Hans Speidel

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Hans Speidel (born 28 October 1897) is a field marshal in the Heer of the Wehrmacht. While Speidel supports the government, rivals in the army such as Ferdinand Schörner claim that he is against the racial policies of the German Reich.


Pre-WWII years

Speidel joined the German Imperial Army in 1914 and fought in WWI on the Western Front. He remained in the Reichswehr post-war.


Speidel took part in the invasions of France and the Low Countries under General Erwin Rommel. He served as chief of staff of the occupying forces before being transferred to the Eastern Front.

Post-war and rise to prominence

Following the end of WWII, Speidel continued to serve the Reich. Following the economic collapse, Speidel began to support Speer's ideals, though he is loyal to the Reich foremost.

Speidel proved crucial when SS units attempted to launch the coup while it was occupied fighting the Russian Partisans. Speidel rallied his forces and launched a surpirse attack on the SS, dispersing them and causing some forces, including the infamous Dirlewanger Brigade to flee deep into Russia. When Speidel returned to Germany he was crucial in preventing a militarist conspiracy to take over the Wehrmacht lead by Ferdinand Schörner.

Since then Speidel has kept the Wehrmacht out of the hands of radicals, and prepared contingencies to maintain order when Adolf Hitler dies, in the case that other factions within the NSDAP attempt to seize power from the successive government.


At the start of the game, Speidel is available as a field marshal. While he is shown to favor Speer the most, at the start of the German Civil War, rather than side with Speer, he will instead opt to remain neutral, seizing control of Germania. If Speer, Martin Bormann, or Hermann Göring are the ones victorious in the civil war, he will relinquish control of Germania voluntarily and return to service.

However, should Reinhard Heydrich emerge victorious, he will refuse to recognize Heydrich and declare war. After being defeated, he will be imprisoned. However, if the player opts to save the prison when the news of Heydrich's betrayal leaks out, he will be available to advise Heydrich, serving as a field marshal and can help him win over some of the other warlords.


In real life, Speidel participated in the 20th July Plot (alongside Henning von Tresckow and Claus von Stauffenberg). After the war, he would go on to be a key figure in the West German military.