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The Zollverein (German Customs Union) is formally a common market between most nations and territories comprising the Einheitspakt, that can be set up if Albert Speer gets into power. De facto, it is Germany's economic sphere with practically all Eastern European industry being owned by Germans, owing to the sheer fact that the eastern Reichskommissariats were nothing more than German colonial administrations until recently. It is an Economic Sphere just like the one preceding it.


The Zollverein will be a grand new project of economic cooperation between many nations of Europe. Spearheaded by Ludwig Erhard, it seeks to unite the continent under a common, single market, ensuring economic cooperation and mutual stability in the process.

All Nations in the Zollverein get a share of the budget which can be used for developing the nation.

Playing Germany the player also get access to a GUI which shows the power of the 4 Private Companies holding great power, slaves and economic monopolies in Germany and its eastern nations.

The Player gets 3 options out of which 2 are used to reduce the power of these 4 companies in different states.( The first has a 2 week cooldown while the second has a monthly cooldown. In order to use them certain conditions are also required such as political power, spending money e.t.c)

The Third power to destroy the power of a Company Dominating a state/Area presents when the companies power in that area/state reaches 0 . If any one company loses all their monopolies and the certain focuses which need to be completed are dealt with, the Companies power can be fully dismantled

This is in order so that through reformism slowly the industries are removed from their reliance on slavery and abolishing slavery as a whole so that the german economy can start growing again. The main purpose of going after these companies is to diminish their power so as to free slaves slowly in those areas

This can all be done via the German Industry GUI which appears after Speer wins the civil war