Saddam Hussein

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Saddam Hussein (born 28 April 1937) is an Authoritarian Democrat politician in the Iraqi Republic.


  • In real-life, Saddam Hussein was the fifth president of Iraq (although that was merely his position; in reality, he was more akin to a dictator), serving from 1979 until he was deposed in 2003. Ironically, he was a major figure in the Ba'athist movement, alongside his predecessor, Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, a stark contrast to his depiction in The New Order, where he has no affiliation with Ba'athism, and merely wants to create an Iraqi Republic free of foreign influence.
  • Prior to Patch v.1.2.0 "Toolbox Theory" Saddam Hussein was the leader of an Authoritarian Democratic faction in the Iraqi Civil War. He was replaced by Abd al-Rahman al-Bazzaz, a Paternalistic Conservative.