Republic of Indonesia

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The Republic of Indonesia is a Japanese satellite state in the South Pacific. The country is an archipelago of several thousand islands, the largest ones being Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, and New Guinea. The territory also borders the Japanese puppet, the Military Governorate of Shonan-Marai in Malaya and the North Borneo Military Administration in North Borneo. They are a member of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.


Indonesia is led by the Indonesian National Party under President Sukarno.

National spirits

Imperial Protectorate
  • (The Empire of Japan) Civilian industry to target country: +55.00%
  • (The Empire of Japan) Military industry to target country: +30.00%

We will have to pay 40% of our Gross Annual Income to the  Leader of the Co-Prosperity Sphere.

The Romusha System
  • Monthy Population: -15.0%
  • Stability: -10.00%
  • War Support: -30.00%
  • Construction Speed: +15.00%
  • (The Empire of Japan) Construction Speed: +10.00%

First introduced during the War of Liberation, the Romusha System is a much maligned element of Indonesian society. Viewed as a necessity by the Japanese, and a boon to Sukarno, this system involves levying a portion of the population for manual labor across Indonesia and the Sphere. Workers in Indonesia face terrible conditions and marginal pay, while those unlucky enough to be sent abroad to work for the Japanese come back broken in body and spirit.

  • Resource Gain Efficiency: +10.00%
  • Consumer Goods: 10%
  • Synthetic Oil: +10.00%

When Japan aided in our liberation, they brought with them a hunger for natural resources. With this pressing need they formed the "Shinkimakinaoshi" or 'New Deal' for Indonesia; in return for aid in modernizing the nation, a new consortium was established between the Indonesian government and the Japanese Zaibatsus that adopted this name for their grouping: SKN. Many years after Japan's support for our industrialization dried up, the Zaibatsus continue to maintain control over the lion's share of our mineral wealth and the profits from their sale.

Pembela Tanah Air
  • Army Experience Gain: -10.0%
  • Mobilization Speed: -10.00%
  • Division Organization: -25.0%
  • Division Attack on core territory: +10.0%
  • Planning Speed: -50.0%
  • Daily Command Power Gain: -0.5
  • Maximum Command Power Increase: -50

Although the reforms of Army Plan '60 went a long way to improving the abilities of our Armed Forces, we still have a long way to go if we are to do justice to Sodirman's legacy. Our command structures are divided amongst petty zones of influence, cooperation between commanders is poor, and logistics poses a major hurdle. The valiant heroes of the War of Liberation must proactively look to solve these issues for the next generation!