Walter Gordon

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Walter Gordon is the current Economy Minister of the Dominion of Canada in the cabinet of Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson. A member of the Liberal Party of Canada, he is known to be a supporter of Canada's economic independence from its Organization of Free Nations' allies.

In-game biography

Walter Lockhart Gordon, despite being an acoounting prodigy and a dynamo in the Bank of Canada during the war, is an unusual pick for Pearson's cabinet. While agreeing with Pearson about the necessity of the OFN in combatting Nazi and Japanese imperialism, he is alarmed at the degree to which it has enabled Canadian businesses and natural resources to be sold to American investors. He is Canada's leading champion of "economic nationalism", a protectionist movement calling for strict tariffs as well as independence from OFN economic restrictions, and has even called for punitive taxes on foreign takeovers of Canadian firms. His detractors allege that Gordon's economic nationalist policies make him a better fit for the Tories, or even the Social Credit Party, and question his prominent place in the Liberal government.

Yet, for all their economic differences, Gordon and Pearson need each other. Gordon is a true believer in Pearson's progressive domestic agenda, even if he wants greater economic sovereignty for Canada in international trade. Pearson knows the value of Gordon's financial genius outweighs the cost of his ersatz economic nationalism. For a time being, the two have an uneasy alliance. For the sake of the government, Pearson hopes it can hold.


  • Walter Gordon was a major figure in Canadian politics in the 1960s. A member of the House of Commons in 1962, he became Minister of Finance in 1963. Walter Gordon was one of Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson's closest advisors. He was instrumental in the expansion of social programs. Gordon left the government in 1965 after his party failed to win a majority in a federal election. He later supported Pierre Trudeau, Pearson's successor, but did not join his government. Walter Gordon died in 1987.
  • According to this teaser, Walter Gordon will be part of the expansion of Canada in the Shifting Tides update.