Redeemed Black League

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The Redeemed Black League is a West Siberian warlord that emerged after the Holy Russian Empire collapses due to the death of Sergey Taboritsky. The territories this warlord occupies are Yugorsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Tyumen, Kurgan and Yekaterinburg. The Redeemed Black League also occupied Omsk but the Brotherhood of Cain soon occupies it after it is established.

The Redeemed Black League is the product of "Plan Hydra", or the Black League's plan to rise from their deep bunkers and survive even after defeat. However, due to the rise of Taboritsky's Holy Russian Empire, they now believe that the Great Trial is not only against the Teuton menace but also against fellow Russians. They believe that the Russian race must be purified, and do this through mass conscription and forcing conscripts to fight each other for survival, to turn them into efficient killing machines. Only those born and raised within the Redeemed Black League's borders are considered to be true Russians. As such, they keep a close watch on their own population, deter or shoot refugees on sight, and brutally subjugate any groups that they conquer. The Redeemed Black League shares beliefs with the Aryan Brotherhood and the Holy Russian Empire, whom they oppose. They all carry a fierce focus on Germany's influence. Like the former, they promote a small group of Russians as the racial elite ("Aryans" vs. "pure Russians") and oppress other Russians that are not a part of the group. In the latter's case, they both share the belief that Russia must be purged of imperfections and be reshaped to fit their own standards, by gas, bullet, or more. They shoot down the aircraft of the Imperial Airborne Brigades and murder any prisoners, but they're one of the Redeemed Black League's less sympathetic victims, since these bandits frequently harass smaller villages. Under the Militarized Village Program, the Redeemed Black League forces entire populations to relocate at gunpoint, where they are forced to produce munitions to fuel their upcoming war effort. The Redeemed Black League has embraced a truly vicious training regime for their Reformed Redemptionary Brigades, turning the recruits into merciless killers that are little more than monsters than men.

National Spirits

Insular Enclave
  • Monthly Population: -50.0%
  • Attack: +15.00%
Lazarenko believes only those born raised within the Black League's borders are true Russians. As such, they keep a close watch on their own population, deter or shoot refugees on sight, and brutally subjugate any groups that they come into possession of rather than integrating them. Their population is small and will remain so, but each and every member is fanatical in their devotion, fully prepared to lay down their lives for the cause.
Redemptionary Service
  • Recruitable Population: +2.50%
Whilst the commanders of the Black League maintain that only those born within their territory are truly worthy of membership, the brutal Redemptionary Brigades remain as a means of acquiring the birthright. Through years of service in a Redemptionary Brigade, one may finally acquire the right to Black League membership and gain the League's trust - if one survives.
Salted Earth
  • Monthly Population: -45.0%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -10%
  • Division Attrition: +15.0%
  • Needed Consumer Goods: +25.0%
  • Construction Speed: -25.00%
The greatest mark that the Regent's Holy Russian Empire has left across the motherland is that of salted earth and ruined fields, the legacy of the vast amounts of chemical agents deployed against insurgents and other enemies during the process of unification. As a result, vast amounts of fertile land has been poisoned, formerly critical water sources has been rendered unsafe to drink, and forests have been stripped bare. Untainted food and water is rare in the post-imperial wasteland- and all of the motherland shall suffer for it.


Redeemed Black League flag that is used after unifying Russia.
  • The Redeemed Black League bears many similarities to Fallout 2's incarnation of the Enclave - both are surviving members of a defunct government (Omsk/Pre-Great War The United States, respectively) hostile to anyone who is not a member, see non-members as genetically impure, and are dedicated to cleansing the land from those they see as impure
  • The Black League's goal of attempting to create perfect, emotionless soldiers has been compared to Trofim Lysenko's super-soldier program.