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Tyumen, is an authoritarian socialist state led by the old Bolshevik Lazar Kaganovich and was one of the first states to exist following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Initially exiled to West Siberia for his opposition to the policies of Soviet leader Nikolai Bukharin, this would backfire spectacularly for the Soviet government as the collapse would allow Kaganovich to consolidate his position in West Siberia and found the West Siberian People's Republic.

The republic initially spanned across the Urals to the city of Omsk with the support of Field Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky, Lieutenant-General Dmitry Karbyshev and 3rd and 10th Armies. However, the relations between Kaganovich and his generals had always remained a tense and bitter one, and along with pressure from the continuous Luftwaffe bombing over West Russia, the Republic wasn't set to last.

Both commanders have since separated and went their own way to create two splinter states during the West Russian War, the ultranationalist Siberian Black League and the military clique of the Ural Military District state, leaving the General Secretary Lazar Kaganovich with a rump state in Tyumen, still having the title of the WSPR as nothing but a remnant of the Union. Karbychev, seeing the Kaganovich administration as weak and in decline, seized the city of Omsk to found the ultranationalist state, creating a hostile environment between the two. Rokossovsky, disillusioned with Kaganovich's inaction to prevent this collapse, seized the city of Sverdlovsk with his 3rd army, creating a military clique to reunite Russia.

The political system of Tyumen is being governed as a centralized "Stalinist" one-party state, with its cabinet being filled with ardent supporters of Joseph Stalin of the All-Union Communist Party's hardliner wing, attempting to bear an unorthodox form of Bolshevism that goes against Nikolai Bukharin's tenets. Despite being surrounded by enemies on all sides, his revolutionary zeal remains strong and seeks to reunify and reestablish the Soviet Union. He will not stray away from his vision of an all embracing proletariat dictatorship as outlined by his former mentor, Joseph Stalin. Kaganovich is considered to be one of the most brutal and morally bankrupt warlords in all of Russia, living up to his Stalinist model of governance.


National spirits

Luftwaffe Terror Bombing Idea Luftwaffe bombings.png
  • Consumer Good Factories: 15.0%
  • Construction Speed: -30.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -20.00%
  • Production Efficiency growth: -15.00%
  • Free repair: -35.00%

Every several weeks, Luftwaffe planes from the airfields of Reichskommissariat Moskowien fly over the warlord states of western Russia, gleefully bombing any civilian targets they find as a demented form of "pilot training". While they make life hell for rural communities and can occasionally slip through and rain fire upon provincial cities, they find that lingering for too long in Russian airspace risks interception by the remnants of the Soviet Air Forces. If the Free Aviators were not there to give the Luftwaffe hell at every opportunity, the situation in Russia would be far more dire.

Revisionist Remnant ISH revisionist remnant.png
  • Stability: +10.00%
  • Factory Output: +10.00%

We may be reduced to the status of a petty remnant state in West Siberia, but we will not let this be the last gasp of the Cause of Lenin. To this end, we may be forced to deviate from Leninist Orthodoxy, but General Secretary Kaganovich has just what is takes; his new doctrine will take us from this ruined state to the successful conclusion of the Revolution.

Unorthodox Bolshevism ISH unorthodox bolshevism.png
  • Political Power Gain: +7%

It is clear for all that blindly holding on to the idea of Lenin and the Bolsheviks will bring us no future in this changing world. As respectable as the Old Bolsheviks were, we will have to deviate from their ideas, for our own good.

The Ural Automotive Plant RUS ural automotive plant.png
  • Motorized Attack: +10.0%
  • Factory Output: +5.00%
  • Motorized Equipment: Production Cost -15.00%, Reliability +5%
  • APC: Production Cost -10.00%, Reliability +5%

The Ural Automotive Plant is one of the largest factory complexes in Central Siberia, turning out vehicles, civilian and military, by the tens of thousands. Control of the plant will allow the state to produce trucks and light armored vehicles, the lifeblood of modern warfare, in enormous quantity.

Lenin's Mausoleum RUS lenin tomb safe.png
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Stability: +5.00%

The father of the Revolution, Vladimir Illich Lenin, was preserved by his successor upon his death so that all might remember who liberated us from the tyranny of bourgeois rule. During Barbarossa, it was evacuated from his resting place, and now rests in our respectful stewardship. Possession of his remains lends a certain legitimacy to our government in the eyes of the people.





Tyumen has at least nine generals.

Field Marshal Vasily Kuznetsov
Field Marshal Ivan Konev
General Ivan Fedyuninsky
General Sergei Shtemenko
General Artyom Sergeev
General Oleg Losik
General Pyotr Lushev
General Filipp Golikov
General Alexander Logunov


Head of state: Lazar Kaganovich (Stalinism) ISH minister Lazar Kaganovich.png N/A N/A
Head of government: Nikita Khrushchev (Stalinism) ISH minister Nikita Khrushchev.png Pragmatic Statesman
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20
Foreign minister: Vyacheslav Molotov (Stalinism) ISH minister Vyacheslav Molotov.png The Cloak-n-Dagger Schemer
  • Decryption: +1.00
  • AI Modifier: Call Ally Desire: +30
  • AI Mofifier: Focus on Offense: +50.0%
Economy minister: Mikhail Kaganovich (Stalinism) ISH minister Mikhail Kaganovich.png Reformer
  • Production Efficiency Cap: +3.00%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
Security minister: Ivan Konev (Stalinism) ISH minister Ivan Konev.png Army Instructor
  • Army Experience Gain: +5.00%
  • Military Leader Cost: -20.0%
  • Training time: -5.00%

Khrushchev's cabinet

If Khrushchev succeeds in removing Kaganovich from power, the cabinet will change into:

Head of state: Nikita Khrushchev (Stalinism) ISH minister Nikita Khrushchev.png N/A N/A
Head of government: Fyodor Kulakov (Stalinism) ISH minister Fyodor Kulakov.png Silent Workhorse
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.15
  • Local Resources Factor: +0.10%
Foreign minister: Andrei Gromyko (Stalinism) ISH minister Andrei Gromyko.png Well Connected
  • Supply Consumption: -5.0%
  • Improve relations opinion: +10.00%
  • Decryption: +5.00%
Economy minister: Dmitry Polyansky (Stalinism) ISH minister Dmitry Polyansky.png Planned Economy Proponent
  • Consumer Goods: -0.20
  • Construction Speed: +5.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: +10.00%
Security minister: Vasily Kuznetsov (Stalinism) Vasily Kuznetsov Minister.png Man of the People
  • Stability: +10.00%