Deutsches Reich

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The Deutsches Reich is a potential state that appears during the SS Civil War. They are remnants of Albert Speer's reformist faction. Located in southwestern germany and are led by Reinhard Gehlen. They will side with Reinhard Heydrich in the SS Civil War, seeing him as a lesser evil with compared to Heinrich Himmler. The men of the Deutsches Reich are eager to defend their Fatherland from Burgundy and will become an early target for them, but since Burgundy's forces are far stronger, the Deutsches Reich won't stand a chance on their own and will really only succeed if they ally with Heydrich. If Heydrich wins the SS Civil War, he will commit suicide, and Herbert Otto Gille will become Führer. When this happens, and if Hans Speidel isn't rescued, Gehlen will assume control of Western Germany and fight Gille. However, during the fighting, more and more factions will appear, with the growing instability spiraling out of control and plunging Germany into an anarchy comparable to Russia Post-Taboritsky.