Reichskommissariat Ukraine national focus tree

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Starting Focus Tree

Reichskommissariat Ukraine Starting Focus Tree.png

Focus Prerequisites Effects and description
UKR koch.png
The Herzog's Rage
Ukraine's Destiny will soon be decided. Choose an option in the Destiny Favor decision category, lest one be chosen for you

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event A Glimpse of the Past.
Reichskommissar Koch is an exceptionally busy man, with political duties in the Reich proper, and therefore cannot reasonably be expected to spend considerable time in Ukraine. This has been true since before the West Russian War. Yet, the multitude of problems affecting the state cannot be denied, and so his presence is required for stabilization purposes.

Despite his desire to be less involved, and his clear anger at being forced to attend our administration, he is here. As such, just like in years prior, we can expect problems to be decisively addressed.
GER slaves agriculture.png
Fuel the Breadbasket
Requires the following:
  • UKR koch.pngThe Herzog's Rage

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Our GDP growh will increase by 0.33%
  • We will spend $0.150 B. This value will be added to our National Debt.
  • Gets event More.
  • 'Brutal Quotas' is now availble in the Breadbasket.
  • ''Experimental' Extractionist Methods'is now availble in the Breadbasket.
The purpose of Ukraine, of our administration as a whole, is to provide resources to the Reich. Coal, steel, and much besides yes, but above all of this lies grain. Ukraine feeds Europe, and as the continent grows ever-hungrier, so must we take steps to increase production and grain yield.

The result is not in dispute - the only question is how to accomplish it. From all corners of our government there are ideas, varying in intensity, dedication, and thoroughness. We will evaluate them and choose the one best suited to accomplishing our goal.
CHI New Agricultural Equipment.png
Mechanization in Dnieper Ukraine
Requires the following:
  • GER slaves agriculture.pngFuel the Breadbasket

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • Generic Agricultural Control.png"Finish Off "Communal Farms"

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Our Agriculture Societal Development will begin to improve.
  • UKR development.pngDevelopment status in the Reichenaustadt region:
    • Development progress advances by 15.00
    • UKR development.pngDevelopment Level will advance
    • increases grain output by 1
  • We will spend $0.050 B. This value will be added to our National Debt.
  • Dnieper Mechanization will be added to our assorted laws.
The agricultural lands of Ukraine in and around the Dnieper are, unsurprisingly, some of the most valuable and productive. The great river provides ample irrigation and, in turn, the lands provide nutrition for millions of the Reich's citizens. But they operate on farming principles of centuries past, and must be modernized if output is to increase.

They will be. Those farmers that accept the gifts given will be amply rewarded, and those who do not will be swiftly - and uncompromisingly - replaced.
Generic Agricultural Control.png
Finish Off "Communal Farms"
Requires the following:
  • GER slaves agriculture.pngFuel the Breadbasket

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • CHI New Agricultural Equipment.pngMechanization in Dnieper Ukraine

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Our Agriculture Societal Development will begin to improve.
  • Our economy will become more decentralized by 2!
  • Stability.pngStability: +3.00%
  • Decollectivization Completed will be added to our assorted laws.
None can deny that the communal farms - disgusting vestiges of communist practice though they may be - are very important to the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Until now, practicality has forced the administration to permit their existence - but no longer. Reichskommissar Koch has made his policy clear, and it will be enforced.

What communal farms remain will be converted - forcibly if necessary - into cooperatives along the new models identified. These lands will, shall, and at long last, be brought up to orthodox standards.
MCW Business with the Dutch Eastern Company.png
Skip NOC Holdings
Requires the following:
  • CHI New Agricultural Equipment.pngMechanization in Dnieper Ukraine
Heerema and his little company have no need for funds that must go to more important projects. I am sure he will understand.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event The Merchant Cheated.
  • Our GDP growth will decrease by 0.05%.
  • (Breadbasket of the Reich)
    • Civillian Spending: -2.50%
  • This will increase our Liquid Reserves by $0.025 B.
None can deny that the communal farms - disgusting vestiges of communist practice though they may be - are very important to the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Until now, practicality has forced the administration to permit their existence - but no longer. Reichskommissar Koch has made his policy clear, and it will be enforced.

What communal farms remain will be converted - forcibly if necessary - into cooperatives along the new models identified. These lands will, shall, and at long last, be brought up to orthodox standards.
INS Taxation Liberty.png
Blood from a Stone
Requires one of the following:
  • CHI New Agricultural Equipment.pngMechanization in Dnieper Ukraine
  • Generic Agricultural Control.pngFinish Off "Communal Farms"

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gains 'One-Time Development Tax' which grants:
    • (Partisan Control Every Activity Cycle: +0.30%
    • Taxable Population Factor: +10.00%
    • Income Tax Rate Modifier Factor: +10.00%)
      For 90 days.
  • UKR development.pngDevelopment Status in every region:
    • Further exploited by 2.50
The many reforms and improvements necessary within Ukraine are, unsurprisingly, very expensive to implement. It is both unrealistic and unfair that the Reich be expected to pay for them, and so this 'burden' will be placed on the Ukrainians themselves - after all, are our actions not being undertaken to benefit these lands and their output?

There will be reasonable exceptions of course, as the Reich is nothing if not merciful. Sick, elderly, and disabled persons will be exempt - but everyone else will pay, and that payment will be enforced.
UKR the sneering deputy.png
That'll Keep the Deputy Busy
Requires one of the following:
  • Generic Agricultural Control.pngFinish Off "Communal Farms"
If Leibbrandt cares so much for the Slavic degenerates, maybe he will actually do his job instead of whining.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event The Idealist Sent Out.
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: -25
  • Stability.pngStability: +2.50%
Leibbrandt, for all his skills and connections, is a most difficult and tiresome individual, and Reichskommissar Koch has had enough. If the man cannot reasonably be removed or returned to Germania, he can at least be retasked in a more optimal fashion - and with tasks far from Kiew.

The agricultural reforms have been continuing, and who better to oversee them than such an experienced administrator such as he? There are many regional inspections and decisions to be made, and we can be sure that Leibbrandt will perform excellently in this capacity.
GER economy generic.png
Reap the Harvest
Requires the following:
  • INS Taxation Liberty.pngBlood from a Stone
  • Requires one of the following:
    • MCW Business with the Dutch Eastern Company.pngSkip NOC Holdings
    • UKR the sneering deputy.pngThat'll Keep the Deputy Busy

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • UKR development.pngDevelopment Status in the Kiew region:
    • Development progress advances by 10.00
    • Further exploited by 5.00
  • Increases our GDP by 0.3%
Ukraine hasn't always been the most manageable territory to pacify, but the rewards have been worthwhile! The cities are secure; the natives know their place, our enemies are irrelevant, and our men are determined. Generalplan Ost proceeds smoothly and on schedule, and none of it would have been possible if it weren't for the efforts of our wise, attentive, and noble Reichskommisar Erich Koch! Considering all he's done for us, we can all agree he deserves a nice, long vacation to East Prussia.

Have a safe trip, Reichskommisar! When he returns, we can get the real fun started with a bang!
UKR strengthening our grip.png
Reinforce the Strongholds
Requires the following:
  • UKR koch.pngThe Herzog's Rage

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • RKU - SS and Police Control in Kiew: +3.00%
  • (Kiew-Stadt):
    • Add 1 Land Fort in a province in the state.
    • Add 1 Prison.
    • Add 1 Building Slots.
  • (Reichenaustadt):
    • Add 1 Land Fort in a province in the state.
    • Add 1 Prison.
    • Add 1 Building Slots.
  • We will spend $0.005 B. This value will be added to our National Debt.
  • Command power.pngCommand Power: +25.0
As it has for decades, the fight against banditry and lawlessness continues. We must support it by ensuring firm control over the regions that we do hold in strength. Places where the Wehrmacht and Ostdeutsche have established themselves, and where shipments of weapons and supplies can be trusted to be properly used.

Rowno, Kiew, Nikolajew, Hegewald - these are places from, when reinforced, we will radiate out from, crushing the bandits like the criminals they are. In doing so we will, finally and at long last, move to restore final order.
GER der volkskampf.png
Support the Gendarmerie
Requires the following:
  • UKR strengthening our grip.pngReinforce the Strongholds

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Increases security policy effectiveness.
  • Slightly increases military supervision policy effectiveness.
  • RKU - SS and Police Control in Kiew: +4.50%
  • RKU - SS and Police Control in Reichenaustadt: +4.50%
  • RKU - SS and Police Control in Wolhynien: +4.50%
  • 2.0K units of Ukrainian Infantry Equipment is added to the national stockpile.
  • Stability.pngStability: +5.00%
Unfortunate as it may be to rely on such subhumans, we cannot rule with Aryans alone. The Schuma, our native auxiliary police, are necessary to maintain order in the vast oceans of Slavic subhumanity existing beyond our few Aryanized strongholds. A steady string of defections, desertions, and losses to bandits have steadily chipped away at their number, but this will be no problem. We do not need to ask for recruits, we may simply take. The only thing standing between order and lawlessness is the Gendarmerie, and every subhuman auxiliary killed by bandits is an Aryan that did not have to be in his place.
MCW German Land Grants.png
Finish Up the Third Phase of GPO
Requires the following:
  • UKR strengthening our grip.pngReinforce the Strongholds

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • (Kiew-Stadt):
    • Add 1 School.
    • Add 1 Administrative Office.
    • Add 2 Building Slots.
  • (Saporoshje):
    • Add 1 School.
    • Add 1 Administrative Office.
    • Add 2 Building Slots.
  • (Shitomir):
    • Add 1 School.
    • Add 1 Administrative Office.
    • Add 2 Building Slots.
  • UKR development.pngDevelopment Status in the Kiew region:
    • Development progress advances by 5.00
  • UKR development.pngDevelopment Status in the Reichenaustadt region:
    • Development progress advances by 5.00
  • UKR development.pngDevelopment Status in the Wolhynien region:
    • Development progress advances by 5.00
  • Third Phase of Generalplan Ost will be updated to the finalized Third Phase of Generalplan Ost in our assorted laws.
  • We will spend $0.065 B. This value will be added to our National Debt.
Our administration owes its fundamental existence to the auspices of Generalplan Ost, having been organized to execute its stipulations in Ukraine, and so we must adhere to the directives imparted to us. Our actions in recent years have held true to this and we are, at long last, able to move towards finishing its third phase.

Final administrative goals will be completed, suitable reports will be made, and in so doing we will prove the success of our mission. We will prove that Ukraine has held true to the Reich's goals - above all others.
GER when in germania.png
Remind Diplomats of Hitler's Decree
Requires the following:
  • UKR strengthening our grip.pngReinforce the Strongholds
Bräutigam and his fellow sentimentalists have overstepped their bounds. It is time to remind them of their duties.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event The Diplomat Rebuked.
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +50
None would deny that there are many problems in Ukraine - not the least of which are the fractures in our administration brought about by political indecisiveness. The creatures from the Foreign Ministry think to give instructions to officials, and thereby confuse any response.

But no longer. The Führer decreed, decades ago, that the political direction and organization of Ukraine was solely the business of the Eastern Ministry, and we will remind them of this. As forcefully as is required.
UKR the self righteous prussian.png
Humble the Self-Righteous Prussian
Requires the following:
  • MCW German Land Grants.pngFinish Up the Third Phase of GPO
  • GER der volkskampf.pngSupport the Gendarmerie
Ohlendorf has given himself too much credit for what I have achieved. I will put him in his place.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • (Breadbasket of the Reich)
  • Daily Command power.pngCommand Power: +0.05
  • Gets event The Hatchetman Blunted.
It would seem the haughty posturing of the Schuttstaffel is an issue even all the way out here, among the fields and crops of the Reich's Breadbasket.

Ohlendorf seems to have ideas in his head reaching far beyond his station, convincing himself that he was instrumental to the success of a settlement campaign during the GPO's third phase. Such a thing was only possible due to the providence of our dear Reichskommissar Erich Koch, not that the effeminates of the SS are ever wise enough to recognize this.

It would be very much in the best interests of Ohlendorf that his real responsibilities be... insisted upon; There is, after all, plenty of honors to be won in the culling of partisans. Or at least, enough to shut him up that he does not try to steal credit for Koch's triumphs out from under him.
GER smoke generic.png
Crack Down on the Termites
Requires the following:
  • MCW German Land Grants.pngRemind Diplomats of Hitler's Decree
  • GER when in germania.pngSupport the Gendarmerie

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • RKU - SS and Police Control in Wolhynien: +3.00%
  • Desolation in the Wolhynien region rises by 4.00
  • RKU - SS and Police Control in Hughesdorf: +3.00%
  • Desolation in the Hughesdorf region rises by 4.00
Despite years of effort at securing Ukraine, it remains a truth that bandits still infest the forests, swamps, mountains and, yes, cities, of the state. Displaced soldiers, rebellious peasants, abject criminals, and more flee justice and pillage the countryside with impunity. This must stop, and there is one man who can be considered to be responsible.

Ohlendorf, and the SS units under his command, must be charged with organizing police operations to fight and suppress these bandits and return order to the countryside. Otherwise, what is their purpose?
UKR A Meeting With The Workforce.png
The Committee in Our Grasp
Requires the following:
  • UKR the self righteous prussian.pngHumble the Self-Righteous Prussian
  • GER smoke generic.pngCrack Down on the Termites
Our Collaboratorscould do with some support.
But we will not let them entertain any independent ideas.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Powerless Ukrainian National Committee will updated to the supervized Ukrainian National Committee in our assorted laws.
  • Gets event Wessel und Melnyk.
Only a fool would ever think it possible to displace the Ukrainians entirely from some form of governance over this land - there are so many of them, after all. The Ukrainian National Committee will always exist, and should be empowered - but it will not, cannot, operate independently.

The Security Police and SD will be tasked with maintaining oversight and overwatch, cultivating informants, and otherwise ensuring that we are well aware of the Committee's actions and intentions, which we will provide to them regardless.
UKR trouble in a troubled land.png
This Is Not Enough
Requires the following:
  • GER economy generic.pngReap the Harvest
  • UKR A Meeting With The Workforce.pngThe Committee in Our Grasp

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Stability.pngStability: -2.00%.
  • War Support.pngWar Support: -3.00%.
  • RKU - SS and Police Control in Kiew: -4.50%
Every bandit killed, every Bolshevik rat's nest unturned, every UPA fanatic extinguished, every sentimentalist bureaucrat assigned to nowhere - all of it will be for nothing. Koch has seen the truth for what it is. Simply too much of the administration is staffed with the weak - Leibbrandt's weak-willed Rosenbergites, clinging to the old fool's dream from 20 years ago, Ohlendorf's sneering SS men, Bräutigam's treasonous suits; all of them fail to realize the Slav - "Ukrainian", "Russian", or otherwise - understands only violence.

And yet, they cannot be removed at this time. Koch has seen the writing on the wall; he must recieve approval and support from the Reich itself to restore true National Socialist governance to Ukraine, or the colony will soon perish. Fortunately, much of the Party, not to mention Hitler himself, shares such views.

All he must do is travel there...
UKR a visit for old times sake.png
A Visit, For Old Times' Sake
Requires the following:
  • GER economy generic.pngReap the Harvest
  • UKR A Meeting With The Workforce.pngThe Committee in Our Grasp
Destiny's work will soon come to an end.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Stability.pngStability: +10.00%.
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +100
Erich Koch was not always the Reich's principal authority in Ukraine; before he pacified this savage land, he was the Gauletier and Oberpräsident of Eastern Prussia, titles which he still holds to this day. Indeed, Koch was quite fond of visiting his old stomping grounds; in some years, even spending more time in his Gau than the Reichskommissariat. And then those filthy Slavs invaded Moskowien...

Just how many years has it been since he last saw Königsberg? Too long! The third phase of Generalplan Ost has been coming along just fine; his men can handle things on their own for a little while. Sure, some are worried about trouble back in Germania and here in Kiew, but it shouldn't be anything to worry about, and we can resolve the concerns once he returns.

Pre civilwar tree

Reichskommissariat tree

Reichskommissariat Ukraine Koch died tree.png

Focus Prerequisites Effects and description
UKR The melt of rot.png
The Melt of Rot

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Stability.pngStability: -5.00%
  • Gets event Meeting of the Security Council.
Reichskommissar Koch lies comatose in Kiew, and the state is assailed - from all sides and from sources too numerous to count. The natives shriek in rebellion as their partisans strike out at our soldiers and installations, factions within the Party bicker and sabotage each other, and both news and resupply from the Reich is increasingly scant.

It is clear that the progress of the rot that so many have said infests Ukraine is reaching its terminal phase. Decisive action in all spheres must be taken. We, and the state as a whole, must be ready to do anything, to sacrifice anything, in order to survive.
UKR The Politics Cannot Be Silenced.png
Politics Cannot Be Silenced
Requires the following:
  • UKR The melt of rot.pngThe Melt of Rot

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event The Fissures Widen.
  • Increases Ohlendorf's support amongst the Bureaucracy by 5%.
  • Increases Bräutigam's support amongst the Bureaucracy by 5%.
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +25.
The petty squabbles of Party factions in the Reichskommissariat must stop! If we are to endure, we, the Party, must be united in purpose, and these artificial divisions must, will, be erased. Ohlendorf and Bräutigam will surely understand the need to put aside their opposition for the good of the Reich.

Should they not, encouragement will be given through political concession, ensuring proper concern and review is given to the most critical parts of their future agendas. After the crisis is resolved.
YUN Hit And Run.png
Degenerates Run Amok
Requires the following:
  • UKR The melt of rot.pngThe Melt of Rot

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • RKU - SS and Police Control in Wolhynien: +3.00%
  • Desolation in the Wolhynien region rises by 3.00
  • RKU - SS and Police Control in Hughesdorf: +3.00%
  • Desolation in the Hughesdorf region rises by 3.00
  • Command power.pngCommand Power: +25.0.
  • Gets event Pinned.
The weakness of the state can no longer be hidden, and our many foes are wasting no time in taking advantage. The Culturalist movement, the UPA, more violent fringe groups, and more are growing rapidly, and instability is growing just as quickly. Despite desperate need elsewhere, this problem can no longer be ignored, and so the SiPo will be empowered and funded to the degree necessary to combat them.

This will not solve the problem overnight and, at least initially, they will not be engaging the movements directly. But they can fight them indirectly, and we can avoid falling any further behind in this secret war.
UKR the crumbling throne.png
The Crumbling Throne
Requires the following:
  • UKR The Politics Cannot Be Silenced.pngPolitics Cannot Be Silenced

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Increases Leibbrandt's support amongst the Bureaucracy by 5%.
  • highly increases political parties policy effectiveness.
  • Gets event Down from the mount.
As the state falls around us, one man and one position of power remains strong, if challenged. Leibbrandt, and his office, have the potential to centralize crisis response, but he and it are beset by numerous bureaucratic shortcomings and other myriad issues. They will be corrected through direct executive action, immediately, and his office will be empowered.

It is true that taking such action will elevate Leibbrandt himself, and expand his control - overt or otherwise - over the apparatus of government, but this must be accepted. There will be no government to fight over if the state collapses entirely.
UKR The Spears From Below.png
The Spears From Below
Requires the following:
  • UKR The Politics Cannot Be Silenced.pngPolitics Cannot Be Silenced
The Security Council is not the only force in the Reichskommissariat. We cannot do everything on our own.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • 'Security Council will be updates to Divided Securtiy Council in our assorted laws.
  • Increases Ohlendorf's support amongst the Police by 7.5%.
  • Increases Bräutigam's support amongst the Collaborators by 7.5%.
  • Gets event Burdens of Authority.
  • Stability: +2.00%.
While Ohlendorf, Bräutigam, and Leibbrandt are easily among the most influential parties in the state, there are others, and collectively those others hold far more power than many think. The SS, with their incessant demands for land, purity, and iron control. The collaborators with their pushes for ever-greater Ukrainian rights and autonomy. All of whom have goals that demand the allocation of resources.

Those resources are, however, becoming increasingly scarce as time passes, and the worse this gets the more likely it is that they will consider taking alternative actions. We must be ready. We must be watchful.
UKR the nationalists westwards.png
The Nationalists Westwards
Requires the following:
  • YUN Hit And Run.pngDegenerates Run Amok

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • RKU - SS and Police Control in Shitomir: +3.00%
  • RKU - SS and Police Control in Wolhynien: +3.00%

Republic of Ukraine:

  • Stability.pngStability: -1.00%

Ukrainian State:

  • Stability.pngStability: -1.00%
Though there are countless sources of instability in the East, we cannot afford to ignore or overlook the nationalist movements in the west either. The Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army are just as much a threat to national security as any of the other countless movements, and so reassigning some state security focus towards them will correct oversights far too long in existence.

Digging out double agents, false collaborators, radical resistance cells, and the like should help us endure through these dark times. Once these times are past, true suppression can begin.
UKR the bolsheviks eastwards.png
The Bolsheviks Eastwards
Requires the following:
  • YUN Hit And Run.pngDegenerates Run Amok

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • RKU - SS and Police Control in Hughesdorf: +6.00%

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:

  • Stability.pngStability: -2.00%
Despite the state's best efforts, over many years, the degenerate cancer that is Bolshevism still endures in the partisans and other insurgents that infest the eastern provinces. They have pillaged, raided, burned, and interfered with transits to the Reich for far too long, and must be crushed like the vermin they are.

Sending large contingents of security forces eastwards should, when combined with a suitable campaign of propaganda, allow us to finally eradicate them. Peace will be returned when these remnants are destroyed - if only because there is no-one left to break it.
HGR waffen ss.png
Expand Kampfgruppe Ohlendorf
Requires the following:
  • UKR the crumbling throne.pngThe Crumbling Throne
  • UKR The Spears From Below.pngThe Spears From Below

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Increases military supervision policy effectiveness.
  • Highly increases security policy effectiveness.

Increases Ohlendorf's support amongst the Police by 5%. (Breadbasket of the Reich)

  • Daily Command Command Power Gain: +0.05
  • Gets event Donning an Iron Glove.
  • 'Unleash the Kampfgruppen' is now available in the Breadbasket.
During the great crusade against Bolshevism, liberalism, and degeneracy, various SS forces coalesced into Kampfgruppen. Such units proved useful in an ad-hoc capacity on all fronts, supplementing the efforts of other forces.

They can be of use again. Ohlendorf shall assemble a new, expanded Kampfgruppe: Kampfgruppe Ohlendorf. This would assist the state greatly in prosecuting and protecting the upcoming trials. So it shall be done, regardless of what Leibbrandt and Bräutigam may have to say about Ohlendorf expanding his influence.
ORE call the council to order.png
Revive Civil Authority
Requires the following:
  • UKR The Spears From Below.pngThe Spears From Below
  • UKR the nationalists westwards.pngThe Nationalists Westwards

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Increases monthly security policy effectiveness drift.
  • We will spend $0.075 B. This value will be added to our National Debt.
  • Our administrative Efficiency Societal Development will begin to slowly improve.
  • Stability.pngStability: +7.50%.
The extensive security crackdowns are causing backlash in our large urban areas, with increasing reports of civil unrest and general agitation. This cannot be allowed to continue - we simply do not have the resources to pacify major cities should they revolt, and so we must crush this sentiment before it grows.

Increasing police resources should help us in maintaining order, and further assist the SiPo in discovering and eradicating the influence of resistance movements within major population centers as well.
GER opportune time to clean house.png
The SiPo's Infiltration Tactics
Requires the following:
  • UKR the nationalists westwards.pngThe Nationalists Westwards
  • UKR the bolsheviks eastwards.pngThe Bolsheviks Eastwards

Republic of Ukraine:
  • Manpower: -2500.

Ukrainian State:

  • Manpower: -2500.

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:

  • Manpower: -2500.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • Gets event Aim and Infiltrate.
  • 'Special Operations Strike' is now available in the Breadbasket.
If we are to root out the degenerates, the insurgents, the partisans, and the outright criminals, we must do more than just attack them. We must infiltrate them, monitor their networks, determine what influence they possess, and only then rip them out, root and stem entirely.

We can order the SiPo to focus upon these tactics, using their 'uniforms,' cultivating double agents, encouraging defections, eliminating influence networks, and more, and in so doing ensure that we comprehensively annihilate them in the long term.
GER Industrial Revitalization.png
Consider The Industrialists
Requires the following:
  • HGR waffen ss.pngExpand Kampfgruppe Ohlendorf

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • 500 units of Ukrainian Infantry Equipment is added to the national stockpile.
  • Gets event An Idea.
  • Increases Leibbrandt's support amongst the Industrialists by 5%
  • Our GDP Growth will increase by 0.33%.
It is no secret to many that the state's relationship to the Industrialists has always been tempestuous at best, and outright hostile at worst. Their greed knows no bounds, and often interferes with political objectives. Yet, given the circumstances, we cannot afford to create more internal enemies, and we need all the help we can get.

Thus, the state will call in every favor it has with them, and provide every concession, in order to ensure increased production of military equipment and hardware - at least for the time being - and so ensure continued survival.
UKR the reich depends on us.png
Our Most Important Tool
Requires the following:
  • ORE call the council to order.pngRevive Civil Authority

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Supervised Ukrainian National Committee will be updated to Empowered Ukrainian National Committee in our assorted laws.
  • Increases Leibbrandt's support amongst the Collaborators by 10%.
  • (Breadbasket of the Reich)
    • Daily Command Power Gain: +0.10
  • Stability.pngStability: +3.00%.
  • 'Restrain Approach' is now available in the Breadbasket.
  • Gets event A Pawn in a Phantom's Game.
  • Our GDP Growth will increase by 0.33%.
Without our collaborators, we would be dead in the water. Some may denounce this state of affairs, but as of now, it is how things are. Our long, tangled webs of collaborator mayors and policemen are the greatest tools in our arsenal in our war against banditry and madness.

We will augment these tools, creating new, loyal police units, replacing disloyal mayors, and putting a close eye on all of our collaborators. Once they are properly strengthened and on a tight leash, our task of bringing stability to this mess of a Reichskommissariat will become much easier.
GER the steel fist.png
Break Apart Their Hierarchy
Requires the following:
  • GER opportune time to clean house.pngThe SiPo's Infiltration Tactics

Republic of Ukraine:
  • Stability.pngStability: -5.00%.
  • War Support.pngWar Support: -5.00%.
  • Highly decreases military training policy effectiveness.

Ukrainian State:

  • Stability.pngStability: -5.00%.
  • War Support.pngWar Support: -5.00%.
  • Highly decreases military training policy effectiveness.

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:

  • Stability.pngStability: -5.00%.
  • War Support.pngWar Support: -5.00%.
  • Highly decreases military training policy effectiveness.
We cannot hope to destroy the many partisan groupings within the state if we cannot dismantle their chain of command. Currently, we know far more about the eastern groups than the western, and so we can split resources accordingly in order to make the best use of them.

Intelligence assets will be sent west, to further understand and discover those exact leadership structures, and direct action assets will be sent east, to liquidate those that we do know of. We will have to convince the SiPo's leadership that this is the best course of action, but that should not be difficult. They very much enjoy their job, after all.
CAU by right of aryan blood.png
A Corrupted System...
Requires the following:
  • GER Industrial Revitalization.pngConsider The Industrialists
  • UKR the reich depends on us.pngOur Most Important Tool
  • GER the steel fist.pngBreak Apart Their Hierarchy

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Against Betrayal.
  • Increases Ohlendorf's support amongst the Bureaucracy by 7.5%.
  • Increases Ohlendorf's support amongst the Police by 7.5%.
  • Increases Ohlendorf's support amongst the Collaborators by 7.5%.
  • Increases Ohlendorf's support amongst the Industrialists by 7.5%.
"The Breadbasket of the Reich! The Flawless Cog that feeds the New Europe!" is what we would proudly proclaim, our smiles rigid and tight as we desperately ignored the decaying, broken machine that is our colony's leadership. The old blood are too busy engaging in pointless hobbies, and the new blood argue about a problem and offer dozens of different, wild solutions to our political system.

We stare at a blue sky and argue about the semantics and what color that blue really is. Perhaps, if we can get the main players to sit down, we could reach an agreement? Not quite a peace treaty or a conclusion, but at least something that makes the tensions lower enough for us to settle the matter?

We're all civil people, after all. No one wants this discussion to become bloody.
GER Saving Face.png
...But Who's To Blame?
Requires the following:
  • GER Industrial Revitalization.pngConsider The Industrialists
  • UKR the reich depends on us.pngOur Most Important Tool
  • GER the steel fist.pngBreak Apart Their Hierarchy

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Another Attack? Again?.
  • Increases Bräutigam's support amongst the Bureaucracy by 5%.
  • Increases Bräutigam's support amongst the Police by 5%.
  • Increases Bräutigam's support amongst the Collaborators by 5%.
  • Increases Bräutigam's support amongst the Industrialists by 5%.
That being said, what is even common ground? We do not have a unified ground, the newcomers blaming all our woes upon Koch's system, a system whose veterans engorge upon and make sure it never changes to their advantage. They have the leverage but lack the momentum and the rabble-rousing the new generation has. An unmovable wall meets an unstoppable object, and until we find a unified enemy, we'll only be left to watch the fireworks.
UKR The Rot Grows Within.png
The Rot Grows Within
Requires the following:
  • CAU by right of aryan blood.pngA Corrupted System...
  • GER Saving Face.png...But Who's To Blame?

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • UKR walk the eggshells.pngWalk The Eggshells
  • UKR Orthodoxy Kills.pngOrthodoxy Kills

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Our Administrative Efficiency Societal Development will begin to slowly improve.
  • Highly increases penal system policy effectiveness.
  • Highly increases security policy effectiveness.
  • Stability.pngStability: +7.50%.
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: -50.
  • Manpower.pngManpower: -500.
  • Decreases Leibbrandt's support amongst the Bureaucracy by 5%.
  • Decreases Ohlendorf's support amongst the Police by 5%.
  • Decreases Bräutigam's support amongst the Collaborators by 5%.
National Socialism is not the problem, its flawed application was. Koch was just an opportunistic worm that saw the shining jewel of Hitler's ideology, a purity that was never seen before in human history and twisted it into something for his and his close allies' benefit. Didn't Germany rise from the ashes of the beginning of our century, guided by the NSDAP and the tenets of purity?

Ukraine is the same. It simply needs to purge the rot and return to the basics. That's the bottom line we'll offer on the table of conversation, and those who don't see this simple truth are enemies of our colony.
UKR walk the eggshells.png
Walk The Eggshells
Requires the following:
  • CAU by right of aryan blood.pngA Corrupted System...
  • GER Saving Face.png...But Who's To Blame?

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • UKR The Rot Grows Within.pngThe Rot Grows Within
  • UKR Orthodoxy Kills.pngOrthodoxy Kills

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Stability.pngStability: +10.00%.
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +30.
  • Decreases political parties policy effectiveness.
  • Increases Leibbrandt's support amongst the Bureaucracy by 5%.
  • Increases Bräutigam's support amongst the Police by 5%.
  • Increases Ohlendorf's support amongst the Collaborators by 5%.
When examining the 'state' of Ukraine, it is obvious that there does exist a place for National Socialism, should objective facts be properly accepted and integrated into official policy. Rejecting it entirely - or embracing its more extreme particulars - would not serve its population or their future.

No, a middle ground clearly must be found. A centrist path that acknowledges the future place of properly integrated native populations represents an objectively correct future state, and must be pursued. There is only one way forward, indeed.
UKR Orthodoxy Kills.png
Orthodoxy Kills
Requires the following:
  • CAU by right of aryan blood.pngA Corrupted System...
  • GER Saving Face.png...But Who's To Blame?

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • UKR The Rot Grows Within.pngThe Rot Grows Within
  • UKR walk the eggshells.pngWalk The Eggshells

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • UKR development.pngDevelopment Status in every region:
    • exploitation regresses by 6.00
    • Desolation in every region falls by 3.00
  • Resistance status in every region:
    • RKU - SS and Police Control changes by +1.50%
    • Control of other resistance groups will be adjusted accordingly.
  • Increases Leibbrandt's support amongst the Police by 2.5%.
  • Increases Leibbrandt's support amongst the Collaborators by 2.5%.
  • Increases Bräutigam's support amongst the Police by 2.5%.
  • Increases Bräutigam's support amongst the Collaborators by 2.5%.
It remains abjectly clear that the myriad problems affecting Ukraine are related to the two pillars of its fundamental existence - National Socialism as it is incorrectly implemented and the ills of colonial existence. Given the clear need for future integration, both pillars must be restructured if peace and prosperity is ever to exist for both the native population and the lands beyond.

It can further be seen that more radical solutions, such as those demanded by Bräutigam and his ilk, are laughably incapable of providing any real long-term solutions. The faults of the colony are many, and it is only through revision that the future can be reliably secured.
GER Everyone Calm Down.png
The Unavoidable
Requires one of the following:
  • UKR The Rot Grows Within.pngThe Rot Grows Within
  • UKR walk the eggshells.pngWalk The Eggshells
  • UKR Orthodoxy Kills.pngOrthodoxy Kills

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Stability.pngStability: +7.50%
  • Gets event Poison in the Air.
  • 'lock Down Strongholds' is now available in the Breadbasket.
Europe careens towards disaster. It is not just us - every facet of the Reich has struggled in the wake of our Fuhrer's demise. Moskowien's death has been set in motion. Polish dissidents appear ready to spill over at any moment. Germany may soon fall prey to its own darwinistic excesses. Yet even if all of them make miraculous recoveries, one thing is clear - none of them are going to save us.

We must free ourselves from our delusions. A great battle is coming, and our goal - our only goal - is to make sure we survive. It is a subtle shift in policy, yet all at once a seismic change. No longer can we imagine a rosy future where the criminal class of Ukraine succumbs to reason. Partisans surround us - our only goal is to stomp them down until they have no more strength to fight.
UKR Dial Up The Other Brautigam.png
Dial Up The Other Bräutigam
Requires the following:
  • GER Everyone Calm Down.pngThe Unavoidable

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Call for Help.
  • 1.00K units of German Infantry Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
  • 250 units of German Support Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
  • Increases Bräutigam's support amongst the Bureaucracy by 10%.
  • We will secure one infantry division to our side.
The Reich has abandoned us. It is hurtful to frame the cruelty of our leaders so bluntly, but it is a truth we must accept. Their lines of munitions run thinner and thinner by the day, dropping below even our dimmest projections on what they can offer. While we can't ascertain their reasoning, we are certain that their meager offerings will soon not be enough to stem the tide.

However, our men on the inside might be able to propel us a little further. Hans-Otto Bräutigam's uncle is actually a respected diplomat in Germania. While armaments are certainly not his department, he might be able to pull a few strings and get us a little more. It won't be much, but it will be a lifeline. At this point, we take what we can get.
Generic Agricultural Control.png
Take More, No Matter The Cost
Requires the following:
  • GER Everyone Calm Down.pngThe Unavoidable

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • 250 units of German Infantry Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
  • This will increase our Liquid Reserves by $0.075 B.
The survival of the state is the only important task left to the Reichskommissariat. The welfare of the populace will surely be ruined by an all-out civil war - whatever we drain from them is far less than what Bolsheviks or deluded extremists will do if given the chance. Thus, we shall take. The Kampfgruppe will cross the nation, finding materiel to force into our war machine. Many powerful men will be angry, furious even, but there are few options left.
UKR Last Calls.png
Last Calls
Requires the following:
  • UKR Dial Up The Other Brautigam.pngDial Up The Other Bräutigam

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • 750 units of German Infantry Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
  • 150 units of German Support Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
  • 150 units of German Anti-Tank Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
Ukraine must now be exhausted. Black markets can be called up, Moskowien smuggling rings can be activated, whatever we need, whatever we can. We must wring our government dry for connections, for wealth, for ideas. Anything that gets us another gun, another bullet, is worth it. Nothing is too small. Nothing is too risky. We are deep within a pit, and we will pull in as many guns with us as our fingers can reach. We are long past shovels - the only way we escape is if the hole fills with blood.
UKR More Of Everything All The Time.png
More Of Everything, All The Time
Requires the following:
  • Generic Agricultural Control.pngTake More, No Matter The Cost

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • 500 units of German Infantry Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
  • Gets event More Of Everything, All The Time.
  • This will increase our Liquid Reserves by $0.15 B.
  • Desolation in the Reichskommissariat Ukraine region rises by 5.00
  • Desolation in the Reichenaustadt region rises by 5.00
  • Desolation in the Tschernigow region rises by 5.00
It may be true that there comes a limit to what we can take. We have squeezed all we can out of Germany; it may simply have no more to give. Luckily, our creativity is an asset with no such limitations.

If we cannot get our firepower through smuggling or stealing, then it shall come from us - our own hands and our own factories. We will build these things with whatever we can manage, and whoever we can find. Temporary weapon production studios will be placed across whatever territory we might find some control, hoping to build enough supplies before a German boot comes to crash them. Even as we exhaust the last of our supplies, we will have a way of getting more.
UKR High Time To Steel Oneself.png
High Time to Steel Oneself
Requires the following:
  • UKR Last Calls.pngLast Calls
  • UKR More Of Everything All The Time.pngMore Of Everything, All The Time

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Last Calls.
  • 750 units of German Infantry Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +1500.
  • Stability.pngStability: +5.00%.
It all ends tomorrow. The conclusion of the Polissian Guard's fight is one last battle, a struggle for life and death that may spell the end for the Ukrainian people. There is no more planning left, nor even organizing. The operation is over. The battle will now begin.

Instead, we steel ourselves. We look over our work, and see that it is complete. We see our armies, standing calmly in a sturdy lockstep. We see our weapons, piled as high as we may need. We see our allies, all standing at our side or cowering with assorted devils. We see the cards we have been dealt, and can at last understand the odds of our survival.

In this moment, it seems we may have a chance.

Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army tree

Reichskommissariat Ukraine UNRA pre civilwar focus tree.png

Focus Prerequisites Effects and description
UKR A New Hruschevsky.png
The New Hruchevsky

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Add Pillars Of The Revolution.
  • Add FUK_power_struggle_RK_manpower_dynmod.
  • Gets event Freedom, Seeping Through the Cracks.
  • Republic of Ukraine:
    • War Support.pngWar Support: +3.00%
Once, for a pure, brief moment in time, Ukraine breathed free. There were no tyrants with a boot against our neck, there were no Bolsheviks or fascists bleeding us dry, and, for a very brief moment, there was peace. This peace, this eternal justification of our being, this monument to the Ukrainian dream, was started by the greatest hero the national revolution had ever seen since that day; Mykhailo Hruchevsky, one of the few historians of Ukrainian history at the time. Since his election to the head of the Central Rada in 1917, the dream has long suffered setback after setback. By the time of the 1930s, the last dedicated source of Ukrainian autonomy was in Polish Galicia, within nothing more than the niche political party of the UNDO.

Once the Bolsheviks invaded Poland, and all seemed lost, the Soviets found themselves employing local collaborative elements, the UNDO among them. As soon as the Germans crossed the border, and the UNDO took the opportunity to rise up. Since those days, we have fought against all occupiers of Ukraine, and we have not given up since. If the bloody Germans, mad Banderites, or damned Communists think we don't have it in us to keep going, they are wrong. Dead wrong.
TNO generic military contacts.png
The Old Guard of the Republic
Requires the following:
  • UKR A New Hruschevsky.pngThe New Hruchevsky

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Partisan Support the for revolution will increase by 5%
  • Republic of Ukraine:
    • Stability.pngStability:: +4.00%.
    • Manpower.pngManpower: +1500.
    • Slightly increases political parties policy effectiveness.
While many of our men continue to fight for Ukrainian democracy, there are very few which continue to shine as brightly as the old guard of the Republic.

Taras Bulba-Borovets, a partisan at heart, Oleksandr Udovychenko, a general who bore the burden of exile, and Yuriy Tyutunnyk, a man who had once supported the Soviets. Their histories are filled with hardship and struggle, yet they were all in service to the Republic and our homeland. Each of these three men may be old, though they remain eager and willing to fight for the survival and liberation of our democracy and people. They will assist us to the best of their ability, and once the time comes, they will be instrumental in the destruction of the fascist tyrants.
UKR Borovets Commissars.png
Borovets' Commissar
Requires the following:
  • TNO generic military contacts.pngThe Old Guard of the Republic

*Republic of Ukraine:
    • Increases military supervision policy effectiveness.
    • War Support.pngWar Support:: +5.00%.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • Partisan Support the for revolution will increase by 5%
  • Collaborator Support the for revolution will decrease by 10%
Since the UNDO effectively couped the U-SSR military government in Galicia, and even further beyond in the last days of the Bolshevik invasion, Taras Bulba-Borovets has fought for Democracy with his armies of supporters for decades on end. While constantly harassed by disorder within his ranks and arrests from German forces, Borovets has stood firmly for our cause. Currently occupied in maintaining the Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army within the Generalgouvernement's borders, the living legend has found himself wanting for manpower.

With a recent wave of volunteers now waiting in the wings, we have the option to send them towards Borovets for training under his faithful "100 Man Army" of commissars, so named after those faithful few who have stuck with Borovets for so long. Given these reinforcements, it won't be long before these skilled men and women find themselves a part of those legendary 100.
Generic Liberty Handshake.png
Heirs of the Exiles
Requires the following:
  • TNO generic military contacts.pngThe Old Guard of the Republic

*Republic of Ukraine:
    • Increases military training policy effectiveness.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

Exile is something many Ukrainians know of intimately. When the Bolsheviks came first, those who resisted were forced to leave their homes and become emigres, exiles in a foreign land, surviving until their time to return comes. And while they settled into their new homes, and went about their new lives, none have ever forgotten about their homeland. While most remain in their homes, watching from afar as our land is butchered, some return to their ancestral home, Side-by-side, they stand in solidarity with us, marching with us, fighting with us, bleeding with us. They give the Republic the legitimacy of the true government of Ukraine that it so desperately needs, and they give us something which the people need in these trying times - hope.
UKR The Culturalists Might.png
The Culturalists' Might
Requires the following:
  • UKR A New Hruschevsky.pngThe New Hruchevsky

Republic of Ukraine:
  • Socialism ideology.pngSocialism popularity: +2.00%
  • Stability.pngStability: +2.00%.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • Populist Support the for revolution will increase by 10%
  • Partisan Support the for revolution will decrease by 5%
  • Collaborator Support the for revolution will decrease by 5%
For all their heinous crimes, the greatest tragedy of Ukraine's occupation was the suppression and persecution of Ukrainian culture. Ivan Dziuba and the Culturalists treat this as the existential threat that it is, connecting root nationalism to that very shared culture, and advocating at every turn for resources to be spent on its spread.

Growing in influence, they have a simple yet very powerful message, and work to build grassroots support among the people. Though of course operating in a decentralized manner, they have proven extremely effective in organizing the militias that will be needed in the fights to come.
CHI Educating The Poor.png
The Slave Book Clubs
Requires the following:
  • UKR The Culturalists Might.pngThe Culturalists' Might

Republic of Ukraine:
  • Our Academic Base Societal Development will being to slowly improve.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • Our poverty rate will begin to slowly improve.
  • Slightly increases monthly education policy effectiveness drift.
  • Populist Support the for revolution will increase by 5%
  • Partisan Support the for revolution will increase by 5%
  • Gets event Remember Who We Are.
A nation's culture is its soul, the Nazis know this well. In their attempts to stomp out our nation under their iron heel, they have sought to deny their slaves access to their culture, their very souls, their identity as Ukrainians, and as human beings. We reject their tyranny.

We will infiltrate the slave camps and slums across Ukraine, spreading food, protection, compassion, and books. Books are the key to culture, to civilization itself. To deny a man literacy is to lock off a part of his mind and doom him to ignorance. So, we will help educate the slaves of the Reich, so that one day, when they are free, they can express themselves and take pride in who they are.
Generic Spy.png
Our Men on the Inside
Requires the following:
  • UKR A New Hruschevsky.pngThe New Hruchevsky

Republic of Ukraine:
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +2500.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • Stability.pngStability: -2.00%.
  • Our Administrative Efficiency Societal Development will begin to slowly worsen.
  • Partisan Support the for revolution will decrease by 5%
  • Collaborator Support the for revolution will increase by 10%
  • Gets event Soup and Subterfuge.
There are many brave souls in Ukraine who have accepted the ire of their countrymen in order to 'collaborate' with the occupation - and thereby infiltrate it. Among these stand Ohloblyn, formerly the mayor of Kiew and now serving as the mayor of Brest following a forced relocation by Koch. Though saddled with Bahaziy, the fascist, as his deputy both then and now, he has been able to keep the man in check and thereby maintain his position.

A most useful position. Information, supply, and weaponry can be and is redirected to liberating forces, moving the state ever closer to freedom. A new shipment of both is immediately forthcoming.
UKR Ohloblyns Place In Brest.png
Ohloblyn's Place in Brest
Requires the following:
  • Generic Spy.pngOur Men on the Inside

Republic of Ukraine:
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +3000.
  • 200 units of German Infantry Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
  • 25 units of German Support Equpment is added to the national stockpile.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • Collaborator Support the for revolution will increase by 5%
Ohloblyn may have been exiled, demeaned, and forgotten, but that doesn't mean he's powerless. Under his watch is a small collection of minor anti-partisan and police brigades, all of which are at least willing to work with us. Some of these men are strident democrats, simply trying to protect their people from any further damage. Others are Melnykite fascists simply tired of Reich mismanagement. Whatever their motives, we can use them. While not enough for a full division, their manpower will prove valuable in our fight against the Nazi menace.
MAG The Best Guns Money Can Buy.png
Prying Open the Pipeline
Requires the following:
  • Generic Spy.pngOur Men on the Inside

Republic of Ukraine:
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +3000.
  • 500 units of German Infantry Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
  • 100 units of German Support Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
  • 75 units of German Anti-Tank Equpment is added to the national stockpile.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • Partisan Support the for revolution will increase by 5%
  • Collaborator Support the for revolution will increase by 5%
For those in the Reichskommissariat Moskowien, buying guns is a surprisingly easy affair. A steady stream of illicit weapons pour out of Germany daily, to be siphoned by their various factions and used to conduct their endless war. Until now, the PG has supported itself through less reliable methods of raiding and desertion, but that can change. With our connections through Ohloblyn, we may be able to divert this pipeline for our own ends. Each German gun will leave us more prepared for this upcoming war - in time, perhaps more than the Germans themselves.
UKR Galician Roots Of The Ukrainian Tree.png
Galician Roots of the Ukrainian Tree
Requires the following:
  • CHI Educating The Poor.pngThe Slave Book Clubs
  • OST Unite the People.pngPromote Popular Participation

Republic of Ukraine:
  • War Support.pngWar Support: +7.50%.
  • We will gain extra support in Galicia upon our uprising
Our main base of support lies in Galicia. While the Ukrainians there receive better treatment than the Poles, they know that it is a farce to pit them against their brothers in bondage. Enslavement is still enslavement, and freedom is still freedom, no matter what the slavers say. We are glad our people see this.

Not only that, but our roots also lie here - it was Galicia where the UNDO was born, proud defenders of Ukrainian rights under Polish rule and the Soviet occupation. When we proclaim Ukraine's liberation from fascist tyranny, a beautiful tree will sprout, and it's roots will be in Galicia, the birthplace of a new Ukrainian democracy, its fruits being granted to all under its shade.
UKR grave cross church.png
Saturday Night Mass
Requires the following:
  • UKR Galician Roots Of The Ukrainian Tree.pngGalician Roots of the Ukrainian Tree

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • POL destroy the UPA.pngRecontest Galicia

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Wolhynien region:
    • Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army control changes by 4.50%
    • RKU - SS and Police control changes by -4.50
  • Gets event A Second Baptism.
  • Populist Support the for revolution will increase by 10%

Republic of Ukraine:

Over the course of the administrative reorganization following the West Russian War, the effects of which landed our close allies Ohloblyn and Bahaziy into leadership of Brest, have also sent us a treasure trove of "untrustworthy" regional governors in the region surrounding us. Whether these are low-level bureaucrats, well-meaning collaborators, or just plain-old power-hungry pawns, we can begin taking action on those who we have found liable to be amenable to our cause.

Through singling out those who will likely work with us and persuading them to aid us -or more likely, only making them aware of our existence- we will find ourselves with a great many new recruits, and many more connections once the opportunity to rise presents itself. All we need to do is hold meetings with the likely supporters, and we hold ourselves access to a fantastic potential meeting place or two.
POL destroy the UPA.png
Recontest Galicia
Requires the following:
  • UKR Galician Roots Of The Ukrainian Tree.pngGalician Roots of the Ukrainian Tree

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • UKR grave cross church.pngSaturday Night Mass

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Wolhynien region:
    • Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army control changes by +9.00%
    • Ukrainian Insurgent Army control changes by -9.00
  • Desolation in the Wolhynien region rises by 2.00
  • Partisan Support the for revolution will increase by 10%
  • Gets event Going to the People.

Ukrainian State:

  • Manpower.pngManpower: -9000..
  • War Support.pngWar Support: -4.50%.
At the westernmost extreme of Ukraine lies Galicia, a region stuck in a rather... complicated situation. Currently, it lies under the jurisdiction of the Generalgouvernement, separated from Germany's administration in Ukraine. Despite this, much of our popular support comes from this region regardless of the arbitrary lines the Germans have deigned to draw across Eastern Europe.

Unfortunately, our mortal enemies, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, also have considerable sway over the people of Galicia. We cannot allow them to gain a monopoly over one of the few regions we can call our own. Coordinating efforts to combat their influence will be rather difficult in such a distant area, but the alternative may cost us our only reliable base of support.
GER Millions Anger.png
Organize the Mobs
Requires one of the following:
  • POL destroy the UPA.pngRecontest Galicia
  • UKR grave cross church.pngSaturday Night Mass

Republic of Ukraine:
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +5000.
  • War Support.pngWar Support: +7.50%.
  • We will secure one militia division to our side.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • Populist Support the for revolution will increase by 10%
  • Gets event Weight of Consequences.
The inevitable grows closer and closer. The instability gripping the occupation state and its loathsome administrators grows stronger and stronger, and more and more people are emboldened to take a stand against it. Yet the puppets still have strength, and in time they will crush the bodies, if not the spirit, of these brave souls. Unless we take action.

We will. We will organize, arm, and task them with purpose, and in so doing turn them from a mob into an army. They stand a chance, if they stand with us. The invaders have none.
UKR Eternal Monuments to Unity.png
Eternal Monuments to Unity
Requires the following:
  • UKR Borovets Commissars.pngBorovets' Commissar
  • Generic Liberty Handshake.pngHeirs of the Exiles

Republic of Ukraine:
  • Stability.pngStability: +5.00%.
  • War Support.pngWar Support: +5.00%.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • Populist Support the for revolution will increase by 7.5%
  • Partisan Support the for revolution will increase by 5%
  • Collaborator Support the for revolution will increase by 2.5%
  • Gets event A United From of Three.
The discord that should otherwise exist between the many men - now co-operating in pursuit of a shared goal - has astonishingly failed to manifest, and working together they have managed to make incredible progress in their goals. Though certainly amazing in its own right, this unexpected unity also offers tremendous opportunity to demonstrate national cohesion.

This opportunity cannot be missed, and so a campaign of 'information' will be launched. The bravery and camaraderie existing between these men will be showcased, and in so doing the same principles can be attributed to the state.
Generic Question Secret Services.png
The Banderite Files
Requires the following:
  • UKR Eternal Monuments to Unity.pngEternal Monuments to Unity

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Wolhynien region:
    • Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army control changes by +4.50%
    • Ukrainian Insurgent Army control changes by -4.50
  • Gets event The Bridge Uncrossable.

Ukrainian State:

Defeating the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Galicia will be no small task. These vengeful Banderites are fanatics, and have been known to fight with an almost animalistic ferocity. That being said, radical ideals are no substitute for proper tactics, and with the help of a little creative thinking, supplanting them as the dominant partisan group in the region may indeed be possible.

Our initial strategy shall be to remain a step ahead of the Banderites at all times. Partisan units shall observe their patrols, examine the effect of their ambushes, and study which avenues of attack they are most comfortable with. Once we have this knowledge in our arsenal, we shall use it against them and root out the UPA once and for all.
UKR the isolated soldiers.png
Build Up the Polissian Sich
Requires the following:
  • Generic Question Secret Services.pngThe Banderite Files

Republic of Ukraine:
  • Increases military training policy effectiveness.
  • We will secure one infantry division to our side.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • Our Military Professionalism Societal Development will begin to slowly improve
  • Command power.pngCommand Power: +30.0
  • Partisan Support the for revolution will increase by 15%
The Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army have been driven deep into the Galician mountains. Despite this, they are still a formidable force, possessing hardened fighters, deep ties into their region, and a willingness to fight and die surpassed perhaps only by our own.

It is therefore time to ensure that our alliance is formalized, politically if not quite yet militarily, and so cement future relations. The Polissian Sich is valuable indeed, and we will benefit from such cooperation in the future.
IBR paperwork.png
A "Bureaucratic Reshuffle"
Requires the following:
  • UKR Ohloblyns Place In Brest.pngOhloblyn's Place in Brest
  • MAG The Best Guns Money Can Buy.pngPrying Open the Pipeline

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Wolhynien region:
    • Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army control changes by +4.50%
    • RKU - SS and Police control changes by -4.50
  • Our Administrative Efficiency Societal Development will begin to slowly worsen.
  • Gets event The Man on the Inside.

Republic of Ukraine:

  • Manpower.pngManpower: +200.
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +20.
  • Stability.pngStability: +2.00%.
  • Our Administrative Efficienc Societal Development will begin to slowly improve.
  • Collaborator Support the for revolution will increase by 5%
Fortunately for us, there is a healthy variety of capable, suitably sympathetic bureaucrats who may be inclined to lend their talents to our cause. Less fortunately is the fact that most of them languish in useless positions in which their abilities are all but wasted on menial tasks that accomplish little. Meanwhile, Melnyk's collaborators have stacked the bench in Brest-Litovsk, and if we are to gain a foothold there, we will need to find a creative solution to this little roadblock.

Oleksandr Ohloblyn has presented such a solution. He shall begin the process of a "bureaucratic reshuffle" in Brest-Litovsk and ensure that bureaucrats loyal to us take all of the top spots, while making sure Melnyk's men find themselves in the useless offices that our allies once held. Bahaziy's lot won't be too pleased with this maneuver, but we have not come this far without already stepping on a few toes.
Generic Police Icon.png
Rally the Turncoat Coppers
Requires the following:
  • IBR paperwork.pngA "Bureaucratic Reshuffle"

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • GER SGR the last stockpiles.pngPull Some Strings

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Wolhynien region:
    • Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army control changes by +9.00%
    • RKU - SS and Police control changes by -9.00
  • Decreases Security policy effectiveness.
  • Partisan Support the for revolution will decrease by 10%
  • Collaborator Support the for revolution will increase by 15%
  • Manpower.pngManpower: -5000

Republic of Ukraine:

  • Manpower.pngManpower: +5000
The Germans have long understood that holding the lands of the East with the Wehrmacht alone is an impossible task. Here in Ukraine, many of the local policing duties have fallen into the hands of native police units who collaborate with the occupiers in order to free up their soldiers for more pressing fronts. The Germans may intend to turn us against one another, but this may prove to be their undoing.

To seize Brest-Litovsk, we need only reach out to the police departments there and sway them to see things from our point of view. As far as we know, the tendrils of the UPA have not managed to penetrate into the local law enforcement, and it would be unwise to sit around and wait for them to seize this chance before we do. Should all go to plan, we will gain a very useful ally indeed when the uprising begins in earnest.
GER SGR the last stockpiles.png
Pull Some Strings
Requires the following:
  • IBR paperwork.pngA "Bureaucratic Reshuffle"

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • Generic Police Icon.pngRally the Turncoat Coppers

Republic of Ukraine:
  • 750 units of German Infantry Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
  • 150 units of German Support Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
  • 150 units of German Anti-Tank Equpment is added to the national stockpile.
  • 50 units of German Towed Artillery is added to the national stockpile.
  • 50 units of German Motorized Equpment is added to the national stockpile.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • -750 units of German Infantry Equpment is removed from the national stockpile.
  • -150 units of German Support Equpment is removed from the national stockpile.
  • -150 units of German Anti-Tank Equpment is removed from the national stockpile.
  • -50 units of German Towed Artillery is removed from the national stockpile.
  • -50 units of German Motorized Equpment is removed from the national stockpile.
  • Partisan Support the for revolution will increase by 5%
  • Collaborator Support the for revolution will increase by 5%
Ohloblyn has connections and influence within the Brest region, and some of our men do not realize that our goals reach farther than their imagination. Their suggestions involve Ohloblyn utilizing such influence to pull the policemen of the Brest region to our side here and now, yet we asked them one question. Why not equip them first?

The Reichskommissariat is desperate to stamp out resistance, blinded by their urge to crush us once and for all. So desperate, in fact, that Ohloblyn and his friends could send a request for additional equipment to be sent to the Brest region in order to bring about a more swift end to resistance there. Using such emotions to our advantage is what may yet give us the edge in the coming fight.
Generic commstech.png
Call the Collaborators
Requires one of the following:
  • GER SGR the last stockpiles.pngPull Some Strings
  • Generic Police Icon.pngRally the Turncoat Coppers

Republic of Ukraine:
  • Fascism ideology.pngFascism popularity: +0.50%
  • War Support.pngWar Support: +5.00%.
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +1000.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • War Support.pngWar Support: -5.00%.
  • Manpower.pngManpower: -1000.
  • Command power.pngCommand Power: +20.0.
  • Collaborator Support the for revolution will increase by 15%
  • Gets event Crossing the Divide.
In an ideal world, we would renounce any man who worked to maintain the German hold on our land. However, we do not live in an ideal world.

Administrators, bureaucrats, soldiers, we need them all. Our manpower reserves can drastically be improved with the addition of these Ukrainian collaborators, and their knowledge would do wonders fueling our new beast. With every taker, we gain information, intelligence, and caches of precious weaponry. Past the moral conundrum, using this vast bank of resources is a no brainer.

The news shall be spread. Posters, pamphlets, word of mouth. Join the Republic, no matter your crimes Waffen-SS, the National Army, or the Auxiliary Police, the past makes no more difference. If you wish to fight for our Ukrainian Republic, we welcome you!
Generic Friends in the Council.png
Prepare a Provisional Government
Requires the following:
  • GER Millions Anger.pngOrganize the Mobs

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Safeguard of Liberty.

Our Administrative Efficiency Societal Development will begin to improve.

  • Partisan Support the for revolution will increase by 5%
  • Populist Support the for revolution will increase by 5%
  • Collaborator Support the for revolution will increase by 5%

Republic of Ukraine:

  • Stability.pngStability: +10.00%.
The Nazi abomination is falling apart - their authority in the west of Ukraine has become little more than a formality, with the central occupation force unable to extend their control outside certain urban areas. It is finally time for our partisan movement to prepare to take up the reins of government. A provisional one will be formed to quickly take the place of the Reichskommissariat - a democratic, liberal republic, not communist and not fascistic. Horlis and his loyal men will take the helm and create a proper system that serves the people and will listen to their demands.

The transition will be difficult - our country has been stripped of much of its resources, and few have had the opportunity to govern themselves. But let this be a step towards prosperity for all Ukrainians - a dream much closer to being realized than it may ever have been.
UKR a deal with the reds.png
A Deal with the Reds?
Requires the following:
  • GER Millions Anger.pngOrganize the Mobs
  • UKR the isolated soldiers.pngBuild Up the Polissian Sich

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • UKR Embers Of A Broken Dream.pngChase the Communists Out

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event The People's Truce.
  • Partisan Support the for revolution will decrease by 10%
  • Populist Support the for revolution will increase by 30%
  • Collaborator Support the for revolution will decrease by 15%

Republic of Ukraine:

  • Communism ideology.pngCommunism popularity: +2.00%
  • War Support.pngWar Support: +3.00%
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +3000.

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:

  • Authoritarian democrat group.pngPaternalism popularity: +2.00%
  • War Support.pngWar Support: +3.00%
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +3000.
It is impossible to downplay the size of the upcoming struggle we must surmount for a free Ukraine; savage Banderites, the Reichs armies, and zealous Bolsheviks all stand in opposition to the establishment of democracy in our homeland. We cannot afford to face all three of our enemies at once, and we may not have to. As much as we may loathe the Reds for decades of socialist dictatorship, we share a mutual hatred of the fascists that far outweigh our animosity for each other.

We'll use our contacts to send a message to the communists asking for a ceasefire, maybe even an agreement of cooperation, to destroy the vile forces of the UPA and the Nazis. It won't last, of course, but one less enemy to deal with in the early phases will give us time to build up and annihilate them later.
UKR Embers Of A Broken Dream.png
Chase the Communists Out
Requires the following:
  • GER Millions Anger.pngOrganize the Mobs
  • Generic commstech.pngCall the Collaborators

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • UKR a deal with the reds.pngA Deal with the Reds?

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event The Ukrainian Orchestra.
  • Partisan Support the for revolution will increase by 10%
  • Populist Support the for revolution will decrease by 15%
  • Collaborator Support the for revolution will increase by 10%

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:

  • War Support.pngWar Support: -5.00%
  • Manpower.pngManpower: -2500.
Many in our ranks were not even born when Ukraine was last under Soviet occupation. They never experienced the horrors and persecution that Communist rule entailed - while this was never as severe as it is now under a fascist government - the red's incompetence led directly to the nightmare we now live in.

Some of the more naive among us want to cooperate with the communists as long as the Swastika flies over Ukraine. The communists who so gladly persecuted us when we weren't necessary to their survival? No! We will not work with the communists. Ukraine will be free of all dictators, whether red or brown.

We'll strike the red strongholds in the west, removing the tumor that would otherwise grow to cripple Ukraine. The fascists and bolsheviks are fundamentally the same at heart, and soon the west will be free of them - and then the rest of Ukraine will follow.
UPO Death to All Nazis.png
What of the Occupiers?
Requires the following:
  • Generic commstech.pngCall the Collaborators

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Settlers.
Generalplan Ost, and its cruel implementation over the past two decades, meant that thousands of Germans moved east to settle in our lands, 'cleansing' it of Ukrainians and fertilizing our lands with our blood. Now there are hundreds of thousands of settlers across the country, many glad followers of the Nazi cause. The question of how to deal with them is debated within our movement. Some consider that trying to deport all Germans will create a fifth column against our cause - particularly among those that lived in Ukraine prior to the occupation. Others consider that there is no other adequate course of action. Questions regarding what happens to the children of these settlers who had no choice in the matter have also arisen.

It will be nearly impossible to make a decision that appeases everyone within the movement. The more collaborator-sympathizing part of our faction wishes to give concessions to the settlers, which will not go down well with our more nationalistic followers, yet a decision must still be made if we are to deal with the issue at hand decisively. Let us avoid falling over the first hurdle to creating a free Ukraine.
TNO generic inviting people.png
A Promise
Requires the following:
  • Generic Friends in the Council.pngPrepare a Provisional Government
  • UPO Death to All Nazis.pngWhat of the Occupiers?

Requires one of the following:

  • UKR a deal with the reds.pngA Deal with the Reds?
  • UKR Embers Of A Broken Dream.pngChase the Communists Out

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Soldier Citizen.
The leader of the supposedly superior Aryan race lies on his deathbed - as his health falters, his tendrils retreat from Ukraine. Those in the west are ready to fight for their freedom and make the most of the approaching opportunities.

Horlis will prepare a speech to rally supporters of a free and democratic Ukraine. He will promise free and fair elections and that they will be held as soon as possible once Ukraine is liberated from fascist and communist rule. We won't use authoritarian tricks like a 'temporary dictatorship' or the elections being guided. Ukraine must be truly free once it is liberated. It will be!

UKR Anthem Of The Liberated.png
The Anthem of the Liberated
Requires the following:
  • TNO generic inviting people.pngA Promise

Republic of Ukraine:
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +5000.
  • 750 units of German Infantry Equpment is added to the national stockpile.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • Gets event Screaming for Freedonm.
The clock chimes, and Ukraine will rise. Germany ailes under its own weight, the Reichskommissariat crumbles, and Koch lays on his deathbed. Never since the days of 1917 have we found ourselves with such a firm chance for National Liberation. From what we can tell, with many garrisons currently either dissolving in light of Germany's effective collapse or struggling against many of the other partisan movements taking the initiative, it is clear that the time to rise is now or never.

Bulba-Borovets' Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army has already begun the preliminary actions of rising up once the Generalgouvernement falls, and Ohloblyn's government in Brest is mobilizing at this very moment. Before long, Ukraine will be free, and we will play our hand in bringing down the Reichskommissariat.

Whether or not we live to see it.

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic tree

Reichskommissariat Ukraine U-SSR pre civilwar focus tree.png

Focus Prerequisites Effects and description
GER A War of Attrition.png
The Longest War

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event The Red Violinist.
For decades the Nazi, boundless in his brutality, has been crushing Ukraine underfoot. For those same decades the dedicated partisans of the Ukrainian Socialist Council Republic have been fighting them. Through setbacks, deaths, and campaigns of terror all, we endure. We thrive.

The Republic is still the strongest single force resisting the Reichskommissariat and their collaborators, and holds high the flag of the Eternal Revolution. We cannot lose, for if we do, Ukraine is lost. We will die before that happens. We will make doubly sure that the German dies as well.
UKR Embers Of A Broken Dream.png
The Call of Freedom
Requires the following:
  • GER A War of Attrition.pngThe Longest War

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Hughesdorf region:
    • Ukrainian Red Army Control changes by +6.00%
    • RKU - SS and Police Control changes by -6.00
  • Gets event Limited Omniscience.
In our hearts, we all know that the Ukrainian people are still Communists. But the recent years have been hard, and with the setbacks suffered, we also all know that many, even most, of them have given up hope. We must act to change this. To show them that we remain, and that Ukraine is not lost.

We will reach out, in print and voice, and remind them that freedom from German tyranny is possible, and even probable, if they support us. The Ukrainian Red Army is the most powerful force in the country fighting for them, and if they will only join us, we can achieve victory.
Generic socialist progressive values.png
The Dissemination of Free Marxist Thought
Requires the following:
  • UKR Embers Of A Broken Dream.pngThe Call of Freedom

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Limited Omniscience.
  • Slightly decreases monthly public meetings policy effectiveness drift.
The cornerstone of any revolution is the motivation of the revolutionary. That is why instead of focusing on the failures of the past, we must instead focus on inspiring the proletariat to break the chains of Nazi rule. We shall spread Marx's theories and the hopes of a free socialist Ukraine, where all can live side by side, where no person is denied food or shelter, and where the means of production are owned by the workers.

Winning over the general population will be a great boon to the socialist cause. The toiling peasantry and factory workers will hear stories of a great stateless society that awaits them if they join the righteous revolution.

The suffering people of the East will surely flock to our ranks once they hear of the bright future that awaits them in a free, Communist Ukraine.
UKR The Red Harvest Awaits.png
The Cause Worth Dying For
Requires the following:
  • UKR Embers Of A Broken Dream.pngThe Call of Freedom

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:
  • War Support.pngWar Support: +10.00%.
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +5000.
In the land known as Ukraine, there is but one cause, only one, worth dying for—ours. We are those that have kept the light alive, that noble flame which Lenin, Shakrai, and Skrypnyk lit and died to keep lit. In our hands we hold the dream of emancipating the worker and peasant from the oppression of capital, renewing the long-oppressed culture and nationality of the Ukrainian people, and transitioning therefrom to a communist society.

Sensible Ukrainians know to neglect the other options in this country as unworthy of consideration. Horlis merely promises to hold a Ukrainian whip over Ukrainian workers' heads. Klyachkivsky sells Ukraine more senseless death and destruction and calls it 'national salvation'. And the Germans have only ever promised one thing: slavery and starvation. What response have we to all this but to repeat once more:

"Povstan'te, proklyati usyudy - arise, ye wretched of the earth!"

UKR Pride In National Communism.png
And The Man To See It Through
Requires the following:
  • Generic socialist progressive values.pngThe Dissemination of Free Marxist Thought
  • UKR The Red Harvest Awaits.pngThe Cause Worth Dying For
With Shumskyi the revolution will defeat the Fascist Occupiers and send them fleeing back to Germany.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Hope Springs Eternal.

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:

  • Stability.pngStability: +5.00%.
There is not a loyal socialist in Ukraine who does not know the name Oleksandr Shumskyi, and with good reason. The Old Fighter has led the movement for years, ever since the turbulent times of the early 1950s, and his encouragement of and support for consensus-based government within the Communist Party has won him naught but praise.

His many allies support him entirely, and his vision, commitment, and skills cannot be underestimated. He is the man who will lead us to victory over the hated Nazi. He is the man who will be our liberator.
UKR the eastern stronghold.png
Our Eastern Fortress
Requires the following:
  • UKR Pride In National Communism.pngAnd The Man To See It Through

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event The National Issue.
  • On the Outbreak of the civil war 15 Forts will be raised in the state of Hughesdorf.
During the West Russian War, as Yegorov and Tukhachevksy's troops surged over the A-A line, we too launched our own offensive. Much like theirs, we nearly succeeded at toppling the Nazi monstrosity, but met failure. Thousands of brave, strong young men, and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, would meet their end at the cruel hands of the Wehrmacht and the SS, and we were driven from our previous strongholds in Central and Western Ukraine. It was only the quick thinking of Shumskyi and Korniychuk that would save us from annihilation - a general retreat to defensible areas in the Donbas and Kharkiv regions, which currently stand as our main operating areas within the Reichskommissariat; without which we would soon wither.

However, not all is well, even excluding the Nazi presence. Our strong Ukrainization policies, continued under insurgency, have generated no small resentment among the Russian minority, swollen by the inclusion of various Russian lands within the Reichskommissariat's territory. It is necessary to eradicate this potential fifth column before it spirals into a catastrophe - the Party just disagrees on how.
UKR Firm Reminder.png
A Firm Reminder
Requires the following:
  • UKR the eastern stronghold.pngAnd The Man To See It Through

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • Generic Liberty Handshake.pngAn Agreeable Compromise
With Shumskyi the revolution will defeat the Fascist Occupiers and send them fleeing back to Germany.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Hughesdorf region:
    • Ukrainian Red Army Control changes by +6.00%
    • RKU - SS and Police Control changes by -6.00
  • Manpower.pngManpower: -20000.
  • War Support.pngWar Support: +7.50%
An unfortunate legacy of centuries of Russian imperial rule is the continued prevalence of the Russian language in preference to the Ukrainian one, particularly in the east in the country. While Ukrainization allowed us to begin to solve this problem before the invasion, it proceeded very sluggishly. Moreover, the Germans, despite their alliance with the OUN traitor-reactionaries, have done nothing to change this.

The occupation has made things very difficult, but there is a single silver lining: we are no longer bound to maintain the interests of the Russophile minority position in the East. Let us make clear that, if we successfully throw Koch's abomination down, that Ukrainization will return in full force. We do not care what the remnants of Stalin's cultists in Tyumen or elsewhere have to say about it; let them hold their peace since their failure put us here in the first place.
Generic Liberty Handshake.png
An Agreeable Compromise
Requires the following:
  • UKR the eastern stronghold.pngAnd The Man To See It Through

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • UKR Firm Reminder.pngA Firm Reminder
With Shumskyi the revolution will defeat the Fascist Occupiers and send them fleeing back to Germany.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Hughesdorf region:
    • Ukrainian Red Army Control changes by +3.00%
    • RKU - SS and Police Control changes by -3.00
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +20000.
  • War Support.pngWar Support: -7.50%
For years - decades - we have resisted making accords with our nation's Russian-speaking population. But we can no longer continue to do so. We must have more support, more manpower, and more areas over which to operate, and the only way to gain all of these is to compromise with the Raions.

Many of our old comrades including Khvylovyi, Shumuk, and more can, and will, decry this as a betrayal of true Ukrainian socialism, but they must be made to understand. It is a critical and necessary measure. At least for now.
UKR Southwestern Refuge.png
Our Southwestern Refuge
Requires the following:
  • UKR Pride In National Communism.pngAnd The Man To See It Through

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Shitomir region:
    • Ukrainian Red Army Control changes by +3.00%
    • RKU - SS and Police Control changes by -3.00
  • Reichenaustadt region:
    • Ukrainian Red Army Control changes by +3.00%
    • RKU - SS and Police Control changes by -3.00
Following our failures in the West Russian War against the fascists, many of our comrades and party leadership fled from the German-occupied majority of Ukraine to Rumanian-occupied Odesa. Time and distance have made organizing with them difficult. Still, the time of insurrection and revolution is approaching, and securing our influence on the Reichkommisariat's border is vital for our success.

With this in mind, we need to organize our resources and manpower in Odesa and coordinate with our old comrades like Pisotskyi, Rozdolskyi, and Pokrytan. Once we secure our footholds, we can expand our influence and use Odesa as a springboard for the antifascist struggle.
UKR the isolated soldiers.png
Blind the Monstrosity
Requires the following:
  • UKR Southwestern Refuge.pngOur Southwestern Refuge

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • KOM gun control.pngEradicate Klyachkivsky's Agents

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event I Will Not Die A Slave.
  • Reichenaustadt region:
    • Ukrainian Red Army Control changes by +9.00%
    • RKU - SS and Police Control changes by -9.00
Among the casualties and slaughter we endured in the West Russian War was almost all of our presence on the right bank of Ukraine from Kyiv and Mykolaiv. We cannot allow the Germans to continue their unopposed campaigns of oppression and terror; we must harass the monster at every turn, which means we must bring the fight to the administration's doorstep.

Our objectives here are threefold: establishing an armed presence in the area, spreading our messages and recruitment campaigns, and collecting intelligence on the enemy's activities. These efforts will be our keys to Kyiv once the hour of insurrection is upon us.
KOM gun control.png
Eradicate Klyachkivsky's Agents
Requires the following:
  • UKR Southwestern Refuge.pngOur Southwestern Refuge

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • UKR the isolated soldiers.pngBlind the Monstrosity

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event I Will Not Die A Slave.
  • Shitomir region:
    • Ukrainian Red Army Control changes by +7.50%
    • Ukrainian Insurgent Army Control changes by -7.50

Ukrainian State:

  • Manpower.pngManpower: -5000.
  • War Support.pngWar Support: -10.00%.
  • -1.00K units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national stockpile
  • -300 units of Support Equipment is removed from the national stockpile
  • -200 units of Anti-Tank Equipment is removed from the national stockpile

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:

  • Manpower.pngManpower: +650.
  • Stockpile Weaponry: 800.00
  • 275} units of Support Equipment is added to the national stockpile
  • 150 units of Anti-Tank Equipment is added to the national stockpile
Our influence among the Ukrainian population in Rumania's occupied territories is dominant but not uncontested. The words of the OUN-B's thugs disguised as intelligence agents, the Sluzhba Bezpeky, have wormed their way into the hearts and minds of desperate or foolish men and women. The OUN and the UPA are barely any different from the Germans, fascist barbarians who thrive off hatred and cruelty, and their propaganda is a gross distortion of Ukrainian identity.

However, this may prove a blessing in disguise; these activities represent the only contact the UPA has with the outside world and is their lifeline for equipment and resources. This way, our cause here is both moral and pragmatic; identifying, rooting out, and destroying the hostile agents will end their madness in Odesa and cripple the monsters in Ukraine.
UKR A Glorious Revolution Tomorrow.png
The Revolution Enduring
Requires the following:

Requires one of the following:

  • UKR Firm Reminder.pngA Firm Reminder
  • Generic Liberty Handshake.pngAn Agreeable Compromise

Requires one of the following:

  • UKR the isolated soldiers.pngBlind the Monstrosity
  • KOM gun control.pngEradicate Klyachkivsky's Agents

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Why We Fight.

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:

  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: +30.
Our influence among the Ukrainian population in Rumania's occupied territories is dominant but not uncontested. The words of the OUN-B's thugs disguised as intelligence agents, the Sluzhba Bezpeky, have wormed their way into the hearts and minds of desperate or foolish men and women. The OUN and the UPA are barely any different from the Germans, fascist barbarians who thrive off hatred and cruelty, and their propaganda is a gross distortion of Ukrainian identity.

However, this may prove a blessing in disguise; these activities represent the only contact the UPA has with the outside world and is their lifeline for equipment and resources. This way, our cause here is both moral and pragmatic; identifying, rooting out, and destroying the hostile agents will end their madness in Odesa and cripple the monsters in Ukraine.
TNO generic breaking machine.png
Crack the Apparatus
Requires the following:
  • UKR A Glorious Revolution Tomorrow.pngThe Revolution Enduring

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • 'Target Collaborators' is now available in the Breadbasket.
  • Stability.pngStability: -3.00%.
We are an insurgency, and as with every insurgency we must take action against the oppressive apparatus under which we are supposedly 'governed.' We are therefore most fortunate that the Reichskommissariat, weak and corrupt as it is, offers us many ways in which to do so.

From the countless thousands of 'loyal' collaborators that it relies upon, to the widely scattered and insufficiently protected settlements, to the endless miles of countryside and railway lines, opportunities abound. Every pillar that the state stands upon is vulnerable, and we will strike them all.

OMS infiltrate our enemies.png
Compromise the Auxiliaries
Requires the following:
  • TNO generic breaking machine.pngCrack the Apparatus

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Decreases security policy effectiveness.

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:

  • Manpower.pngManpower: +2500.
The Germans are under the deadly delusion that they can rule Ukraine all by themselves, even as they marshal legions of desperate collaborators to assist their tyranny. The Germans sneer at and dismiss these men, but without them, the German hold on Ukraine would collapse overnight, making infiltrating their ranks all the more vital. Fortunately for us, the Reich's efforts to inspire loyalty and ideological fervor, often with heavy-handed propaganda and hysterical exhortations about "Judeo-Bolshevik" world orders and famines, generate more eye rolls and concealed yawns among the traitors than anything else.

The simple fact is that these men serve the Reichskommissariat out of survival, not out of devotion, and for every day that the Reich grows sicker, they grow ever more disloyal. Some of us may feel indignant about recruiting these men, but among the traitors are men who know, deep down, that to serve the Schuma or UNA is to fight for the rape of Ukraine, and to serve the Red Army is to save it.
MAG The Best Guns Money Can Buy.png
Drain the Stockpiles
Requires the following:
  • TNO generic breaking machine.pngCrack the Apparatus

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Manpower.pngManpower: -5000.
  • War Support.pngWar Support: -5.00%.
  • -1.00K units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national stockpile
  • -300 units of Support Equipment is removed from the national stockpile
  • -200 units of Anti-Tank Equipment is removed from the national stockpile

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:

  • Manpower.pngManpower: +1000.
  • Stockpile Weaponry: 800.00
  • 275} units of Support Equipment is added to the national stockpile
  • 150 units of Anti-Tank Equipment is added to the national stockpile
In the best-case scenario, we can quickly topple the Reichskommissariat and liberate the people without fears of a protracted struggle. However, it would be foolish to dismiss the possibility that the fighting may be extensive and time-consuming. Such a situation would leave us at a disadvantage; our weapon and munition stockpiles are limited and largely outdated, while the German armories are vast and cutting edge.

That said, we can hit two birds with one stone to resolve this situation. Our contacts and moles within the collaborators can access the enemy's equipment and "lose" them by "accident" for us. This won't fix all our equipment issues and will only be a drop in the bucket for the Germans, but every gun counts.
UKR Bleed The Beast.png
Terror Against the Occupier
Requires the following:
  • MAG The Best Guns Money Can Buy.pngDrain the Stockpiles

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • UKR A False Tranquility.pngA False Tranquility

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • 'Assault Nazi Stronghold' is now available in the Breadbasket.
During the "normal" course of bourgeois society and its diseased mode of civilization, terror against those who would fight for its continuation is both justified and necessary.

How, then, must we act in confrontation with the Reichskommissariat? For the past two decades, the Germans have done nothing but butcher our people, burn our fields, and deface our cities, all to leech every drop of blood from the Ukrainian land and people—and have made no pretense of any other purpose. No punishment can be considered sufficiently harsh for anyone who would give their life to defend such a reality.
UKR A False Tranquility.png
A False Tranquility
Requires the following:
  • MAG The Best Guns Money Can Buy.pngDrain the Stockpiles

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • UKR Bleed The Beast.pngTerror Against the Occupier

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • 'Enlarge Cell Presence' is now available in the Breadbasket.
We have, do, and will continue to walk a difficult tightrope. The barbarity of the German knows no end, and every success our fighters achieve brings with it a terrible cost in reprisals against our citizens. The Germans do not consider us fully human, and so we must act with consideration and restraint.

We must take care to present a false sense of tranquility, and so prevent such atrocity. But at the same time we will watch, learn, and wait. In every forest, outpost, arms depot, town, railway station, and city, we will have eyes and ears. When the time comes, we will be ready.
UKR Lessons Of The Long March.png
Lessons of the Long March
Requires the following:
  • UKR A Glorious Revolution Tomorrow.pngThe Revolution Enduring

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Death of Hope.
  • To make Mistakes is Human, let us not make them again.

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:

  • Army Experience: +35.
  • Command power.pngCommand Power: +25.0.
The nineteen fifties were dark days in Ukraine. Our union which had delivered us from our oppression from the Russian Czar had fallen and replacing it was the brutal and relentless boot of the Teuton. Ukraine did not take its oppression lightly and immediately took up arms as directed by what remained of the old authorities. Many Ukrainians fell in the fight. It seemed hopeless. And yet hope emerged once more. From the east, the Red Army surged again and distracted the occupiers long enough for Ukraine to finally realize its long-sought-after freedom.

But alas, it was not to be. The few times we won against the superior German arms we would in our liberated territories be mercilessly attacked and our fighters annihilated. We were immature, inexperienced young fools desperate for freedom yet without the means to achieve it.

It is different now. We have changed and we have learned. Our men have cut their teeth against the Germans for long enough to make it a science, we have agonized over our mistakes enough to say where we went wrong and never do those things again. We shall liberate and hold Ukraine without our past mistakes.
TNO generic Marching Men Soviet.png
Ensure Force Regularity
Requires the following:
  • UKR Lessons Of The Long March.pngLessons of the Long March

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • URL Accept No Substitutes.pngLimited Command Decentralization

Zakhar Slyusarenko(Flag of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.png):
  • Gains Fast Planner
  • Gains Offensive Doctrine
  • Gains Expert Delegator
  • Command power.pngCommand Power: +15.0.
  • Division Organization: +10.0%
  • Max Planning: +15.0%
  • Division Training Time: -15.0%
  • Supply Consumption: +15.0%
It is one thing to fight a partisan war, it is another to wage war on the scale needed to liberate Ukraine. Our time to transition to such a type of warfare is drawing short, and we must acknowledge that our current partisan units are insufficient.

Our brave men and women must now transition from guerillas into hardened soldiers, capable of matching the Wehrmacht, diminished as it is under the Reichskommissariat. There comes a time that partisans must become soldiers, and guerillas a true military. This time is rapidly approaching.

Such a significant transition will require strict oversight by our high command, and strong leadership from the General Staff. There is no more time to waste, it is time for the Red Army to rise once more.
URL Accept No Substitutes.png
Limited Command Decentralization
Requires the following:
  • UKR Lessons Of The Long March.pngLessons of the Long March

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • TNO generic Marching Men Soviet.pngEnsure Force Regularity

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:
  • Every Unit Leader:
    • Gains Trickster
    • -Reconnaissance: +25.0%
    • Gains Commando
    • -Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: -25.0%
  • Command power.pngCommand Power: +30.0.
  • Division Organization: +5.0%
  • Max Planning: +5.0%
  • Supply Grace: +2400.0%
  • Out of Supply Penalties: +25.0%
No fighting force is perfect, no soldier or partisan is without the potential for improvement - but it would be a grievous mistake to believe that our partisan commanders who've fought for two decades lack the skills we need.

They know the land, they know their soldiers, and they know their limits. Imposing the will of the exiled General Staff is a recipe for disaster, risks alienating commanders, bypasses operational needs, and implies we lack faith in our people.

All these commanders need is additional training to enhance their skills, be they operational, tactical, or logistical - which we can provide. It is critical that they be empowered to operate as they deem necessary. The Wehrmacht has demonstrated that this approach can work - and we shouldn't be afraid to do it better.
Generic Red Army.png
The Beginnings of Combined Arms
Requires the following:
  • TNO generic Marching Men Soviet.pngEnsure Force Regularity
  • URL Accept No Substitutes.pngLimited Command Decentralization

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event A Storm's Calm.

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:

  • Division Organization: +5.0%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +15.0%
  • Division Attack: +10.0%
  • Division Defence: +5.0%
  • Army Experience: +25.

Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic:

  • Send 100 of Early Motorized Equipment to Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic. Old ones go first.
  • Send 500 of Early APC to Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic. Old ones go first.
  • Send 500 of Early MBT to Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic. Old ones go first.
The professionalization of our forces continues apace, and great progress has been made in all categories but one: combined arms warfare.

The reasons are numerous, all ultimately stemming from the subpar conditions we find ourselves in. However, the fact remains that this knowledge and training is fundamental to winning a modern war. The Wehrmacht will not hesitate to use every advantage against us, and one clear advantage they possess is knowledge of this doctrine of war.

Fortunately, there exists a solution, albeit a difficult one. In Kazakhstan there exist military academies with exiles who can teach these strategies. We will send our best officers and men there, so they can employ every tank, aircraft, and artillery piece to their maximum potential.
UKR End Our Absence.png
End Our Absence
Requires the following:
  • UKR A Glorious Revolution Tomorrow.pngThe Revolution Enduring

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Wolhynien region:
    • Ukrainian Red Army Control changes by +3.00%
    • Ukrainian Insurgent Army Control changes by -3.00
  • Desolation in the Wolhynien region rises by 3.00

When the radios crackle to life and the sounds of gunfire emerge, brave communards will emerge in the West.

The West Russian War resulted in the decimation of most of our influence in Ukraine, with only the eastern regions and those bordering Odesa remaining feasible for operations.

While this retreat was necessary, it has resulted in difficulties, including a strained relationship with the existing Russian minority, and called into question our claim to Ukraine itself. Yet even after two decades of propaganda against us, we retain sympathizers across Ukraine, even in the west.

These sympathies are strongest in Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Volyn, and Makysm Korniychuk, the regional partisan commander, is confident this support can be turned into manpower. When the time comes, he is confident a force can be raised, and men will once more rally to the banner of the Socialist Republic.
UKR Blood And Soil.png
A Three-Decade Tragedy
Requires the following:
  • UKR End Our Absence.pngEnd Our Absence

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Wolhynien region:
    • Ukrainian Red Army Control changes by +6.00%
    • Ukrainian Insurgent Army Control changes by -6.00
The Ukrainian Insurgent Army is a force which some might see as an ally in our struggle for Ukrainian liberation, yet their actions show the danger they pose to us, and any true friend of Ukraine.

From their inherently hateful ideology, to their total slaughter of Jews, to the tragedies in Volyn and Eastern Galicia, they are little more than a hateful band of raiders masquerading as freedom fighters - and we are hardly the only ones to see the results of their brutality.

The peasantry in Volyn and Galicia who supported them have seen their support begin to wane as a result of the UPA's methods. When these regions were occupied by Poland, these same peasants were strong supporters of the Communist Party. With their support to the UPA fading, perhaps they can join us again.
WAL Democracy is dead.png
A Four-Decade Farce
Requires the following:
  • UKR Blood And Soil.pngA Three-Decade Tragedy

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Wolhynien region:
    • Ukrainian Red Army Control changes by +6.00%
    • Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army Control changes by -6.00
  • Desolation in the Wolhynien region rises by 6.00
Perhaps the greatest mistake made during our liberation of t**UKR Bleed The Beast.pngTerror Against the Occupierhe western lands was the belief we could trust the UNDO - bourgeois Ukrainians who once ruled Galicia. A mistake we came to regret when they betrayed the Socialist Council Republic. Their treason left them helpless to stop the Germans afterwards - but remnants remain, in the form of the UNRA.

This group is a deceptive, malicious gang of Polish collaborators who dare to champion Ukrainian freedom. Their understanding of 'liberty' would entail only the exploitation of the Ukrainian worker by one of his own.

They are incompatible with our own vision, but unlike the UPA, they command some genuine loyalty from both peasants and bourgeoisie - a fact that will make dislodging them more difficult than the UPA.
UKR Discredit Their Causes.png
Discredit their Causes
Requires the following:
  • WAL Democracy is dead.pngA Four-Decade Farce

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • UKR Soviet Streetfighters.pngDemonstrate Their Impotence

Republic of Ukraine:
  • Stability.pngStability: -5.00%.
  • Political power.pngPolitical Power: -30.
For as many years as we have been fighting, we have been suffering the baseless accusations of our internal enemies - the UNRA and the UPA both. They claim that we are relics of the past. Relics of Moscow. Relics of failure. That they, as a result, are the true inheritors of Ukraine.

Nothing could be further from the truth. We are the ones who unified our language. Who fought Polish incursions in Volynhia. Who have fought the German for over twenty years. Who have never collaborated as they have. We are the righteous, not they, and we will ensure that the people know this.
UKR Soviet Streetfighters.png
Demonstrate Their Impotence
Requires the following:
  • WAL Democracy is dead.pngA Four-Decade Farce

ExclusiveM.pngMutually Exclusive with:

  • UKR Discredit Their Causes.pngDiscredit their Causes

Republic of Ukraine:
  • War Support.pngWar Support: -5.00%.
  • Command power.pngCommand Power: -30.0.
Both the UPA and UNRA offer promises and visions of a Ukraine free from German or Russian domination. It is a respectable goal, one which we share - yet the hard truth is that neither can achieve it. The Reichskommissariat's forces are considerable, despite their separation from Germany. To defeat them will be no easy task, and one only we are equipped to handle.

While they only have collaborators, scattered, inexperienced partisans, led by old, fading generals from the era of the People's Republic, our forces have prepared four decades for this moment. While their influence ends at the borders of Vinnytsia and Zhytomyr, we have widespread support throughout the country.

For any who truly wish to see the Reichskommissariat fall, and Ukraine to be free, we are their only option.
IRK central committee.png
Contact the Remnants
Requires the following:
  • Generic Red Army.pngThe Beginnings of Combined Arms

Requires one of the following:

  • UKR Bleed The Beast.pngTerror Against the Occupier
  • UKR A False Tranquility.pngA False Tranquility

Requires one of the following:

  • UKR Discredit Their Causes.pngDiscredit their Causes
  • UKR Soviet Streetfighters.pngDemonstrate Their Impotence

*'Contact the Union's Remnants' is now available in the Breadbasket.
It would be a mistake to say that Ukraine has enjoyed perfect relationships with the members of the Union over the course of our existence, with Russia in particular. At the same time, there exists an unbreakable bond between the Communists of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.

Today our military officers are trained in academies in Kazakhstan. We share equipment with Moskowien partisan groups. We disseminate knowledge, tactics, and strategies with Belarusian partisans. We support our comrades as best we can, just as they support us. All for the cause, all for freedom.

Our hour of struggle draws close. Now we live, die, and face the future together.

We did so then, we do so now.
GRO building a stockpile.png
Tap the Pipeline
Requires the following:
  • Generic Red Army.pngThe Beginnings of Combined Arms

Requires one of the following:

  • UKR Bleed The Beast.pngTerror Against the Occupier
  • UKR A False Tranquility.pngA False Tranquility

Requires one of the following:

  • UKR Discredit Their Causes.pngDiscredit their Causes
  • UKR Soviet Streetfighters.pngDemonstrate Their Impotence

*'Tap the Weapons Pipeline' is now available in the Breadbasket.
It is widely known that a smuggling empire exists within the borders of the Reich's eastern territories. One of the largest smuggling pipelines is one that flows through Ukraine into Moscowien, where thousands of illegal weapons are sold on the Black Market to partisans, criminals, and the common corrupt German official.

As the day of the revolution approaches, we find ourselves in a deficit of weaponry. To alleviate this issue, we will routinely ambush convoys using the pipeline, seizing massive caches of weapons to fuel our war effort.
UKR The Red Storm Gathers.png
Assemble the Uprising
Requires the following:
  • IRK central committee.pngContact the Remnants
  • GRO building a stockpile.pngTap the Pipeline


Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • Hughesdorf region:
    • Ukrainian Red Army Control changes by +12.00%
    • RKU - SS and Police Control changes by -12.00
  • Our Authority will be raised by 5}
  • Gets event Tales of Old Glory.

UKR ukraine ssr.png
1918 Once More
Requires the following:
  • UKR The Red Storm Gathers.pngAssemble the Uprising


Reichskommissariat Ukraine:

  • Gets event The Eve of War.

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic:

  • War Support.pngWar Support: +10.00%.
Description=The wheels of history turn and groan, as we make ready to achieve our destiny.

As the Ukapists, Borotbists, and Ukrainian Bolsheviks did in 1918, we now also stand ready to overthrow and expel a German-supported reactionary regime, while Berlin is engulfed in turmoil. Our chance is here, and as we succeeded then, we shall succeed now.

There is no doubt that the forces aligned against us are considerable, but our forces are prepared, the Communist Party is united, and our resolve is steadfast, for we have something no others have. The Ukrainian people stand at our side, and together, we march to seize our liberation.

The die is cast, and history will soon say if we have done enough.}}

Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists tree

Reichskommissariat Ukraine Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists pre civilwar focus tree.png

Focus Prerequisites Effects and description
UKR The Vozhd Commands.png
The Vozhd Commands

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event As Above, so Below.

Ukrainian State:

The story of Ukraine is one of pain, humiliation, betrayal, and destruction. Far too many have claimed the mantle to reverse this, and all have been found wanting. But this has changed, and a path to victory has revealed itself. As long as the people do not waver. As long as the people trust.

The Vozhd has made his vision of freedom clear, and his orders will return fire to the nation and strength to the populace. That freedom will be delivered, if the people will only join him in fraternity and focus. Ukraine will be whole again.

Trust in the Vozhd!
YUN The Stab In The Back.png
Dissent in the Dark...
Requires the following:
  • UKR The Vozhd Commands.pngThe Vozhd Commands

Ukrainian State:
The Ukrainian is inherently intolerant of oppression, and yearns for freedom from foreign control of any sort. The Ukrainian is strong and stubborn, and the Vozhd, glorious as he is, understands and shares this valorous trait. He also understands how to emphasize it.

Many prospective heroes of Ukraine have already broken their imposed chains, and fight in their own ways for emancipation. The Vozhd must, can, will rally them, show them the most worthy cause they can dedicate themselves to and, in turn, sow the seeds of general insurrection.
GER Millions Anger.png
...and Rage Amongst the Ranks
Requires the following:
  • UKR The Vozhd Commands.pngThe Vozhd Commands

Ukrainian State:
  • Fascism ideology.pngFascism popularity: +5.00%
  • War Support.pngWar Support: -10.00%.
  • Command power.pngCommand Power: +40.
It is said that the Vozhd's soldiers are little more than farmers with rifles, untrained and incapable of modern warfare. This overlooks their most important characteristic - rage. Blinding, overwhelming rage, supported by loyalty, determination, and patriotism unmatched anywhere else in the world.

These qualities must be emphasized, exemplified, and demonstrated to those who doubt the absolute dedication of the Vozhd and his soldiers to secure freedom for Ukraine and its people. We will not be silent. We will not be passive. We will not be controlled.
UKR Into The Bloody Fray.png
Into the Bloody Fray
Requires the following:
  • YUN The Stab In The Back.pngDissent in the Dark...
  • GER Millions Anger.png...and Rage Amongst the Ranks
The Heads of the Dragon will begin to fight amongst themselves.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event The Three-Minded Azhdaya.

Ukrainian State:

  • War Support.pngWar Support: +7.50%.
It is finally time. After years of rebuilding, of running, of hiding, we will do so no more. The Vozhd, glorious as he always is and shall remain, has finished his visionary plans for the Third Struggle, and our enemies know not how close they are to destruction.

All the Vozhd must do is present the plan to his loyal subordinates, so that they may carry it to the front lines - and light the spark that has laid dormant for so long.
UKR connections of the faithless.png
Connections of the Faithless
Requires the following:
  • UKR Into The Bloody Fray.pngInto the Bloody Fray

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event The Three-Minded Azhdaya.

Ukrainian State:

  • War Support.pngWar Support: +7.50%.
As detestable as he may be, Stetsko is correct in one thing - he does have connections. Traitorous elements - who will be justly served in good time and measure - have greatly weakened our ties both to our brothers and to the people outside of the occupied lands.

We must rebuild these ties if we are to succeed in the battles ahead, as their support and facilitation will be critical beyond measure. We must therefore listen to Stetsko, and work to follow his suggestions. Sacrifices must be made to achieve the glorious future desired.
UKR Patriots In Poland.png
Patriots in Poland
Requires the following:
  • UKR connections of the faithless.pngConnections of the Faithless

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Order to the Cells.

Ukrainian State:

  • Manpower.pngManpower: +2500.
  • 1.00K units of German Infantry Equipment is added to the national stockpile.


  • Stability.pngStability: -3.00%.


  • Stability.pngStability: -0.50%.
No matter how many guns we have, and how much the common populace may or may not support us, there is one thing we will always require - fighters. They are difficult to find, and even harder to motivate. But some have been found - scattered in and around the Generalgovernment.

There they - Polissians, Poles, Kubiyovych and his ilk, and others - fight with the Germans. They strike outposts, rail lines, collaborators, and others. If we can restore contact, if we can rebuild relationships, they may yet serve and assist the cause. Even if it is only as a distraction to the hated occupiers.
UKR The Carpathian Connection.png
The Carpathian Connection
Requires the following:
  • UKR connections of the faithless.pngConnections of the Faithless

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Carpathian Ghosts.

Ukrainian State:

  • We will secure one infantry division to our side.
  • 1x 100% Research bonus for: Recon Technology
  • Manpower.pngManpower: +2500.
  • War Support.pngWar Support: +2.50%.

Kingdom of Hungary:

  • Manpower.pngManpower: -2500.
Many years ago, our brethren in the Carpathians dreamt of a state, a place for the Carpatho-Ukrainians to call their own. For a brief moment that dream was almost realized - before the Hungarians killed it in its cradle. Most moved on and settled. But not all.

Some of them never stopped resisting, and though their numbers are small (and have only dwindled over time), those who remain have skills and knowledge almost beyond compare. We must win their allegiance, and put those qualities to use.
UKR Operatives in Odesa.png
Operatives in Odesa
Requires the following:
  • UKR connections of the faithless.pngConnections of the Faithless

Reichskommissariat Ukraine:
  • Gets event Report on Romanian Operations.

Transnistria Governorate:

  • Fascism ideology.pngFascism popularity: +3.00%
  • Manpower.pngManpower: -5000.

Ukrainian State:

  • 2.50K units of Rumanian Infantry Equipment is added to the national stockpile.
It is understandable - but most regrettable - that so many of our so-called brothers and sisters have accepted Rumanian domination, in Odesa and the territories around it, in order to live free of Nazi tyranny. However, and though few in number, some among them are willing to fight for a free Ukraine.

Contact has been made, and they are willing to assist in smuggling weapons through Odesa's connections to the wider world. For a price. One that we are willing to pay.