00%
The end of the 58th's worker congress has seen some anger and infighting break out amongst the centralization faction of the worker's council. Many are disappointing in the inability to push through a really strong central executive. Thankfully the new chairman has managed to squelch dissent. In a rousing speech, the council's members were reminded of the unprecedented opportunity to reform, strengthen and organize Orenburg. We can now assign people to various committees and get the projects started.
ORE institute common judicial guidelines.png
Institute Common Judicial Guidelines
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE call the council to order.pngCalling The Council To Order
We will attempt to create a working judicial system.

  • Gets event Judicial Guidelines For The Communes
  • Improve Academic Base
"Each commune is free to make its own justice" has always been how things are done. In practice, the few provincial lawyers left in Orenburg after the war were unable to prevent the rise of lynch mob and show trials across the vast range of communes. Even in Orenburg city crowds of people are able to sway the proceedings of the courts. The old way of doing things, with laws imposed by a central clique of lawyers, will never be accepted again in Orenburg. But a new justice, built from the grounds up on the rights of every citizen can be established. Once the workers of a commune have built up the laws with the help of worker city's legal advisors, they shall feel compelled to let justice run its course.
ORE reform the peoples tribunal.png
Reform The People's Tribunals
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE institute common judicial guidelines.pngInstitute Common Judicial Guidelines
The people's tribunals' terror will end.

  • Gets event A Fair People's Tribunal
It is one thing to have fair laws on the books for various offenses and crimes; it is another to have a fair set of punishment for criminals. In the harsh Russian anarchy the penalty for any crime is too often being hanged or shot at dawn. Monetary compensations, forced communal labors or year long assignment to Orenburg city's militias have been introduced to the various people's tribunals to end the widespread death penalty use. Helping mediating feuds between local families to prevent bad blood amongst the jurors will also help in this endeavour, as well as gathering mobs to shout down anyone that opposes this reform.
ORE the peoples justice.png
The People's Justice
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE reform the peoples tribunal.pngReform The People's Tribunals
We will attempt to establish the rule of justice across our land.

  • Gets event Bringing True Justice
In most communes the justice system is an ad hoc organisation of village elders, priests and local big men. Encouraging each commune to elect judges will help strengthen our legal reforms and generate over time a pool of local citizens with legal expertise and a good eye for jurisprudence.
ORE unequal investments.png
Discuss The Unequal Investments
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE call the council to order.pngCalling The Council To Order
The Council will address the worries of the Orenburg Commune.

  • Gets event Orenburg's Unjust Burden
One of the causes of the Orenburg Commune's problem with centralization is the sheer weight of Orenburg city in regional affairs. While most of the communes operate on a primeval agrarian economy, Orenburg city has a roughly functioning money economy where goods are crafted and traded.

This imbalance in the resources has led to an imbalance in investments. Orenburg city foots much of the bill for regional investments, and this has generated plenty of distrust between city dwellers and rural communes. Any attempt at investment in a commune's territory is seen as a preliminary step to Orenburgian take over of the area. Meanwhile, requests of emergency investments by communes are routinely turned down by stingy Orenburg merchants unwilling to help the uncooperative communes.

Convincing the communes to be equal partner in investments is the first step in addressing this imbalance. No matter how poor, the communes must contribute to the common cause. In return they shall access a greater pool of potential investment money. From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.
ORE common investment contributions.png
Common Investment Contributions
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE unequal investments.pngDiscuss The Unequal Investments
The Council will create a Common Investment Fund for our communes.

  • Gets event A Common Investment Fund
The communes have inevitably proven to be skeptical about the idea of pooling money in the common funds. Many of the smaller communes have only a few rubles worth of resources to offer us, and do not understand how such limited resources could help the greater good. A few pilot development projects entirely funded through local efforts should help demonstrate to skeptics that many hands make light load. No matter the resistance, we must make everyone understand that the era of freeloading is over.
ORE develop the outer regions.png
Develop The Outer Regions
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE common investment contributions.pngCommon Investment Contributions
We will attempt to spur the development of village communes.

  • Gets event Developing The Rural Regions
The outer regions lay in an unfortunate limbo caused by the worker's council's dysfunction. Hardest hit by the refugee crisis and increase in raids, the communes on the frontier have been amongst the most loyal allies of the worker's council reform faction, yet have received no help up to now. Investing in these areas will strengthen the commune's hold on the land, reassure local leaders of Orenburg's protection and help fortify our border with the black army and black mountain.
ORE communal representation.png
Organize Communal Representation
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE call the council to order.pngCalling The Council To Order
The Council will try to create a system of equal representation for the communes.

  • Gets event Equal Representation For The Communes
Every citizen is entitled to representation in the worker's congress, and shall always be entitled to representation. However, the practice of variable communal representations has contributed much to the chaos present in worker's congresses. Some commune send too few men for their population size, some commune send too many. In the winter when the fields are dormant communal representatives tend to swarm into Orenburg city, whereas in the summer many delegations are absent. From now on, every commune will have a fixed amount of delegates depending on their population size. Every citizen of the commune will have to present their problems to their representatives before they leave, instead of tagging along to Orenburg city in large informal groups.
ORE schedueled congress meetings.png
Scheduled Congress Meetings
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE communal representation.pngOrganize Communal Representation
The Council will attempt to conduct the future Congresses in an organized fashion.

  • Gets event A Proposal For Consistent Scheduling
It is true that the roads and dirt paths of Orenburg leave much to be desired, and that planting and harvesting seasons occupy most commune's free men and women. However, the practice of arriving late in the worker's congress causes endless repetitions of already discussed topics, and has an annoying tendency to bring back to the front old debates. From now on, every congress will be scheduled long in advance, and delegates that are late will lose their participation rights in the congress. Monetary contributions will be given to distant representatives to help them make the trip on time.
ORE codify central powers.png
Codify Central Powers
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE communal representation.pngOrganize Communal Representation
The Council's level of power will be decided.

  • Gets event Codified Powers For The Council
The communes' counter-proposal for a Council with supreme decision power has come with the caveats that these decision powers are limited to specific areas. Clearly stating the areas where the council is supreme will help soothe the fair of creeping authoritarianism in Orenburg city, and will hopefully convince the communes to back the council's authority. Chief amongst our limited areas of influence is the general oversight of Orenburg's militias. A set of clear proposal over the military's workings will help us prepare for the upcoming storm.
ORE draft the workers constitution.png
Draft The Worker's Constitution
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE schedueled congress meetings.pngScheduled Congress Meetings
    • ORE codify central powers.pngCodify Central Powers
We will begin to draft a formal Constitution.

  • Gets event A Constitution For The Worker
  • Improves Max Workhours
With its limited mandate and clearly described working, the new worker's council is ready to draft a constitution for the workers of Orenburg. No more rumors, no more misunderstandings and no more confusion. The new Orenburg will follow well laid out democratic principles as enshrined in the worker's constitutions.
ORE fifty ninth congress.png
The Fifty-Ninth Congress
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE the peoples justice.pngThe People's Justice
    • ORE develop the outer regions.pngDevelop The Outer Regions
    • ORE draft the workers constitution.pngDraft The Worker's Constitution
The Council will decide our fate...

  • Gets event The Fifty-Ninth Congress - Purpose And Aims
It is time again to call representatives of the communes to begin a great congress of the communes. A long, raucous democratic affair where every man is given a chance to discuss the state of the Orenburg commune. An ambitious package of reforms has been gathered. A change to the justice system; a joint investment policy; a new worker's constitutions. For the first time we have the ability to determine the congress' agenda and use the chairman's powers to keep everyone focused. Reports from across Orenburg are mixed on the level of support our proposal has, and we can only wait to see if the communes will let us forge ahead to a brighter future, or if Orenburg is doomed to anarchy...

The Beginning sub-branch

#The Beginning#Create The Higher Command#The League's Training#Accept Their Aid#Grant Full Access#Revive Orenburg's Shops#A Professional Militia#The Best Officer Candidates#Proclaiming Internal Peace#Common Responsibilities#Common Finance#Revoke The Privilegia#Renovatio OrenburgiFile:ORE focus22.pngORE focus22.png

​​​​​Communal Victory sub-branch of the Orenburg national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.​​

Focus Prerequisites Effects and description
ORE the beginning.png
The Beginning
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE fifty ninth congress.pngThe Fifty-Ninth Congress
  • ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:
    • GER total destruction.pngDust In The Wind
  • Will skip by event The Fifty-Ninth Congress - Triumph!
The new Congress will begin it's work...

  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +100
  • Gains Base Stability.pngStability: +15.00%
The reform proposal has passed! The constitution's preliminary draft has passed to thunderous applause. Orenburg now has a government, weak as it may be. Many of the more skeptical communes have come to congratulate us on using our powers to create a strong consensus. The path ahead shall be difficult, but we no longer walk it alone.
ORE create the higher command.png
Create The Higher Command
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE the beginning.pngThe Beginning
A centralized army command structure will be created.

  • Army Experience: +15
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune military.pngmilitary national spirit
The centralized Orenburg army is one of the few areas where the worker's council has any degree of real power. Left to make our own decisions by the commune, we have been mostly been free to design the structure of Orenburg's army as we see fit. Chief amongst them is the question of finding men to lead it. By tapping veterans of the great war against the Germans, and a few recent arrivals from the the Ural league and the WRRF we have drafted a structure to integrate communal militias under a clear order of command. The few experimented veterans will be used to create a high command whose supreme authority rests on the worker's council.
ORE the leagues training.png
The League's Training
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE create the higher command.pngCreate The Higher Command
We will ask the Ural Guards to train our militias.

Tno ural.pngUral League:
  • Gets event Orenburg Requests Trainers
  • Improve Army Professionalism
Every self-respecting commune has developed its own militia to defend land and families. However, groups of peasants with a few hours of rifle shooting does not an army make. With the powers granted to the worker's council we are finally free to invite Ural League officers to improve our men's training. The League has suggested to organise a number of regional military camps, easily reachable in a day or two of travelling by nearby communes. There the militias can be trained together by the League's officers, and a feeling of belonging to something greater than be inculcated in the various militias.
ORE accept their aid.png
Accept Their Aid
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE the leagues training.pngThe League's Training
The Ural League will help us to deal with the shortage of infantry equipment.

  • 0.50K units of Uralian Mosin-Nagant 91/30 is added to the national stockpile.
The Ural League's meticulous reports on the state of our militias' training has revealed shortages of arms and supplies yet unaccounted for. The League has graciously offered to help us equip our men from their own stores of equipment if we can help them organise and move their convoys through our land.
ORE grant full access.png
Grant Full Access
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE accept their aid.pngAccept Their Aid
The Ural League will have permission to move their troops through our territory.

Little by little, the communes have begun to trust the League. Even the most isolated villages have begun to warm to the League as officers from the Urals have helped trained their men and women. On several occasion League members have saved villages from bandit raids. The mens of the league already have de facto access to much of the frontier, and the inland communes have brought us a proposal to extend the league's access to all of Orenburg to help facilitate training and defence.
ORE revive orenburg shops.png
Revive Orenburg's Shops
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE create the higher command.pngCreate The Higher Command
We will begin the production of our own weapons.

  • Orenburg (652) add 2 Military factories.pngMilitary Factories
With the establishment of the new worker's army, a great market for guns and ammunitions is opening up. With the early stages of our common investment policy in effect, money and resources are pouring in to revive old factories and workshops to produce guns. Many regional militia association have pooled up their resources to finance their own gun works in the capital, and now convoys of guns and ammunitions are streaming out of Orenburg's shops toward the frontlines. With just a little push, we could accelerate this weapon boom and help arm our men.
RAJ Reform The Militia.png
A Professional Militia
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE revive orenburg shops.pngRevive Orenburg's Shops
We will start training our militias by ourselves.

  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune military.pngmilitary national spirit
The League's generous help cannot cover all of our towns and villages. By using our own military veterans we have started wandering military academies giving workshops to communal militias. By giving the local men and womens a taste of well regulated military life, we hope to turn some of them from part time militiamen to full time soldiers, forming a kernel of our new professional military.
ORE the best officer candidates.png
The Best Officer Candidates
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ Reform The Militia.pngA Professional Militia
Our officers will begin electing their officers more responsibly.

  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune military.pngmilitary national spirit
  • Army Experience: +20
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +50
Many militias in the richer areas and frontier land have shown interest in organizing into full time military companies, complete with a set of locally elected officers to help link our high command with local troops. While we must continue to respect the principle of bottom up worker's organization, a great deal of locally elected officers are chosen by popularity instead of merits. By using our veterans and League advisers to vet candidates we hope to teach the new soldiers that electing bad officers is the best way to waste their commune's military effort.
ORE proclaim internal peace.png
Proclaiming Internal Peace
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE the beginning.pngThe Beginning
We will begin establishing the rule of law across the confederation.

Stability.pngStability: +10.00%
A thousand militias to defend the weak! A thousand arms to help those that struggle to walk! A thousand links in the great chain of workers!" Word has been sent out to communes big and small that peace and order shall be restored by the worker's council. Village priests read out the worker's constitutions to those that cannot read. And on the struggling border, for the first time in months the communes dare dream of a happy future for Orenburg.
ORE common responsabilities.png
Common Responsibilities
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE proclaim internal peace.pngProclaiming Internal Peace
The centralization of our country will begin.

  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune economy.pngindustry national spirit
  • 2 Random owned cored controlled states:
    • Add 2 Infrastructure.pngInfrastructure
The principle of universal contributions to a centralised army and investment fund have been accepted by the communes. However much remains to be done to determine the level of responsibility born by individual communes. Number of soldiers, levels of investments, quantity of resources, each village and city's contributions must be appraised and negotiated. Where the worker's council legal authority end new committees and organisations must be set up to ensured the success of the worker's government.
ORE common finance.png
Common Finance
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE common responsabilities.pngCommon Responsibilities
The centralization of our country's investment system will begin.

  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune economy.pngindustry national spirit
The vaunted common investment policy features in almost every single reform project. However, the devil is in the detail, and many of the preliminary ideas the worker council detailed on the policy have to be scrapped and replaced through cooperation with the communes. Still, little by little the project move forward. There is no lack of investment opportunities big and small across our land, and reports on the first few projects look promising.
RAJ Control RSS.png
Revoke The Privilegia
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE common finance.pngCommon Finance
The organization of our federation will be streamlined.

  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: -100
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune politics.pngpolitics national spirit
While the worker's constitution retains a strong majority, many communes have stepped forward to remind us of privileges negotiated in such and such treaty, or such and such worker's congress. By playing off commune against commune and by reminding everyone that has signed the worker's constitution that they have agreed to its laws, we can slowly whittle down the mess of exemptions, secret clauses and special privileges that threaten to derail our reforms.
ORE renovation orenburgii.png
Renovatio Orenburgi
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE grant full access.pngGrant Full Access
    • ORE the best officer candidates.pngThe Best Officer Candidates
    • RAJ Control RSS.pngRevoke The Privilegia
A new era begins in the history of Orenburg.

  • Loses national spirits:
    • ORE anarchic commune politics.pngAnarchic Communes - Politics
    • ORE anarchic commune economy.pngAnarchic Communes - Industry
    • ORE anarchic commune military.pngAnarchic Communes - Military
Every commune buzzes with activity. Old resource extractions works are opening back up, their material streaming into factories and workshops. Soldiers with high morale and respectable levels of professionalism patrols our roads as well ran communal council implement reforms of their owns, mimicking the sane and sensible democracies of the world. It is a new age for Orenburg, an age where we can finally exist as a united society, and a gleaming jewel in the dark wastelands of Russia.

Dust In The Wind sub-branch

#Dust In The Wind#Salvage What We Have#Pray For A Miracle#The Storm On The HorizonFile:ORE focus23.pngORE focus23.png

​​​​​Communal Failure sub-branch of the Orenburg national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.​​

Focus Prerequisites Effects and description
GER total destruction.png
Dust In The Wind
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE fifty ninth congress.pngThe Fifty-Ninth Congress
  • ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:
    • ORE the beginning.pngThe Beginning
  • Will skip by event The Fifty-Ninth Congress - The Communes Resist!
We have failed to reform the communal organization...

  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: -100
  • Gains Base Stability.pngStability: -10.00%
  • Set country flag OrenburgDead
The proposal has failed! As the worker's congress breaks down in angry disagreement and reproaches, the frontier commune's representative stream out one by one, faces ashen with fear. All hope of reforming the communes in time for the war have been lost...
ORE salvage what we have.png
Salvage What We Have
  • Requires the following:
    • GER total destruction.pngDust In The Wind
We will attempt to salvage as many resources as we can from the communes.

  • 0.50K units of Orenburg Mosin-Nagant 91/30 is added to the national stockpile.
The 59th worker's council still goes on. Most of the reform faction have already given up, spending their days drinking while Orenburg's future burns. A few, led by comrade Burba still strive to extract as many resources as they can from the communes to mitigate the disaster.
RAJ Agricultural Miracle.png
Pray For A Miracle
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE salvage what we have.pngSalvage What We Have
We will abandon the Ural League.

Tno ural.pngUral League:
  • Gets event Anarchy In Orenburg!
  • If is in faction with the Tno ural.pngUral League:
    • Leave faction
As soon as the news from the proposal came, the Ural League representative asked for a meeting with the leaders of the reform faction. We can only break them the news that they are on their own, and that all that is left to do is to pray for a miracle...
IRQ A Dark and Stormy Night.png
The Storm On The Horizon
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE salvage what we have.pngPray For A Miracle
Time has come to fight for the survival of Orenburg.

  • Gets the national spirit for 365 days:
Forlorn Hope

Refugee crisis.png

  • Division Defense: +10.0%
The council may have failed us. They may have not done as they promised. But we are Orenburg. We do not falter due to missteps, no. As we did when our living, breathing idea was birthed, we must persevere. We must survive, for the good of the people!
The probing raids on our borders have begun escalating in intensity. The few scouts that have managed to make it back all tell us that Dirlewanger's army is coming. Frontier commune are being evacuated, causing clashes with militias further inland. On the frontier, a few militiamen wait at their posts, rifle in hands. They are joined by the Orenburg city council members that have given up on gathering more preparation. The only thing left for them to do is to wait for the coming storm.

Malenkov Rises sub-branch

#Malenkov Rises#To Ensure Security...#...and Continuing Stability...#Re-Organize The Worker's Council#Re-Organize Orenburg's Guard#Secure The Outer Communes#The Future Is Ahead#The Necessity Of Communal Industrialization#Heavy Industrial Commissariat#Plowshares Into Swords#Mechanize The Peasantry#Into The Factories#A Worker's Republic#The Necessity Of Political Centralization#Lock Down The Communes#Cut Down The Council#First Among Equals#The Necessity Of Military Reorganization#Centralize The Communal Guard#Standardize Their Weaponry#Commissar Units#Ensure Officers' Loyalty#The People's Guards#Developing The Power#Alone, And Stronger For It#Dizzy With SuccessFile:OREfocus4.pngOREfocus4.png
​​​​Malenkov branch of the Orenburg national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.​​
Focus Prerequisites Effects and description
ORE Malenkov.png
Malenkov Rises
  • Requires the following:
    • KTG Elections.pngPropose A Chairperson
  • ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:
    • ORE WorkersCouncil.pngThe Counter-Proposal
    • ORE Burba.pngBurba's speech
  • Global flag OREChoseMalenkov has been set
Malenkov will bring our country forward.

  • Politics will change:
    • Communism ideology.pngMalenkov's Faction becomes the ruling party.
  • Change in popularity of Communism ideology.pngCommunism: 27.00%
  • Set country flag ORE_chairman_chosen
  • Gets events:
    • Setting the Record Straight
    • A New Youth For A New Day!
  • Gets events in sequence of:
    • 20% Back from Work, Shooting the Messenger,
      and Orenburg's association for the celebration of worker's democracy
    • 20% The Last Councilor, Doubt Besets The Chairman,
      and The End of the Communal Dream
    • 20% Orenburg's association for the celebration of worker's democracy, Shooting the Messenger,
      and Back from Work
    • 20% Shooting the Messenger, The Last Councilor,
      and Doubt Besets The Chairman
    • 20% Shooting the Messenger, Back from Work,
      and Doubt Besets The Chairman
The council has approved our proposal, and chosen Georgy Malenkov as the new Chairman, for a term of four years. Malenkov has promised stability and order above all, within the framework of Orenburg's libertine tradition, of course. Already, his faction is preparing numerous emergency measures to deal with the crisis at hand. While some call Malenkov a tyrant-in-waiting, he has taken numerous measures to attempt to prove to the Council that he has no grand ambitions towards seizing power or other such betrayals of Orenburg. After all, he says, such things would be counter-revolutionary, and would only be justified in the time of greatest need...
CHI secure.png
To Ensure Security...
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE Malenkov.pngMalenkov Rises
Malenkov will protect our country from the external threats.

Gain Base Stability.pngStability: -10.00%
Chairman Malenkov plans to make a passionate speech about the need for expanded powers to be given to him in this hour of need. Orenburg faces the worst of Germany's worst, battle-hardened through years of battle across Russia. If the rumors of Dirlewanger's brigade being given state of the art weapons by the mad scientists of Magnitogorsk are true, then all of Orenburg is in great danger. Relying on the Ural League too much for help is a surefire way to lose the independent worker's democracy that every citizen of Orenburg is entitled to. Under Malenkov's strong direction, an empowered worker's council would be able to forge the communes into a stronger worker's state, able to defend our land...
USA We fight for Stability.png
...and Continuing Stability...
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE Malenkov.pngMalenkov Rises
Malenkov will assume the emergency powers.

Gain Base Stability.pngStability: -15.00%
...But of course, this stronger state will only be needed as long as the war goes on. It pains Comrade Malenkov deeply to weaken the worker's democracy that sees the strength and dignity of every person in Orenburg. The worker's council and its chairman wish not to replace this honorable tradition, but instead shield it from this period of crisis and instability. In a new speech spread to every commune, the Chairman suggests a temporary state of emergency, lasting only until the defeat of the German menace. While many communes are projected to oppose this unprecedented assault on worker's rights, Comrade Malenkov's faction is very popular amongst the refugees of Orenburg city and in the communes of the eastern frontier. Building on this base of supporters, we shall convince Orenburg of the need for this state of emergency.
IBR Iberian Council.png
Re-Organize The Worker's Council
  • Requires the following:
    • CHI secure.pngTo Ensure Security...
    • USA We fight for Stability.png...and Continuing Stability...
The executive branch will have more power than the legislative one.

  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: -100
  • Change in popularity of Socialism ideology.pngSocialism: -27.00%
  • Change the Political Parties law to:
One Party State
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: +0.15
  • Ideology Drift Defense: +50%
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune politics.pngpolitics national spirit
The worker's council current organization, created for the peacetime worker's democracy is ill suited to the unprecedented level of power entrusted to the council and its Chairman. By re-organizing the Worker's Council around its central executive and establishing a clear chain of command, the whole organization can be made into a fine-tuned political machine apt to make difficult decisions in a timely manner. While some worry about the transformation of the worker's council into a top down structure, Chairman Malenkov insists this is the best way to prepare for the path ahead.
RAJ Peoples Guard.png
Re-Organize Orenburg's Guard
  • Requires the following:
    • IBR Iberian Council.pngRe-Organize The Worker's Council
Officers will be introduced into our army.

  • Improve the Training law
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune military.pngmilitary national spirit
The Orenburg guard had always been a militia amongst others. A large militia, befitting its defense of the largest commune of the region, but a militia nonetheless. By reforming its structure along the lines of a more traditional military we can improve the battle effectiveness of our largest contingent of men at arms, and make it easier to deploy it to the front when the time comes. In addition, introduction of officers to the traditionally equalitarian militia formations will help the council and its chairman keep control of the soldiers and prevent anyone from usurping the guard's ability to defend worker's democracy.
OST Friends in the Council.png
Secure The Outer Communes
  • Requires the following:
    • IBR Iberian Council.pngRe-Organize The Worker's Council
We will force the dissenting communes to submit to the Council.

  • Gets event Securing The Outer Communes
  • Gain Base Stability.pngStability: +10.00%
While the worker's council has authority on a large region in theory, in practice the further one goes from Orenburg city the less attachment the local communes feel. The core of the opposition to Chairman's Malenkov new reforms came from the communes in the west and north. Shielded by the Ural League from bandits, the local leaders do not feel any urgency to unite against the German barbarians in the east. By sending members of the Orenburg guard into these misguided areas for joint militia training exercise, we hope to reassure all of our citizens that in these troubled times the council protects all of our citizen equally.
OST The future frozen.png
The Future Is Ahead
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ Peoples Guard.pngRe-Organize Orenburg's Guard
    • OST Friends in the Council.pngSecure The Outer Communes
Orenburg has been successfully centralized.

  • Gets event A Future For Orenburg
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +100
It has been done. Chairman Malenkov has managed against all odd to break the endless stagnation of Orenburg's worker democracy. Misguided resistance by the remaining skeptical communes has been soothed, and deadweight on the worker's council has been pruned. The long dormant potential of the region and its inhabitants can now be tapped, and under the wise guidance of our Chairman we can begin building the bright future that everyone from Orenburg deserves.
WRS Move Industry to Our Core.png
The Necessity Of Communal Industrialization
  • Requires the following:
    • OST The future frozen.pngThe Future Is Ahead
We will begin the industrialization of our country.

  • 1x 50% Research bonus for: Industry
  • Set country flag addressing_industry
"We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or they will crush us. " So begins the upcoming speech of Chairman Malenkov. An ambitious industrialization program is to be announced in Orenburg city. Every commune will be encouraged to reach its true industrial potential through a centrally planned economic plan. While some in Orenburg such as the failed reformer Aleksander Burba caution the council that the timeline is too aggressive and the current agricultural economy too fragile to handle perturbations, Chairman Malenkov has brushed all concerns aside. Fire and steel shall transform our worker's lives!
GER revive german industry.png
Heavy Industrial Commissariat
  • Requires the following:
    • WRS Move Industry to Our Core.pngThe Necessity Of Communal Industrialization
We will create a committee that will oversee the industrialisation.

  • Gets event Establishing The Heavy Industrial Commissariat
  • Gets the national spirit:
Heavy Industrial Commissariat

BAS supply production.png

  • Civilian to Military Factory Conversion Cost: -20.00%
  • Factory Output: +10.00%
Centralized industry is the way to the future! Our people have decided that agricultural or light industry is not the way to go. We must instead become a beacon. A beacon for the workers, a beacon for progress, and a beacon for the people!
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune economy.pngindustry national spirit
  • Improve the Economic Focus law
Mostly spared from the inane Luftwaffe bombing and having avoided warfare, it is a travesty that Orenburg has not yet become a hub of heavy industries. Chairman Malenkov plans to spin off the current industrial subcommittee into an independent government organ, the Commissariat of Heavy Industry, or Komtyazhprom. The idea of a structure outside of the worker's council being responsible for an entire sector of Chairman's Malenkov ambitious reforms is a new development in Orenburg's politics, but the council has been reassured that the Chairman and his closest associate will constantly monitor the commissariat's activities and ensure that our community's health and prosperity remains the principal concern of every new project.
RAJ India Nurture Heavy Industry.png
Plowshares Into Swords
  • Requires the following:
    • GER revive german industry.pngHeavy Industrial Commissariat
We will divert the industrial production to military equipment.

  • 1.50K units of Orenburg Mosin-Nagant 91/30 is added to the national stockpile.
  • If country flag ORE_Famine_Start has not been set:
    • Gets event Urban Food Shortages!
  • If country flag ORE_Famine_Start has been set:
    • Gets event The Famine Picks Up!
  • If country flag ORE_Famine_Start_2 has been set:
    • Gets event Famine In Rural Areas!
Our extant industrial base is mostly concerned with the production of agricultural equipment, leaving our supplies of weapons and ammunitions dangerously low. One of Komtyazhprom's first proposals is to convert our civilian industry to military purpose. The council's reaction to this idea has not been warm, as many representatives from the villages stress that any degradation of our agricultural production is likely to cause famine across the region. The industrial commissariat's experts have replied with arguments of their own. They argue that the thing holding back our peasantry at the moment is not lack of tool, but rather poor knowledge of modern agricultural technique and inefficiency in getting food to regions with production deficits. Besides, once our new factories begin their work whatever temporary decline in agricultural equipment production will be insignificant compared to the output of our new tool factories!
RAJ India Agriculture Is Hard.png
Mechanize The Peasantry
  • Requires the following:
    • WRS Move Industry to Our Core.pngThe Necessity Of Communal Industrialization
We will begin the production of tractors for our peasant communities.

  • Gets event Tractors For The Farmers
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune economy.pngindustry national spirit
  • Agriculture monthly rate: +3
  • If country flag ORE_Famine_Start has not been set:
    • Gets event Urban Food Shortages!
  • If country flag ORE_Famine_Start has been set:
    • Gets event The Famine Picks Up!
  • If country flag ORE_Famine_Start_2 has been set:
    • Gets event Famine In Rural Areas!
Developing an expertise in making tractors is one of the first objective of Chairman Malenkov's industrialization. Our peasants still labor using animals of burden to tend to their land. By giving every commune its own tractor, the peasant's task will be made a thousand time simpler! This will have the pleasant side effect of freeing up many peasants to join in our new industrial works as well as letting up obtain new horse for governmental use. Warnings that the population is ill trained to make use of mechanized equipment or that the supply of petrol to distant commune is limited are simply counter-revolutionary drivel attempting to create doubt about the capacity of the Orenburgian peasant to adapt to the future.
RAJ Autonomous Industry.png
Into The Factories
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ India Agriculture Is Hard.pngMechanize The Peasantry
The urbanization of Orenburg will begin.

  • 1 Random owned controlled state:
    • Add 1 Building Slot
    • Add 1 Civilian factories.pngCivilian Factory
  • Improve the Economic Focus law
  • Industrial Expertise monthly rate: +3
  • Manpower.pngManpower: -1200
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune economy.pngindustry national spirit
  • If country flag ORE_Famine_Start has not been set:
    • Gets event Urban Food Shortages!
  • If country flag ORE_Famine_Start has been set:
    • Gets event The Famine Picks Up!
  • If country flag ORE_Famine_Start_2 has been set:
    • Gets event Famine In Rural Areas!
Already the manpower coming from Orenburg city's refugee population has dried up as our expanded Orenburg Guard and new industries have provided work for our citizens. To meet our projected manpower needs newly mechanized agrarian communes have sent us the peasants freed from farm work. The resettling of peasants away from their isolated communes and into our regional industrial centers and into Orenburg itself will help strengthen the bond between the citizen of our great nation and break the dogma of communal thinking. Of course, not all peasants are eager to abandon their villages to find new types of work, so our benevolent government must at time remind citizens of the incredible chance we have given them.
RAJ Workers Paradise.png
A Worker's Republic
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ India Nurture Heavy Industry.pngPlowshares Into Swords
    • RAJ Autonomous Industry.pngInto The Factories
Orenburg will officially become a Worker's Republic.

  • Gets event A Republic Of Workers
  • Improve the Economic Focus law
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune economy.pngindustry national spirit
  • Industrial Expertise monthly rate: +3
  • 1 Random owned controlled state:
    • Add 1 Building Slot
    • Add 1 Military factories.pngMilitary Factory
  • Set country flag industry_complete
Until now Orenburg has been a Worker State in common speech, yet only a fraction of our people were free from the shackles of grinding agrarian poverty. As our new factories rise and as their workers begin their new life using humanity's knowledge to multiply their strength, we can proclaim the beginning of a true Worker's Republic! Each day the industrial cornucopia grants us the weapons we need to defend our future and the tools we shall use it to reach it!
SLO Tentative Political Liberalization.png
The Necessity Of Political Centralization
  • Requires the following:
    • OST The future frozen.pngThe Future Is Ahead
Malenkov will tighten his grip over our Republic.


Political power.pngPolitical Power: +100

The honorable Worker's Council has struggled all these years to help progress in Orenburg. Tragically, it could never make any of its project work, hamstrung as it was by its equalitarian structure and complete reliance on negotiated compromise. Even as the Worker Council complained of the worker's congress endless arguments and ever circular discussions, the council found itself replicating in miniature the congress's dysfunction. Chairman Malenkov's imposition of a hierarchy at the start of his mandate has helped thing, but the great military emergency in the east allows no further delays. By reminding Malenkov loyalist on the council the potential of helping him stabilize the political structure and by making use of those from Dirlewanger threatened areas on the council, we can ascertain once and for all the power and legitimacy of the Chairman in his great crusade to save Orenburg from its enemies.
RAJ Police RSS.png
Lock Down The Communes
  • Requires the following:
    • SLO Tentative Political Liberalization.pngThe Necessity Of Political Centralization
Malenkov will order the army to stop any attempts of communal secession.

  • Worsen the Press Rights law
  • Worsen the Public Meetings law
  • Improve the Security law
  • Stability.pngStability: -5.00%
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune politics.pngpolitics national spirit
The power of the Worker's Council has always rested on the people, and the people have always had the right to leave the council any time they desired.

Yet in this hour of need the requests for secession received by Chairman Malenkov have been felt by our leader as so many knives plunged in the back of a country determined to protect its children.

Concerns about a burgeoning dictatorial regime? Misgivings about industrial policy? Honest desire to simply be left alone in this darkest hour? The secessionists can give all the reasons they want. Chairman Malenkov's love and forgiveness extends to all in Orenburg. Representative on missions to these communes, escorted by our military, will ascertain the true reason for these requests to leave our government. No doubt these were misunderstanding brought on by poor communication. The men of our Worker's Army will make sure of this.
RAJ Cut Military Spending.png
Cut Down The Council
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ Police RSS.pngLock Down The Communes
Malenkov will personally appoint the representatives to the Worker's Council.

  • Worsen the Political Parties law[1]
  • Change the Trade Unions law to:
State Controlled Trade Unions
  • Factory Output: +2.50%
  • Dockyard Output: +2.50%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -2.50%
  • Stability.pngStability: -2.50%
Every worker of Orenburg deserves the undivided attention of the Worker's Council and its benevolent Chairman. However, the current mass of members in the Worker's Council is simply too unwieldy, especially in these difficult times. Henceforth all commune shall be limited to a single representative on the Worker's Council. To maintain the council's performances in this era of emergency, the first set of representatives will be chosen by Chairman Malenkov to ensure a team able to get along well with the people's Chairman. This emergency measure shall of course be repealed one the crisis is past.
CNT meet the new boss.png
First Among Equals
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ Cut Military Spending.pngCut Down The Council
Malenkov will justify his dictatorship to the people.

  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune politics.pngpolitics national spirit
  • Set country flag politics_complete
A new set of literature has been printed and distributed across every town and village explaining the new organization of the Worker's Council. Worker's democracy perfected in a new system where every commune has its representative, and where Chairman Malenkov is merely first amongst equals on the Council. Every month new committees are drafted to work on a variety of topic, their ideas and suggestions analysed by a cadre of men of the Council elected by their peers. We must be grateful that Chairman Malenkov's workaholic tendencies have led to his regular reelection to the supervision council, as his long nights of work have led to him being knowledgeable about the council's every project.
RAJ Integrate The Militia.png
The Necessity Of Military Reorganization
  • Requires the following:
    • OST The future frozen.pngThe Future Is Ahead
We will begin the centralization of our command structure.

  • Army Experience: +15
  • Set country flag addressing_military
If we're to weather the coming storm, we must continue reorganizing our forces into a single centralized military. Our earlier work in reshaping the Orenburg Guard has provided us an efficient template to apply to follow. Through a process of negotiation with our allies on the eastern border, then with communes close to Orenburg, a bigger and bigger number of militias have entered a set of new "local strategic command" that unite several militias into an integrated command structure headed by the Worker's Council. As this reorganization spread west, more and more militia units are being integrated into our centralized army as local leaders fear being stuck outside of the security system.
RAJ Reform The Militia.png
Centralize The Communal Guard
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ Integrate The Militia.pngThe Necessity Of Military Reorganization
We will complete the centralization of our command structure.

  • Worsen the Conscription Law
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune military.pngmilitary national spirit
We've begun breaking up the bigger militias and transitioning units from local strategic commands into battalions that are mixed with our expanded Orenburg Guard. With this we can finally start erasing irrelevant communal ties and replace them with a regional identity and a strong esprit-de-corp. Groups of soldier that have not yet truly internalized the greatness of the New Worker's council will be placed closest to the frontier with Dirlewanger's Brigade to teach them valuable lessons about the protection of the weak and innocent. Units with a great level of political understanding shall in turn be stationed in the west to help the local's growth. And throughout Orenburg, a clear chain of command now exists, leading to the worker's council and its Chairman.
Generic advanced weapons.png
Standardize Their Weaponry
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ Reform The Militia.pngCentralize The Communal Guard
We will begin replacing all the military equipment with the standardized Soviet models.

  • 1x 50% Research bonus for: Infantry Weapons
The centralization of the communal guards has rewarded us with a treasure trove of weapons as men simply brought into the new army their old weapons. Unfortunately this new arsenal is ill suited to anything other than the establishment of a military history museum. Modern shooters from Zlatoust, Soviet gear stamped with the Western Russian Revolutionary Front's numbers, battered Arisaka rifle from the Co-Prosperity Sphere, handmade stuff from the Kazakh plains... The diversity of equipment makes it difficult to furnish our men with ammunition, and poor weapon reliability significantly degrades the fighting potential of our new army. Standardizing everyone to Soviet gear and equipping all of our soldiers with the same type of weapons is a top priority of our fledling industry. Everything that cannot be manufactured simply will have to be imported for the time being as we begin to build caches of equipment for our various regiments.
YUN New Officers.png
Commissar Units
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ Integrate The Militia.pngThe Necessity Of Military Reorganization
Political commissars will be deployed to our military regiments.

  • Improve the Training law
  • Improve the Security law
  • Gets event Deploying Commissar Units
We have not forgotten the collapse of the Red Army during the great patriotic war, when generals and officers preferred playing political games instead of saving mother Russia. Our system of representative to the regions is slowly being turned into a permanent part of our army: the commissar units. Soldiers and officers with a great understanding of the Worker Council's mission will be deployed across our army and serve as the foundation upon which our men shall fight. The military emergency allows the Council to transfer extraordinary powers of military justice and prosecution to our political commissars, allowing them to try for treason units accused of dereliction of duty.
RAJ Wrap Up The Congress.png
Ensure Officers' Loyalty
  • Requires the following:
    • YUN New Officers.pngCommissar Units
All the officers will be gradually replaced by those personally loyal to Malenkov.

  • Army Experience: -10
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +50
  • Gets event A Loyal Officer Corps
Our commissars are hard working, but they cannot be everywhere. From the beginning our new army has been structured so that higher rungs of the officer ladder are staffed by those that are loyal to the Chairman and his Council. This efforts continues across every level of officer. For almost every man a price can be found in return loyalty: ambition; greed; desire to see their family safe; patriotism. The few officers judged impossible to leverage have simply been relieved from their duties.
BRG focus absolute loyalty.png
The People's Guards
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ Wrap Up The Congress.pngEnsure Officers' Loyalty
    • Generic advanced weapons.pngStandardize Their Weaponry
We will begin to use propaganda to boost our military recruitment.

  • Gets event Guardians Of The People
  • Worsen the Conscription law
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune military.pngmilitary national spirit
  • Clear country flag addressing_military
It is tragic that so many workers simply do not know the importance of service in our new army, nor the many potential benefits. Flyers, radio transmissions, pamphlets, speeches by priests and village chiefs, children's lullabies... As long as the message gets across the Chairman is satisfied. This also employs artistic types that might otherwise sit around in teahouses and drum up complaints against our glorious government. "Workers! Join the People's Guards to keep Orenburg safe! Ask your local recruitment officers to know more!"
CAU The Government Purge.png
Developing The Power
  • Requires the following:
    • RAJ Workers Paradise.pngA Worker's Republic
    • CNT meet the new boss.pngFirst Among Equals
Thanks to the efforts of comrade Malenkov, Orenburg has been saved.

  • Gets event A Growing Power
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +50
The speed of our progress has been astounding. With everyone working around the clock to reform our army and industry, few have had time recently to ponder how the worker's paradise came to be. Malenkov had been proposed as chairman, but by whom? The memories of earlier reformers are slowly fading away. In time, no one will remember the countless members of the old Worker's Council that had worked tirelessly to bring about reform. A thousand night of sleep lost to negotiations; gallons of ink used in writing proposals and counter-proposals; countless ambitious men eaten and spat out by the perpetual stagnation of the Worker's Congress. All their sacrifices have not been in vain, absorbed as they were in the single figure of Chairman Malenkov. His ascension has brought industrial reform and social progress. Our successes can be attributed to his tireless efforts, while Orenburg's failure come from men incapable of correctly following the Chairman's audacious vision. As the stature of the Chairman grows, so does his power and influence allowing us to move ever closer to the promised bright future.
We stand alone.png
Alone, And Stronger For It
  • Requires the following:
    • CNT meet the new boss.pngFirst Among Equals
    • BRG focus absolute loyalty.pngThe People's Guards
Orenburg will refuse the alliance with the Ural League.

  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune military.pngmilitary national spirit
  • Improve Army Professionalism
  • 1 Random owned controlled state:
    • Add 2 Building Slot
    • Add 1 Civilian factories.pngCivilian Factory
    • Add 1 Military factories.pngMilitary Factory
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune economy.pngindustry national spirit
"What is the League? The dregs of Mother Russia. Bandits, thieves and reactionaries from the Gulags. Some had hoped that such men could be reformed, but it seems that they were naive. Now these dregs have coalesced into a primitive feudal system, where a caste of brutes opress the workers. What does the League offer? Restoration of the old order, of cold laws ran by colder men. Is their offer not as bad as the German's offer? One group offers a few days of pain and barbarism, followed by death for our thousands of citizens. The other presents a millennia of slavery and the death of untold millions to tyranny. No, comrades, Orenburg must reject the League's proposal. With them we may live long enough to become slaves; without them we have a chance at true safety and freedom!"
Socialism of the people.png
Dizzy With Success
  • Requires the following:
    • CAU The Government Purge.pngDeveloping The Power
    • We stand alone.pngAlone, And Stronger For It
Malenkov will build a Worker's Paradise as he envisions it.

  • Gets event Malenkov's Triumph!
Lulled to sleep by the hum of industrial furnaces, workers occasionally fall to the floor. A twisted cynic would look at the emaciated faces, eaten by famine and ravaged by fatigue and doubt the worker's paradise that Chairman Malenkov wishes to create. But a realist like our dear Chairman would simply see that the childrens of Orenburg, dizzy from success, are simply overwhelmed by the changes that the Worker's Republic have brought. On waxen wings they flew too close to the sun, and their hard work to build the promised land has simply taxed their bodies too much.

Chairman Malenkov understands. In his love for his children, he has already relaxed the production targets. The worker's paradise shall be built for his children, and for his children's childrens.

Burba's Speech sub-branch

#Burba's Speech#Balancing The Council#Re-organizing the Militias#Standardized Armaments#The Urals' Training Program#Adapting Their Strategies#Securing The Frontier#Deregionalization#Ready To Fight#An Orenburgian Renaissance#Establish The Planning Commission#Mitigate The Council's Influence#Members From Every Commune#A Scientific Approach#The Soviet Land Surveys#Override The Communes' Zoning#Uralian Industrial Aid#No More Closed Factories#A Growing Jewel#Re-Ordering Politics#A More Professional Council#Scientific Organization#Expanding Relations With The League#Invite Guard Trainers#Discuss Further Cooperation#Propose A Formal Alliance#Orenburg, RedefinedFile:OREfocus3.pngOREfocus3.png
​​​​Burba branch of the Orenburg national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.​​
Focus Prerequisites Effects and description
ORE Burba.png
Burba's Speech
  • Requires the following:
    • KTG Elections.pngPropose A Chairperson
  • ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:
    • ORE WorkersCouncil.pngThe Counter-Proposal
    • ORE Malenkov.pngMalenkov Rises
  • Global flag OREChoseBurba has been set
Burba will bring our country forward.

  • Politics will change:
    • Authoritarian democrat group.pngBurba's Faction becomes the ruling party.
  • Change in popularity of Authoritarian democrat group.pngPaternalism: 27.00%
  • Set country flag ORE_chairman_chosen
  • Gets events in sequence of:
    • 20% Class of 1963, Defectors,
      and The Burba Deal
    • 20% A Home For the Impoverished, Driving On,
      and The Hand that Feeds
    • 20% Defectors, The Burba Deal,
      and A Home For the Impoverished
    • 20% Driving On, Class of 1963,
      and The Burba Deal
    • 20% The Hand that Feeds, The Burba Deal,
      and Defectors
The Council has approved our proposal, and chosen Aleksander Burba to serve as our new Chairman. Burba has been accused of radicalism in the past, but his well-spoken manners and painstakiningly organized plans have won over many in the Council to his side. He promises a re-organization of the economy over all, industrialization, and a more scientific and orderly means of organizing life in Orenburg. Burba has already proven his worth to Orenburg by establishing several industrial committees and schools in the past, and many on the Council are excited and pleased to see his goal of turning Orenburg into a true sparkling jewel of Russia be realized.
ORE balancing the council.png
Balancing The Council
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE Burba.pngBurba's Speech
Burba will take the reformation of the economy under his direct control

  • Gets event Burba Stands Firm
The first move of Chairman Burba following his election are no mystery to the worker's council. In his days as a regular member of the reform faction Aleksander Burba always stressed the inability of the worker's council to enact the reforms needed to save Orenburg. Even with an hypothetical universal approval issued by the communes, the Worker's Council is too large to allow for internal consensus on what to do with their power. The new chairman's demands for provisions that allow him to re-organize the economy free from the council's approvals have been met with grinding teeth. Many of those that have backed his candidacy had expected Burba to walk back from his outrageous demands and reward his coalition members accordingly, but on this point the Chairman has remained stubborn. The council's opinion on the economy will be taken into account, but the final decision power will be granted to its chief executive.
ORE reorganizing the militias.png
Re-organizing the Militias
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE balancing the council.pngBalancing The Council
Burba will begin to reform the organization of the military with the help of militia officers.

  • Gets event Chairman Burba's military reforms
  • Army Experience: +20
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune military.pngmilitary national spirit
Every citizen has the right to take up arms to defend his commune. Chairman Burba only wishes to see this right exercised in a more efficient manner. Several communes wish to strengthen their militias, yet lack the weapons to equip their men. Getting every willing soldier a weapon is the simplest problem to fix.

More difficult to tackle is the lack of structural standards across the region's militias. Some villages operate on a rotating draft basis, where every man must serve at least once a year. Others have a semi-permanent category of men dedicated to militia duty, supplied and nourished by the entire commune. Spreading an uniform militia structure will be difficult even amongst the communes that supported Chairman Burba's election enthusiastically.

Helping us in this matter is a new committee of veteran militia officers from across Orenburg. Their advice will help us find the most pressing things to change, and the commune militias will hopefully find it easier to accept their new instructions from military men of the same village.
ORE the urals training program.png
The Urals' Training Program
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE reorganizing the militias.pngRe-organizing the Militias
We will use the Ural League's simplified training programs to train our soldiers.

  • Gets event A New Training Program
  • Gets the national spirit for 180 days:
Uralian Training Program
  • Division Training Time: -15.0%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: 5%
Orenburg and the Ural League must prosper together. To this end, we have begun collaborating with them on military matters, to better ensure the safety of the people. Our relations are stronger, our armed forces are stronger, and our people are stronger! Together, with the League, Orenburg and the free people of the Urals will bring enlightenment to the people around us!
  • Improve Army Professionalism
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune military.pngmilitary national spirit
Structural reforms to the militias is one thing, but without quality training our men are likely to walk to their death in orderly fashion and not much else. Training must go beyond "shooting my rifle a few times a month at the range with the lads", as one of our militiamen put it. There is no shame in stealing from the best, and the Ural League have become experts in turning soft village militias into proper military groups. Peasants generally have little free time to use on militia training, so the League's intense exercises aim to teach small unit tactics, fortification work and the importance of maintaining morale and the chain of command. Communal militias with a higher number of full time men such as the Orenburg Guard have been given a simplified version of the Ural League's full program to help correct any deficiency in their current training.
BRG focus standardized equipment.png
Standardized Armaments
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE reorganizing the militias.pngRe-organizing the Militias
We will begin outfitting our militias with standardized weaponry.

  • Gets event Burba's Standardization Program
  • 0.50K units of Orenburg infantry equipments is added to the national stockpile.
The new veteran's committee has brought to our attention the potential problem caused by the lack of weapon standardization in the militias. Old Soviet guns, black market Arisaka rifle coming from the far east, hand made pistols from the Kazakh plains, some ancestral black powder hunting guns...

Planned military exercises and deployment of militias on the frontier would require us to establish supply lines for a variety of types of ammunition and guns.

Once units lacking equipment have received their new guns, we can begin to focus on outfitting every militia with standardized weapons. This shall greatly simplify future operations.
ORE adapting their strategies.png
Adapting Their Strategies
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE the urals training program.pngThe Urals' Training Program
    • BRG focus standardized equipment.pngStandardized Armaments
We will adapt the Ural League's strategies to the Orenburgian realities.

  • Gets event The Militia Reforms Continue
  • 1x 90% Research bonus for: Land Doctrine
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune military.pngmilitary national spirit
The Ural League's help in establishing our new training programs has been invaluable. This does not mean that we cannot improve on their initial suggestions, however.

Reports coming in from newly appointed militia officers detail a variety of issues with the Ural League's programs. Communes located deep in the Orenburg interior often lack the military expertise found in bandit exposed Ural villages, and so training is progressing more slowly in these areas. On the frontier, the battle-hardened local militias have performed better at the new training methods than their brothers in the interior. However, they have expressed a degree of concern that many of the Ural League's tactics are better suited to the hills and mountains of the Urals than to the plains of our periphery.

Our Veteran's Committee has been reading feedback from these various militias and is currently adapting the League's suggestions to our situation.
CHI secure.png
Securing The Frontier
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE adapting their strategies.pngAdapting Their Strategies
Our eastern border will be fortified.

  • Gets event The Art of Defense
  • Set Land fort.pngLand fort level to 3 for province 1406 in Orenburg (652)
The increase in complexity of our militia deployments on the frontier has required improved logistics and investments in the eastern roads. All this shall be for naught however if bandits infiltrate the porous frontiers and roam in the interior, ambushing supply convoys and playing havoc with our communications. For the time being these roaming packs of thugs appear to be the usual lowlifes infesting the Russian Anarchy, but many of our officers fear that Dirlewanger's men will be able to send scouts behind our lines through the same pathways. The reorganized militias in the eastern sector are being rotated in and out of the frontier for field exercises and our few groups of permanent soldiers have begun patrolling the roads and helping villagers hunt down any bandit group. Increasing our control of the frontier will also reassure local communes and allow us to tap into the area's resources.
ORE deregionalization.png
  • Requires the following:
    • CHI secure.pngSecuring The Frontier
We will create a centralized command structure.

  • Gets event Militias for Orenburg
  • Worsen the Conscription Law
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +5000
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune military.pngmilitary national spirit
As our ties with various militias deepen previously unthinkable integration is becoming a distinct possibility. Today Chairman Burba proposes that the advisory Veteran's Committee be used to form the high command of a new "Army of Orenburg And Associated Communes". A simple unified command structure will make deployment of militias outside of their commune much simpler than the current negotiated system. The deregionalization process will take time to implement in full. To start with, the Orenburg Guard and the militias with whom we've built the deepest trust will join in. Adhesion to a modern military capable of supplying and defending all of its member commune will be very enticing, and in time will let us convince all of our commune to join.
OST Fight for Freedom.png
Ready To Fight
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE deregionalization.pngDeregionalization
Orenburg's improved reformed army is ready to defend the motherland.

  • Gets event Backed By Force
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +2500
  • Improve the Training law
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune military.pngmilitary national spirit
Observers in Orenburg and beyond said it could not be done. A hundred untrained militias belonging to feuding communities, crewed by men distrustful of anyone born more than 20 kilometers away; forged into a single army read to fight and die far from their home village to protect the population of a renewed Orenburg?

It was a long and difficult task. Veterans of each militias befriended one another on our Veteran's Committee, and spread this newfound trust and respect to their home. The sons of distant villages learned how to fight together. Forgetting years of turmoil and arguments took as much time for the sons of Orenburg as it did for their elders in the Council. But now across all ages our people begin to find pride in Orenburg. They've finally come together not to hurt others, but to protect those that cannot fight yet.

Our new military stands on the frontier. A few men still chuckle at their officer's unfamiliar accent, and some grumble about being unable to use their family's heirloom rifle. But all are ready to fight for their commune and for their homeland.
ORE an orenburgian renaissance.png
An Orenburgian Renaissance
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE balancing the council.pngBalancing The Council
Burba will begin the slow industrialization of Orenburg.

  • Gets event A New Renaissance
  • 1 Random owned cored controlled state:
    • Add 2 Infrastructure.pngInfrastructure
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune economy.pngindustry national spirit
Chairman Burba is a man with a plan. Befitting his background as a scientist and industrial engineer, he has slowly crafted a project for industrial reforms over the year with the help of Orenburg's traders, artisans and politicians. With the breathing space given to him by the communes and the council, he has the chance of a lifetime to implement his proposal. Several of Orenburg's workshops have been targeted for expansion and mechanization, making use of the city's base of skilled workers to begin high quality industries. Particularly important are the sectors of the city's economy that produce the most desirable exports. By tapping into this lucrative vein, the Chairman hopes to strengthen the region's traders and generate capital to finance other projects that have yet to turn in a revenue. All these projects require raw natural resources, and that is the are where the Chairman is most enthusiast to test his ideas. A metallurgist by formation, Chairman Burba desires to integrate new ideas in smelting plants to increase output and lower production costs for metal.
ORE establish the planning commission.png
Establish The Planning Commission
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE an orenburgian renaissance.pngAn Orenburgian Renaissance
A central planning commission will start the audit of our resources.

  • Gets event The Planning Commission
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune economy.pngindustry national spirit
The lands of the Worker State of Orenburg nominally consists of a hundred of kilometers of the Russian plains, and of hundreds of towns and villages. In practice however the Worker's Council has never been able to make use of this vast expanse. Any attempt to develop the resources of a particular area was vetoed by communes that wouldn't gain anything in return. Most communes have jealously guarded any knowledge of their land's wealth and potential to prevent encroachment by neighboring commune or by Orenburg city itself. Chairman Burba has announced the establishment of a planning commission for the economy, and declared that its first task shall be a great audit of every resources Orenburg possesses. Minerals, oil, arable land, abandoned industrial sites, trade routes...This detailed economic information is crucial to unlocking Orenburg's potential. By pairing up members of the planning commission with representative of the communes being audited the Chairman seeks to spread the message that granting the Worker's Council information about an area will result in investment and development of the commune's fortune.
ORE mitigate the councils influence.png
Mitigate The Council's Influence
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE an orenburgian renaissance.pngAn Orenburgian Renaissance
A central planning commission will start the audit of our resources.

  • Gets event On the State of the Economy
  • Gets the national spirit:
Independent Industrial Program

ARL breakneck industrialization.png

  • Construction Speed: +30.00%
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -30.00%
Our industry, just like our people, are free! An independent industry will be sure to only benefit Orenburg. Our people are free, our industries are free, and Orenburg is free! Our accomplishments and industrial prowess as a free nation will be sure to make heads turn throughout the Urals, admiring our handiwork. Whether they see it from afar or just nextdoor, they will no doubt be in awe of it's beauty.
The lands of the Worker State of Orenburg nominally consists of a hundred of kilometers of the Russian plains, and of hundreds of towns and villages. In practice however the Worker's Council has never been able to make use of this vast expanse. Any attempt to develop the resources of a particular area was vetoed by communes that wouldn't gain anything in return. Most communes have jealously guarded any knowledge of their land's wealth and potential to prevent encroachment by neighboring commune or by Orenburg city itself. Chairman Burba has announced the establishment of a planning commission for the economy, and declared that its first task shall be a great audit of every resources Orenburg possesses. Minerals, oil, arable land, abandoned industrial sites, trade routes...This detailed economic information is crucial to unlocking Orenburg's potential. By pairing up members of the planning commission with representative of the communes being audited the Chairman seeks to spread the message that granting the Worker's Council information about an area will result in investment and development of the commune's fortune.
ORE members from every commune.png
Members From Every Commune
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE establish the planning commission.pngEstablish The Planning Commission
    • ORE mitigate the councils influence.pngMitigate The Council's Influence
The best of communal representatives will be included in the central planning commission.

  • Gets event A Voice for Every Person
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune economy.pngindustry national spirit
Some of Chairman Burba's more radicals technocratic advisers ask, why not scrap the idea of a government of communes entirely? But this misses the good that worker's representation brings to our government. Without eyes on the ground and honest feedback by the people directly involved in our reform projects we risk becoming cruel, complacent and worst of all, inefficient. The communal representatives bring us a wealth of differing experiences and priorities. This human capital must be nurtured and our strong democratic traditions can be used to find talented men and women to help our industrialization. By incorporating the best of the best communal representatives into the Planning Commission we can improve it and extends its legitimacy in the various areas being developed as local children return home with new projects in mind.
ORE a scientific approach.png
A Scientific Approach
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE members from every commune.pngMembers From Every Commune
The scientific approach will greatly improve our industrial efficiency.

  • Gets event The Economy is a Science
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune economy.pngindustry national spirit
"More factories" and "more output" are useless metrics to gauge our progress. Are the new factories performing well? How do the workers feel about their workload? What about bottlenecks in the supply chain? As it turns out, a scientific approach to planning industrial expansion can nip many problems in the bud. We can lower employee turnover by ensuring that there are enough men recruited. Supply problems can be solved by building new factories only when a surplus of input material exists to be transformed. Predicted production can be compared to actual data, letting us track down where our plans have broken down. Through scientific planning, every step we take is taken in the right direction.
ORE the soviet land surveys.png
The Soviet Land Surveys
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE members from every commune.pngMembers From Every Commune
The old Soviet land surveys will allow us to extract more resources.

  • Gets event Old Maps, New Needs
  • Gets the national spirit:
Legacy of the Soviet Land Survey
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: +20.00%
With the survey having been done, the Council of Orenburg is more capable of understanding how to truly create a more equal ratio of land ownership between the people. No longer will we be oppressed by peasants more equal than others!
Feeding our burgeoning industry has become more difficult as we reach the limits of our current mines and oil extraction operations. Thankfully, a young member of our new government has had an idea to develop our natural resources. In its final years the Bukharin government began conducting surveys of the land surrounding Orenburg , looking for new places for mines and refineries. By combing through Orenburg city's archives and by looking for the surviving surveyors across the region, this bright young man has amassed a great quantity of information on our underground wealth. It will take some time to parse through the pile of data and preliminary reports from his team, but his early work has already proven indispensable to our efforts.
URL Accept No Substitutes.png
Override The Communes' Zoning
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE members from every commune.pngMembers From Every Commune
By settling the disputes between different communes we will have much more land to use.

  • Gets event The Issue of the Land
  • 1 Random owned controlled state:
    • Add 3 Building Slot
  • 1 Random owned controlled state:
    • Add 2 Building Slot
The communes have been cautiously optimist so far toward Orenburg's new economy. But now that the easy to claim land is running out, we've begun evaluating land use across every commune. To be blunt, it's a mess.

Zhdanovka commune's best land is currently unused by the villagers since they've been unable to figure out who owns it. Determined peasants in Kulagino commune are trying to stop us from building a factory close to the village to preserve the view from their farm. One of our largest potential oil field rests under a cow pasture outside Poltavka that local animals don't even particularly like.

Chairman Burba is a patient man, and scores of peasants have ended up in his office to protest some land appropriation or another. But once his mind is set to something, Chairman Burba rarely wavers. The communes' terrible zoning proposals must be overridden.
ORE uralian industrial aid.png
Uralian Industrial Aid
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE a scientific approach.pngA Scientific Approach
    • ORE the soviet land surveys.pngThe Soviet Land Surveys
    • URL Accept No Substitutes.pngOverride The Communes' Zoning
The Ural League will help us in the development of our industry.

  • Gets event More Industrial Equipment
  • If doesn't have national spirit Uralian Industrial Aid:
    • Gets the national spirit:
Uralian Industrial Aid
  • Factory Output: +5.00%
  • Production Efficiency Growth: +5.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: +5.00%
We have decided to accept the Ural League's offer for industrial aid. The Council has agreed that this offer will bring nothing less than the best for the workers of Orenburg! A toast, to our Ural friends!
  • Else if:
    • Upgrade the national spirit Uralian Industrial Aid
We have decided to accept the Ural League's offer for industrial aid. The Council has agreed that this offer will bring nothing less than the best for the workers of Orenburg! A toast, to our Ural friends!
ORE no more closed factories.png
No More Closed Factories
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE a scientific approach.pngA Scientific Approach
    • ORE the soviet land surveys.pngThe Soviet Land Surveys
    • URL Accept No Substitutes.pngOverride The Communes' Zoning
The old Soviet factories are now reopening.

  • Gets event No More Empty Factories
  • 1 Random owned controlled state:
    • Add 1 Military factories.pngMilitary Factory
    • Add 1 Civilian factories.pngCivilian Factory
The economy's rising tide is lifting all boats as the exploding demand for material, tools and spare parts has seen old Soviet era workshops opening back up. Previously shuttered as Orenburg's post war economy had no use for such massive factories, the Soviet industrial works of Orenburg city remained dormant as small artisanal workshops sprang in their shadows. Now the aggregate demand for industrial good is once again reaching the point where these steel behemoths are needed. Old workers of the plants have begun converging to their old haunts to help train a new generation to use the machinery.
Generic Good Economy.png
A Growing Jewel
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE uralian industrial aid.pngUralian Industrial Aid
    • ORE no more closed factories.pngNo More Closed Factories
Orenburg's improved industry will be our legacy to our children.

  • Improve the Economic Focus law
  • Gets event Orenburg's hidden potential
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune economy.pngindustry national spirit
Nation building cannot be a mad sprint to the finish. It is an ongoing process that sees each generation take tools from the previous generations and improve them for the following ones. Much is now being accomplished in Orenburg, and much more is proposed for the future by the Planning Committee. Without being rigid in our thinking, we can take into account long term goals to guide our current travels. Electrification; health care; good infrastructure; quality education; a strong mechanized army; all things that other nations no better or worse than us have built. Our newest wave of industrial proposals will plant a few seed that might not bear fruits for decades, but they'll help us leave Orenburg to our children as a growing jewel.
ORE reordering politics.png
Re-Ordering Politics
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE balancing the council.pngBalancing The Council
Our Council and Congresses will be organized more efficiently.

  • Gets event Organized Politics
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +50
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune politics.pngpolitics national spirit
Orenburg's communal democracy is not condemned to forever being sluggish and disorderly. By improving the Worker Council's organisation and by scheduling meetings and congress well in advance we can funnel the commune's democratic energy into well planned sessions. The introduction of moderators to the debates will help squash unproductive squabbling and put an end to the endless rehashing of controversial topics and communal feuds. The chairman hopes to change the current atmosphere of distrust amongst the representatives by making the Council and Congresses flow more productively.
ORE a more professional council.png
A More Professional Council
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE reordering politics.pngRe-Ordering Politics
Burba will begin supporting talented villagers in the elections of representatives to the Council.

  • Gets event Professionals On The Scene
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune politics.pngpolitics national spirit
There are currently no qualifications for councilorship beyond being elected by a commune. This popularity-based approach is certainly democratic, but it has ironically almost brought our worker's democracy to an early demise: Men with no diplomatic ability and with few worthwhile ideas for their constituents' future populate the Council at present, hindering any attempt to improve standards of life across the Commune. Meanwhile, capable men and women languish in farms and menial city jobs, their potential wasted simply because they lack the charisma to succeed in an election. Chairman Burba has caught attention by reviewing every councilor's performance up until his accession - their policies, their achievements, their expenditures. Rumours from the capital whisper of him drafting "resignation letters" for those he deems useless and unworthy. It seems the Chairman has no patience for those who would see Orenburg's dismal conditions maintained forever
ORE scientific organisation.png
Scientific Organization
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE reordering politics.pngRe-Ordering Politics
The scientific organization will be extended to politics.

  • Gets event Shaken Up, Once Again
  • Gets the national spirit:
The New Industrial Council

BAS supply production.png

  • Construction Speed: +25.00%
  • Factory Output: +10.00%
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -5.00%
With our reforms, we have created a council of industrial experts. Relying on their expertise will bolster our industrial capabilities. After all, these matters of industry cannot be left to amateurs!
Chairman Burba and his associates have carefully laid out their industrial plans according to scientific principles: targeting possible problems and challenges, figuring out appropriate strategies, testing implementation, using new data to test our hypothesis, course correcting as we progress...

These ideas are equally core to the transformation that the Worker's Council is undergoing. What is the political process if not a method to transform inputs into outputs as efficiently as possible? In this case, the people's will and ideas are simply refined into good changes for our society.

With the right approach, old problems can become new opportunities as we churn through ideas to expand our reform of the political sphere. Already the Worker Council's yield of good policy idea increases!
ORE expanding relations with the league.png
Expanding Relations With The League
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE a more professional council.pngA More Professional Council
    • ORE scientific organisation.pngScientific Organization
Our relations with the League will be expanded through the civilian population.

  • Opinion of Tno ural.pngUral League +45
  • Gets event Friends in the League

Tno ural.pngUral League:

In many ways the Ural League mirrors the society that Chairman Burba and his faction wish to see rise in Orenburg: an efficient and orderly society where the weak are protected by the strong and the efforts of every citizens are guided by wise leaders.

In the short term, the League is an indispensable ally in the struggle against Dirlewanger's brigade. In the long term the treacherous geopolitics of the Russian Anarchy might make an honorable, reliable ally an invaluable treasure.

As events unfold, we now have a great need for permanent embassies and strong communication lines to replace the current informal system of advisers. Increased business ties with the civilian population of the Ural League will improve our relation with the League's population beyond its leaders.
XSM Training Day and Night.png
Invite Guard Trainers
  • Requires the following:
    • ORE expanding relations with the league.pngExpanding Relations With The League
Military trainers from the Ural League will increase our military experience.

  • Gets event The Crucible
  • Army Experience: +15
Even as our own military expertise develops, the Ural Guard remains the strongest force in the region from a training and experience point of view. We have begun sending requests for veterans from the Ural Guards to come train our militias. Increasing the quality of our troop's preparation will be crucial if we're to survive the coming struggle. Demonstrating to our friends in the Guard that true military and political reforms are happening throughout Orenburg will also reassure them about the strength and viability of our government.
ORE discuss further cooperation.png
Discuss Further Cooperation
  • Requires the following:
    • XSM Training Day and Night.pngInvite Guard Trainers
Orenburg will assume a more equal role in the relationship with the Ural League.

  • Gets event The Slow Alliance
  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune politics.pngpolitics national spirit
Being sent as special attache to the Orenburg Commune is no longer a depressing assignments for Ural League officials. Our ambassadors in the Ural Leauge tell us that reports arriving in Ust Katav speak glowingly of our new government's reform. This increased credibility with the Ural League's commanders is slowly changing the nature of our relationship, from a weak recipient of charity to something of an equal partner. Joint military exercise on our common frontier and integration of our best militias into the Ural League's strategy will be proposed to further cooperation between our two nations.
ORE propose a formal alliance.png
Propose A Formal Alliance
  • Requires the following:
    • BRG focus standardized equipment.pngDiscuss Further Cooperation
We will offer the Ural League a formal alliance.

  • Upgrade the ORE anarchic commune politics.pngpolitics national spirit

Tno ural.pngUral League:

  • Gets event United Together
Things are changing across the former Soviet Union. Germany's decay and new international developments are shaking up the uncomfortable status quo amongst the Russian warlords. While Dirlewanger and Magnitogorsk stand as immediate threats, we must keep an eye out for dangers on the horizon. By uniting our two nations into a regional coalition we can face the future together. The men and women of Russia have suffered the whims of fortune for too long. Just as the disparate communes of Orenburg have overcome their distrust and isolation, perhaps one day the entirety of Russia could be reunited...
ORE orenburg redefined.png
Orenburg, Redefined
  • Requires the following:
    • OST Fight for Freedom.pngReady To Fight
    • Generic Good Economy.pngA Growing Jewel
    • ORE propose a formal alliance.pngPropose A Formal Alliance
We have successfully built a stronger Orenburg!

  • Stability.pngStability: +20.00%
  • Gets event The Crown with the Jewel
Stability without stagnation. Progress at a steady pace. Well trained elites that lead the people with their knowledge and expertise. A new Orenburg rises!

Some feel melancholic about what we have left behind. For a time the men and women of Orenburg possessed the roaring flame of true freedom. But as Orenburg matures under Chairman Burba's reforms, its citizens now realize that unchecked fire can neither keep them comfortable nor light their way. Instead the blaze nearly turned Orenburg's future to ashes.

Peasant tend to their reorganized fields using tools and modern agricultural methods. New factories buzz with activity as workers leave their barren lands to join burgeoning cities. Children that once roamed the streets and fields of Orenburg sit neatly in school to prepare their futures. Efficient social programs turns broken refugees into workers and citizens. And on the border our soldiers maintain orderly fortifications as they prepare to defend a country they once refused to believe in.

Yes, a new Orenburg rises. Chairman Burba has done the impossible and tamed Orenburg's anarchic inferno into countless lanterns to light our path forward. The metallurgist turned politician has forged a better future for Orenburg.


  1. This effect is considered to be ineffective, as the Political Parties law has been already worsened into One Party State.