Reichskommissariat Niederlande

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Reichskommissariat Niederlande is the German government for the occupied Netherlands. It borders the Greater Germanic Reich to the east, and the SS State of Burgundy to the south. The nation is governed by a German Reichskommissar and the collaborationist Dutch government, headed by the National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands.

Death of Arthur Seyss-Inquart

Very soon after the death of Hitler, Seyss-Inquart follows suit along with his authority. In his place, the Occupational Authorities takes charge, but ultimately with no power. This causes a power struggle, which multiple factions will try to usurp power. Depending on the outcome of the German Civil War, this new government can either be replaced by a government friendly towards Germania or realign itself with the Einheitspakt either by diplomacy or war.

SS-Staat Niederlande
Flag SS-Staat Niederlande.png
Head of state Henk Feldmeijer
Ideology Burgundian System
Party name Nederlandsche Schutzstaffel
Reichskommissariat Niederlande
Flag 82x52 Reichskommissariat Niederlande flag.png
Head of state H. A. Sinclair de Rochemont
Ideology National Socialism
Party name NSB-V
Flag Geelkerken's Niederlande.png
Head of state Cornelis van Geelkerken
Ideology Fascism
Party name NSB-M
Dutch State
Flag Despotist Niederlande.png
Head of state Barend Biesheuvel
Ideology Despotism
Party name NSB-AG
Flag Overgangsregering flag.png
Head of state Barend Biesheuvel
Ideology Paternalism
Party name Transitional government (Overgangsregering)