Pavel Sudoplatov

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Pavel Sudoplatov (born 7 July 1907) is a field marshal for the Divine Mandate of Siberia.


During World War II, Sudoplatov served with distinction in the NKVD under its director, Genrikh Yagoda. Sometime after Yagoda evacuated the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet to Irkutsk, Sudoplatov defected from the NKVD and retreated into the remote northern portions of Far Eastern Siberia.


Sudoplatov appears via event shortly after Alexander Men forms the Divine Mandate of Siberia, worn from his trek and expressing contrition for his past actions. He brings one motorized division with him to the Divine Mandate. His knowledge of asymmetrical warfare and the experience of his NKVD troops is reflected in some of the Divine Mandate's warlord stage focuses.

After the Divine Mandate unites Far Eastern Siberia, Men grows wary of Sudoplatov, suspecting that he could be attempting to instigate a coup. In the "The Three Temptations of the Sinner" branch of the regional focus tree, there are three sets of mutually-exclusive focuses, which represent fundamentally different approaches as to how the military and government of the Divine Mandate should function, displaying the tension between Men and Sudoplatov.

Should the player select two or more of the focuses that favor Sudoplatov, the field marshal will successfully coup Men, causing the Divine Mandate to fracture; a failstate. Post-coup, Sudoplatov will lead the Siberian Protection Committee.

However, if the player chooses two or more focuses that favor Men, then Men will discover that Sudoplatov has secretly been commanding NKVD troops, collecting funds, and stealing weapons for the purposes of a coup. Sudoplatov will beg for forgiveness once more, to which Men accedes. Despite his actions, Sudoplatov will remain as a field marshal for the rest of the game.