Gus Hall

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Gus Hall is an American socialist politician and trade union leader who leads the Communist Party USA.

Achieving a Hall presidency

Like getting Francis Parker Yockey as president, the player must fail in pretty much every decision or conflict and empowering the CPUSA. A brief summarized guide to do this is as follows:

  • Veto the Civil Rights Act to get Robert F. Kennedy elected later on. You could choose to wait it out until Bloody Wednesday, but the boost is negligible.
  • It's important not to do any foci that boosts the R-D popularity, or win any proxy wars like Malaysia, Philippines, or Madagascar.
  • As Kennedy, pass civil rights legislation under any way possible. Lose the Indonesian Civil War. Do decisions, focuses, and choices that make the FR-NPP despise you (like COINTELPRO focuses) while also making trade unions dislike you as well. Make sure you get assassinated before the 1968 election season.
  • As Strom Thurmond, spit on Kennedy's legacy and boost the Marxist caucus. Do both the "Good Behavior They Have Not" and "The Center Shall Not Hold" focus to kill the Progressive caucus and empower the Marxist caucus.
  • Have Barry Goldwater win the 1968 election. As Goldwater, fail Act!, fail both the Copperhead and Southern strategies, get caught targeting the unions with shadiness being at ten or more, implement full on Reganomics without tariffs, and fail to pass EPA legislation and crush the Yockeys, thus uniting the NPP behind the Marxist caucus. All of those above will destroy the R-Ds come 1972.
    • Do note, the Oil Crisis will happen sometime in the mid-1970s when Iraq goes into a civil war. You won't be able to continue any other focuses, until you finish resolving the crisis. Make sure you either time the AFL-CIO focuses well or do them after the Oil Crisis.
  • Lose the Iranian Civil War.
  • Getting 20% party popularity or more for the L-NPP, will allow you to nominate Hall to be the 1972 NPP presidential candidate.
  • If the above methods fail, you can use console commands to give Hall 100%+ party popularity to win the election.
  • You likely won't get enough senators to pass the CRA of 73 but still able to win the election in a landslide.

Hall presidency