Second Malagasy Uprising

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The Second Malagasy Uprising is a proxy conflict between the Einheitspakt - fighting to uphold the military government of Madagascar - and both the Organization of Free Nations and Kyōiken backing the native Malagasy peoples in a revolt.


Located just a handful of miles off the African coast, French Madagascar is - besides Algiers - the last remnant of the French colonial empire de jure-- though de facto the island is governed by the German forces dispatched there by the Reich. It serves very little value to the Reich except for its westerly position allowing for German ships to sail in the Indian ocean, contesting Japan in the region-- something that could be done from mainland Africa much more efficiently, or from Mauritius for much cheaper, without having to maintain expensive Germanization. Due to its lack of value, therefore, the Reich delegated its control to the French State.

Consequentially, French Madagascar is a bloated corpse-- a financially-troubled quagmire that fails to properly suppress native unrest on its own, most heavily evident in the First Malagasy Uprising which only resolved itself once Germany became directly involved in the suppression of the rebellion and resulted in Germany dispatching a permanent military presence to the island.

In February of 1963, various underground Malagasy societies, funded overtly by the Japanese Empire and in secret by the United States of America, will rise up against the deteriorating French authority, and consequentially cause the collapse of any form of governance on the island and result in the dismantling of the façade of French rule, with the German garrisons overtaking French bureaucrats and establishing the Militärverwaltung Madagaskar.


/!\ TODO: Add information on proxy gameplay /!\

The Malagasy Revolt is a proxy conflict that can be accessed from the Foreign Policy menu for the countries involved. Since the release of the Ugly American update, the way the proxy is played has been updated to run through three phases, which influence the major cities ('nodes' in the interface) to the preferred side as well as provide aid to the prospective side. While Germany and Japan can send volunteers, should the United States take more than three major actions, its involvement in the conflict will be exposed, resulting in numerous maluses to the country.


Should the German Reich win with a majority of the influence - highly likely due to France lacking the necessary content to increase their influence - Madagascar will come under direct German authority and the Paktkommission Madagaskar will be set up to govern the island.

However, if the revolt succeeds, there are many more options for how the government may evolve. Should the Japanese have the majority of the influence over the island, the Malagasy Republic will be proclaimed, a puppet state providing Japan with a base not far from the German Reichskommissariats and threatening their control over the region. However, if the United States miraculously claims the majority of the influence, they will have the option to set up three separate regimes, only one of which results in a natively-governed republic.


  • As all events in TNO are parallels of real-life Cold War conflicts, the Malagasy Uprising is most likely a parallel of the Algerian War, a conflict fought between the Fourth French Republic and Algerian nationalists that resulted in Algerian independence and the collapse of the Fourth Republic, resulting in the formation of the later Fifth Republic.
  • If the Malagasy Rebellion's ideology is set to Esoteric Nazism, absolutely nothing of note happens.