SS Civil War

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The SS Civil War (Also known as the Second German Civil War) is a potential conflict that will inevitably happen if Reinhard Heydrich is victorious in the German Civil War. It occurs soon after Heydrich learns of Heinrich Himmler's plans to nuke the world and betrays him.

During the civil war, various territories will break up into smaller warlord states that can either be diplomatically or forcefully annexed. After Heydrich's Germany and Ordenstaat Burgund annex all breakaway states, they will begin another war that will determine the fate of the world. However, the player can decide to delay the war for 3 months.


If Heydrich wins, he will personally confront Himmler and execute him, ending the civil war. He will then realize that for decades, he has led the German people to constant war and destruction, eventually committing suicide due to his insanity. This will create a power vacuum that will eventually lead to another civil war between the Deutsches Reich and other various breakaway states found in the SS civil war.

Unlike the last 2 civil wars, the player is forced to be a spectator as they watch Germany collapse one after the other before devolving into complete anarchy.

The final moments of the Greater Germanic Reich.

However, if Himmler wins, the world shall face the consequences. He will carry out his plans of Aryan supremacy, and launch nuclear weapons across the world, leading to global thermonuclear war and anarchy.