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Anatoly Andreevich Motsny (Russian: Анатолий Андреевич Моцный; born 25 September 1922) is a Belarusian who, should Sergey Taboritsky take control of Komi and unify Russia, will join the Shturmoviki ("Stormtroopers") and rise to the rank of commander. Following Taboritsky's death, and the subsequent collapse of the Holy Russian Empire, Motsny will become the leader of the Brotherhood of Cain, a Satantic cult controlling the lands of the former warlord state of Omsk, and adopt the monkier of Abaddon (Абаддон).


Anatoly Motsny was born on 25 September 1922 in Shklow, Mogilev Region of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, into a working-class family. He graduated from tenth grade in school. In February 1941, he was called to serve in the Red Army. Much of Motsny's activities during Second World War are unknown.


If Sergey Taboritsky reunifies Russia into the Holy Russian Empire, Motsny becomes a devout follower of the Imperial Cult and joins the Shturmoviki, quickly rising to the rank of commander. After the collapse of the Holy Empire, following the death of Taboristky, Motsny's unit takes control of Omsk.

Upon learning that Taboritsky was a Jew, Motsny experiences a crisis of fate and takes hallucinogenic drugs in the hopes of finding the awnser to his crisis of faith. This would eventually lead him to the conclusion that Taboritsky was indeed a prophet of God and a holy man as the Imperial Cult claimed, but this does not quell Motsny's anti-semitism. Instead a second 'epiphany' strikes him: if God would ally Himself with a Jew, then Satan must be the true savoir of mankind.

Adopting the monkier of Abaddon, Motsny founds the Brotherhood of Cain and becomes the High Priest of Satan. Now a devout follower of Lucifer and believer of blood magic, Abaddon seeks to wipe Christianity away from Russia and frequently commits human sacrifice.

Should the Brotherhood reunify Russia in the non-canon Post-Midnight gameplay content, Abaddon crowns himself the Son of Satan.

External links

Anatoly Motsny at Wikipedia