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In Hearts of Iron 4: The New Order, the Soviet Union lost the Second World War, with the Germans pushing to the Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan Line. However, this did not mean the end for the union, for it survived in Western Russia, though West Siberia fell to the Stalinists, Central Siberia fell to the Central Siberian Republic, currently known as Tomsk, and East Siberia was controlled by Genrikh Yagoda's NKVD.

The Union, now known as the West Russian Revolutionary Front gathered its strength and launched the West Russian War. They almost won with extensive support from the United States of America and the Empire of Japan but then lost as their offensives waned and stalled and political infighting and coups dried up all of the stability of the Revolutionary Front.

This forced the Revolutionary Front to retreat north, past the Vychegda River and into Arkhangelsk, abandoning the rest of West Russia to many other warlords. The Siberian War shattered the Central Siberian Republic and the Far Eastern Republic, the NKVD securocracy. The West Siberian People's Republic, led by the Stalinists, lost power as Omsk and Sverdlovsk rebelled and seceded.

But they still succeeded, in a way, damaging the reich beyond a hasty repair, pushing the Germans away from the A-A line,and hurting the economy greatly, paving the road for a new , great trail...

Mother Russia now staggers and collapses in shame, still shattered by the weapons of the Reich. But though her sons bicker and fight, one of them will triumph and help her back up in pity and guilt. And she will stand tall once more, no matter how difficult it will be to stand. For her spirit and strength is endless and incomprehensible.