Miletiy Zykov

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Miletiy Zykov (born 26th February 1898) is the leader of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia's democratic faction and is one of the potential unifiers for Russia.



Miletiy Zykov was born to a Jewish family in Slutsk, under the family name of Yarho. Later on his life, he converted to Orthodox Christianity, adopting the full name of Miletiy Alexandrovich Zykov. He graduated from the 2nd Yekaterinoslav Real School (1910-1915), then studied at the Electromechanical Department of the Petrograd Polytechnic Institute of Peter the Great. In March 1917, Miletiy left the institute, and in June 1917, he was drafted into military service.

Defection to KONR

Not much was heard nor seen from Miletiy until he joined the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia during the West Russian War. Despite knowing very well that the Germans were not his friends by any means, due to his Jewish ancestry, the only way for a democratic Russia to be formed and Bolshevism to be driven out, was to cooperate only out of necessity for a time. Regardless, he alongside with entire KONR were subjected to the bombing campaign by the Luftwaffe after the end of the West Russian War.


Miletiy as a protege of Andrey Vlasov has an unique opportunity to lead KONR after his death, considering how both of them had a long time relationship with one another. Regardless, he would have to find compromises and do some tricks if he were to remain Vlasov's right hand, as the likes of Mikhail Oktan and Sergei Bunyachenko also want to lead the KONR in their own vision.


Zykov can become leader of Samara if he is appointed as successor by Vlasov and has enough power and influence in the KONR, or overthrows said successor if he does not have enough influence and is unpopular.

At the regional stage, the player has a numerous number of decisions to take, one being the reformation of the KONR into the Unity Party, the ruling party of the newborn Russian Republic. While Zykov does not have sympathies towards socialism in general, he can still implement trade unions in order to boost the economy, as well as to reduce the poverty rate by a large amount.

In his diplomatic focuses, Zykov formally declares his own organization to no longer be the pawn of the Reich, as well as establishing diplomatic relations with several nations aligned against Germany. At the super-regional stage, he officially becomes a president for life, as the controlled opposition is too weak to challenge his rule, which is considered the least unfavorable outcome, considering other candidates offer much worse treatment to their subjects.

Zykov can unify with almost any centrist Russian warlord including Sverdlovsk, despite the latter being aligned towards a communist past, whilst Zykov's state was born out as a result of collaboration with Germans. Regardless, his path is one of the easier paths for Russian unification.

Quote upon unification

"The world thinks the Russian Revolution is at an end. Do not be mistaken. The Russian Revolution is just beginning."

—Alexander Kerensky