Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists

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The flag of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists Melnyk faction (OUN-M).

Founded in 1929 by Yevhen Konovalets to oppose the Soviet Union with the aim of creating an independent Ukraine. The Organization staged a small scale Insurgency against the Soviets and terrorist operations in Polish Galicia. During the German Invasion of the Soviet Union in the Second World War, despite disliking the Germans, due to their hate of the Soviets and Russians collaborated with the Germans. Whilst gladly participating in the holocaust, killing many Jews, Communists, Russians and Poles. Largely "Cleansing" Galicia and Volyn. They Slowly became disillusioned with the Germans as it became clearer they did not wish to create an independent Ukraine as well as the Nazi Atrocities against Ukraine. The Organization slowly became divided on those who thought there was no choice but further German collaboration and those who desired rebellion against the Germans. However OUN founder Yevhen Konovalets managed to keep the Organization whole, by continuing collaboration with the Germans, albeit slowly decreasing collaboration.

Shortly after the Second World War ended in 1945 with a German victory. Founder Yevhen Konovalets died from Lung Cancer. His chosen successor, Ultranationalist Stepan Bandera who was opposed to further collaboration with the Germans proclaimed the Independence of a Ukrainian State. Begining "The First Struggle". Around this time, Former Ukrainian SS officer Roman Shukhevych, who participated in the German massacres of Poles, defected due to German consolidation of control on Ukraine. Bandera was subsequently Arrested by German security forces and sent to the Sachsenhausen Concentration camp, where he died. The OUN Narrowly avoided collapse and destruction following this war. The OUN Subsequently broke into two factions. Andriy Melnyks faction, who continued collaboration with the Germans, and the Banderites, led by Dmytro Klyachkivsky (Although [Shukhevych almost took over, he was rejected due to his relatively moderate Beliefs). Meanwhile, some members defected to the Republicans.

Melnyk Created the Ukrainian National Committee, an organization of Ukrainians oddly loyal to the Reich. He also created the Collaborationist Military group the Ukrainian National Army. Which is largely powerless under Koch's rule however.

The Banderites and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) Led an insurgency against the Germans for some time, mainly operating in the west of Ukraine and Polish Galicia. In the early 1950s, they entered full-scale war with the more moderate Polissian Guard as well as Melynk's faction. This war continued, largely being a victory. This war became known as "The Second Struggle". However, as more and more forces defected to the Germans and the Republicans, they were overwhelmed, and the UPA was forced to spend the next many years building up its strength. In the meantime, using Insurgency Tactics such as ambushes, bombings, assassinations, and anything to improve their position, regardless of if civilians die. Preparing for a Third great Struggle. In which an independent Greater Ukraine, would be created, "Cleansed" of all Russians, Communists, Liberals, Germans, Jews, Hungarians, Poles, Romanians, Greeks and more.


The OUN is a far-right Ukrainian ultranationalist organization aiming for the Creation of an Independent Greater Ukraine (Usually composed of the RK and Poland as well as the Don River area, however some radicals believe in a Ukrainian empire from the Syan River to the Caucasus Mountains) "cleansed" of all non Ukrainian ethnic groups, most notably: Poles, Germans, Russians and Jews. To make way for a Ukraine ethnostate for Ukrainians only. Members of the OUN-B obey the teachings of Stepan Bandera. Opinions on the Germans range from full on genocide and enslavement to small collaboration in the OUN-B and full collaboration with the Germans in the OUN-M. All members are fully anti-Communist and anti-Semitic, however. Some of its more moderate members are simply Fascists, whilst the more extreme are Ultranationalists or even Naturalised National Socialists.