United Siberian Salvation Committee

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The Flag of the Russian National Reconstruction Autority
The flag of the Russian National Reconstruction Authority after Reunification

the United Siberian Salvation Comittee is a potential country appearing in the aftermath of Sergey Taboritsky's Holy Russian Empire and consisting of the lands of Chukotka and Kamchatka, headed by Nikolay Artamonov, is a state with one goal: annexation by the United States of America. The devastation caused by the Holy Russian Empire has led to the conclusion that Kamchatka and Chukokta should remove themselves from Russia's story, which seemingly has come to an end, and instead join the United States to create a future for the Siberian people. Although many think that their calls for American annexation are mad and overly idealistic, it still provides the best source of hope for many Russians, especially compared to the many despots and radicals ruling the Russian wasteland.

National Spirits

A Light From the East
  • Weekly Stability.pngStability: +10.00%
The rallying and propaganda from Artamanov and the OSKS have led to a strange sense of hope from the Siberian people. Already, wild and idealistic depictions of the United States are abound in Petropavlovsk as the nation prepared for American salvation. Many in Artamanov's control know that his promises may prove empty - but compared to the despots and radicals of years past, there is something meaningful in being given a promise at all.