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The Dirlewanger Brigade, officially the 36th Waffen SS Panzer-Grenadier Brigade, is a loose collection of bandits and criminals located in southern Russia, based around the city of Orsk.


The Dirlewanger Brigade is less of a country and more of a raider territory that consists of the former SS Dirlewanger Brigade. The brigade was forced to flee into Russia following an attempt by the SS to destroy the Wehrmacht during the West Russian War that was foiled by General Hans Speidel. The Brigade mostly consists of SS men, mercenaries, murderers, and other criminals who seek a way to enrich themselves.

The Brigade has gained a reputation of brutality and barbarity even for the standards of post-collapse Russia. Outside observers claim that their next move is going to be towards the Commune of Orenburg, one of Russia's richest and most populated cities.

The Brigade is opposed by the forces of the Ural League and other nearby warlords. The brigade has little unity and is held together only by Dirlewanger's leadership and a common goal of conquest and enrichment. If Dirlewanger were to die the brigade would likely collapse.

The flag of Dirlewanger's Realm.



Cabinet member Role Ideology Trait(s) and effects
Oskar Dirlewanger Head of state National Socialism ideology.pngNational Socialism No Traits
Oskar Dirlewanger Head of government National Socialism ideology.pngNational Socialism The Black Bandit:
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: +0.10
  • Division Attack: +10.00%
  • Division Defense: -10.00%
Lorenz Hackenholt Foreign minister National Socialism ideology.pngNational Socialism Kneel or Die:
  • AI Modifier: Call Ally Desire: -40
  • AI Modifier: Join Ally Desire: -30
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +50.0%
Hermann Erich Bauer Economy minister National Socialism ideology.pngNational Socialism Slave Master:
  • Factory Output: +5.00%
  • Construction Speed: +5.00%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -10%
Fritz Schmedes Security minister National Socialism ideology.pngNational Socialism Disgraced Exile:
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -0.05
  • Encryption: +0.50
  • Decryption: -0.50

Political parties

Political party Ideology Popularity Party leader Is ruling?
Dirlewanger Loyalists
National Socialism ideology.pngNational Socialism 41% Oskar Dirlewanger Yes
United Mercenary Syndicate
(Vereinigtes Söldnersyndikat)
Authoritarian democrat group.pngPaternalism 40% No
Russian End Conscription Alliance
(Russische Wehrpflichtende Allianz)
Socialism ideology.pngSocialism 14% No
Wehrmacht Soldiers
(Soldaten der Wehrmacht)
Fascism ideology.pngFascism 5% No
No Authority Socialism ideology.pngSocialism No, it triggers after Dirlewanger dies

Political leaders

Leader Ideology Party In power Popularity Leader trait
Oskar Dirlewanger National Socialism ideology.pngNational Socialism Dirlewanger Loyalists Yes 41%
Fritz Schmedes National Socialism ideology.pngNational Socialism Dirlewanger Loyalists No, can come to power after Dirlewanger dies