Strom Thurmond

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Strom Thurmond (born 5th December 1902) is an American politician from the States' Rights Party. He is best known for being a hardline segregationist.


Strom Thurmond becomes president pro tempore of the Senate if the National Progressive Pact wins the 1964 presidential election, and can become President if President Robert F. Kennedy and Vice President William Guy are assassinated. By blackmailing the Speaker of the House into declining the presidency, the title passes to Thurmond. During his presidency, he will instate country-wide Jim Crow laws and try to destroy RFK's legacy, turning him into the most hated man in the US, to the point in which he can't even get a full percentage of votes during the Iowa Caucus.

If visited by Martin Bormann, he will question if any of Bormann's ensemble served due to the observations he makes about their uniforms. However, he will find himself ashamed of Bormann approving his segregationist policies.


  • Thurmond becoming the president is rather questionable, as it can not only happen even if he lost a run for reelection (and thus, is not in the Senate anymore), but the position of pro tempore is held by the longest serving member of the majority party in the senate - if RFK is assassinated, Thurmond can become president even if the NPP is the minority party. Furthermore, if we assume that many of the current senators that are in the game entered the senate the same year that they began serving in our timeline, then John Sparkman (1937), James Eastland (1943), Margaret Chase Smith (1949), and Henry M. Jackson (1953) would all be far more eligible for the position of pro tempore than Thurmond would be (incidentally, Smith can become president if nominated in 1968, and Jackson can become president if nominated in 1972).
  • Ironically, a Thurmond presidency is the only way to achieve revolutionary civil rights without electing Gus Hall. If the player does not repeal civil rights while Thurmond is in office, and then has someone else elected in 1968, provided that the player achieved radical civil rights under Kennedy, after the response tree to Thurmond's presidency is completed (which, if the player had repealed them under Thurmond, would have reverted them to before their repeal, but as the player didn't repeal them, this causes the game to "overcorrect" and give even higher levels of civil rights), the player will wind up with revolutionary civil rights.