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West Russian Warlords

West Russian Revolutionary Front

The West Russian Revolutionary Front, or WRRF, are the remnants of the army of the Soviet Union. They reside in the area round Arkhangelsk and have created autonomous governates to their immediate south, Plesetsk and Ukhta, the fiefdoms of the front's two greatest and most powerful generals, Mikhail Tukhachevsky and Georgy Zhukov. These two are currently in a power struggle to be the one to rule the Front, which will have to be resolved.


During the West Russian War, the West Russian Revolutionary Front invaded the Republic of Finland while they were invading the Reichskommissariats. With the Front's collapse, the Finns created a puppet government in Onega to be a buffer against the West Russian Revolutionary Front.


When the Revolutionary Front tried to cut their losses and retreat, Nikolai Voznesensky was one of the generals who rebelled. He took hold of the Front’s capital, Syktyvkar. He created a republic in his territory and allowed anyone to come to it, no matter their allegiance or views, and allows and respects elections. Because of these factors, Komi is very unstable and has ideologies usually unreplicated elsewhere. With the 1961 elections quickly approaching, Komi’s fate will soon be decided, one way or another.


The massive amounts of bloodshed have been seen in Russia, from World War One, to the Revolutions, to the Civil War, to the Second World War, and the West Russian War. The general Vasily Ivanov had had enough, and when the Front retreated, he seized power in Vologda, declaring neutrality and delaying war in every way he can. However, with many Russian warlords aspiring to reunite Russia, Vologda’s neutrality will soon be challenged. Only God knows how much more blood will be shed...

Order of Saint George

A theocracy run by clergy of the Orthodox Church. founded by its Grandmaster Mikhail Antipin.


Vladimir Kirillovich was a man who lived in Brittany. However, he had something most do not: the position of Head of the Imperial Family of Russia. When the Reich conquered France, they found Vladimir. After somewhat involuntary and forceful negotiation, Vladimir agreed to cooperate with the Nazis. He led Russian monarchists who had defected to him and now worked for the Reich.

When the West Russian War occurred, Vladimir's soldiers held where the Reich retreated, and were able to break through the lines of the Front. They pierced deep into the front and marched to Vyatka, which they secured during the collapse of the Front. Now, Vladimir, or Vladimir III as he is known now, claims the long-lost title of Tsar, and leads many Russians. However, his reign has been stressful and unstable, with the Tsar having constant headaches and migraines, not helped by his astoundingly divided cabinet which constantly bickers. But he must choose which path his fledgling state will take, and ensure its survival, lest the Sons of October defeat the Romanovs again...


Tatars are a Turkic people that have been at odds with the Russian people for their entire existence. Russian states were once tributaries of the Golden Horde, but this "Tatar Yoke" was eventually cast off. After rapid Russian expansion, the Tatars were subjugated and would remain so for hundreds of years. Until now. For with the collapse of the Front the Tatars have seen this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gain freedom once more, and they seized it with all the might they could muster. However, they are located between many Russian warlords, and to the south, the Committee For the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia is becoming quite ambitious...


Andrey Vlasov was a general of the Soviet Union, but during the Great Patriotic War he was captured. Instead of rotting away in a prison he chose to defect and work with the Germans, leading other anti-communist Russian defectors. During the West Russian War, Vlasov's division grew and was given more and more autonomy, even being allowed to be renamed to The Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia. During the war, the Committee was able to break through enemy lines and took control of Samara, finally becoming independent from the Reich. However, this meant that Vlasov was no longer supported by the Reich and the Russian people see him as a traitor. Vlasov will have to work through these challenges or his Committee will be nothing but a footnote...

Aryan Brotherhood

In the total humiliation of Russia by Germany in both World Wars many Russians accepted that they were the barbarians that the Germans called them, that they were inferior. But a man named Alexey Dobrovolsky thought that whilst most were barbarians, the status of "Aryan" could be achieved by anyone, even the Slavic barbarians that the Nazis so despised. He changed his name to Gutrum Vagner and tried to speak the best German he could. He put up swastikas everywhere and dedicated his state in Perm to worship of "Aryans". He created a totalitarian state much like the Reich. Unsurprisingly, this German imitation has not endeared him to the Russian people and warlords. Alongside this, a "reformist" movement that wishes to make becoming "Aryan" easier is growing, led by the charismatic Zigfrid Shultz.


Much like the Tatars, the Bashkirs are a long-oppressed people that finally got their independence with the collapse of the West Russian Revolutionary Front. But there is tension along the border with the Aryan Brotherhood...

Ural Warlords


During the days of the Front, Orenburg was managed by communes, which were able to survive the West Russian War. But without a centralized government managing them, the communes constantly bicker and argue, unable to build even a single factory. And worse, they are surrounded by enemies that wish to end this troubling freedom. The communes' inactive activity must soon end, or they will be destroyed.

Ural League

Paramilitary exiles from Vorkuta, they wish to improve and liberalize lives in the Urals. However, Russia is not kind to ideals...


A black mountain ruled by a mad scientist, Magnitogorsk is unique among the warlords. Led by the scientist Trofim Lysenko who wishes to create so-called "Super Soldiers" to better fight Germany, he uses the NKVD to kidnap people from villages and perform experiments on them in the so-called "Black Mountain". This is naturally in opposition to the vision of the Ural League, and the Dirlewanger Brigade to the south is a growing threat. In addition, the NKVD that is the weapon of Lysenko's terror may soon become disloyal...

Dirlewanger Brigade

Former members of the SS who were exiled to Russia after the attempted Coup, the Dirlewanger Brigade, led by its namesake, raid and pillage the Urals and Kazakhstan from their base of operations in Orsk. But, being hated by everyone in the Russian anarchy, Russian resistance soon may become unbearable...

West Siberian Warlords


A state ruled by Stalinists, Tyumen once controlled most of Western Siberia. However, in the chaos following the West Russian War, Omsk rebelled, and after little action, Sverdlovsk followed. Now the Stalinists and their leader, Lazar Kaganovich, stay dormant, doing what they can to survive the bombings. In this effort, they stir, and with their uncompromising action, may soon reclaim West Siberia.


Hate consumes Omsk.

Formerly part of the Stalinist West Siberian People's Republic, it was seized by Dmitry Karbyshev and his Russian ultranationalists. These ultranationalists utterly detest Germany for it humiliating Russia time and time again, and consumed by hate, wish to see even the very concept of a German nation destroyed. Though Karbyshev does not share these views, he has become a puppet and nothing more than a figurehead. The man who he mentors, Dmitry Yazov, is as radical as his enemies, and Karbyshev is not long for this world, not like he has much incentive anyway...

And on that day, on that day in which the greatest victim of Germany dies, the final moderate voice will be banished, the radicals will be in power, and the Omskian machine will spring to life in a quiet rage.


Konstantin Rokossovsky was one of the greatest generals of the Old Union, who led the elite 3rd Army, who in the Union's collapse took refuge in Kaganovich's West Siberian People's Republic. However, Rokossovsky soon became uncomfortable with Kaganovich's administration. After Omsk's rebellion, and the lack of action to crush it, Rokossovsky rebelled in Sverdlovsk, seizing the area and resisting Kaganovich's counter attacks. Now, Rokossovky looks to the future, to Russia, beginning his crusade to restore stability, and create a Russia controlled by the Red Army, for what else could avenge Russia?


During the fall of the Union, Zlatoust was seized by the famous gunsmith Yevgeny Dragunov, who focused Zlatoust's resources on arms production in order to create stability and profit. Eventually, Zlatoust was selling weapons to warlords all over Russia, turning into a liked and prosperous state. But the warlords to the east want this prosperity for themselves...


The Vorkuta gulags are infamous and huge, and its inhabitants worked like slaves. Eventually, the workers had enough, and launched an uprising. Fighting followed which ended up in a stalemate. The priest Jānis Mendriks was able to convince the administration and the prisoners to agree to a deal; many would be allowed to leave the gulag. Some of these people were criminals, and they created their own state south of Vorkuta, east of the northern Urals.


Vorkuta is the site of the largest gulags, and the resident NKVD still held on after the collapse of the Union. An uprising occured, which was quickly dealt with. Even after the collapse of the Front, the gulags still run, merely for the ego of its leader.

Free Aviators

A group of ex-Soviet fighter pilots, created by the all-female Night Bomber Regiment. They spend most of their time shooting down Luftwaffe bombers taking part in the terror bombings that have afflicted western Russia for past 2 decades.

Central Siberian Warlords


A popular city for the intellectuals of Russia. Many of those same intellectuals fled to Tomsk after the Second World War and established the Central Siberian Republic, which was later shattered by the Siberian War. A democratic state led by the historian Boris Pasternak, which has very unique politics. Due to the high presence of Russian intelligentsia who formed political parties and clubs. These two institutions merged into Salons. These salons possess ideology completely unshared with the other warlords of Russia, from strong elitism to tribal nostalgia.


During the Siberian War, many desired for peace. However, the government in Tomsk stubbornly refused. Eventually, these Federalists rose up in the area of Novosibirsk. They created an authoritarian state, with corporations holding much power.


Nikolay Ivanovich Krylov was once a great general of the Union. But the taller they are, the harder they fall. His armies were evaporated by the Germans. He fled to the Central Siberian Republic, drowning his sorrows in alcohol. During the Siberian War, he was charged with surpressing the Anarchist uprising in Bratsk. But he failed that too, with even his officers rebelling. Now he is broken, regularly consuming drugs and alcohol. He went mad, and proclaimed himself the reincarnation of Rurik I, creator of the Kievan Rus, the predecessor to modern Russia. He managed to seize Kemerovo, and rules strangely, combining Bolshevism with Monarchism. Two of his children, Lydia and Yuriy, fight for succession, one favoring militarism and absolutism and the other championing revolutionary socialism.


A warlord state created after the dissolution of the Central Siberian Republic, it has a unique form of government, being a mix of a military dictatorship and a democracy.

Siberian Black Army

In the collapse of the Union, the city of Kansk fell into anarchy and without government. The people of Kansk organized a socialist committee, and eventually became part of Genrikh Yagoda's realm. However, the Siberian War shattered both the Central Siberian Republic and the Far Eastern Soviet Republic. The people of Kansk rose up in revolt. Its leaders adopted Anarchism as the country's ideology. This version of Anarchism does not champion total freedom and chaos; rather, it organizes society into many, many communes that elect councils to guide them. This system removes the power of the government and makes it practically nonexistant. However, the communes of Bratsk have many enemies. To keep order and win wars, the Anarchist "Black Army" administers the territory, at least for now. The Anarchists must choose to either follow the course of anarchy and free Russia from tyranny, or to let the army destroy their enemies, even if it may betray their ideology.

People's Revolutionary Council

During the collapse of the Union, soldiers wandered all over. Many fell under the leadership of Alexander Vasilevsky, who organized an orderly retreat east and past the Urals. He wanted to protect Mongolia from Japanese invasion, however he arrived too late and was only able to secure Western Mongolia and Tannu Tuva. Though the Mongolians are in conflict, that will soon end, and the Council will have to watch the east.

East Siberian Warlords


The NKVD were the weapon of the Soviet Union, which carried out their reign of terror. The Reich would sweep eastwards and defeat the Union, however. Yet Genrikh Yagoda, the forger of the NKVD, used the NKVD to evacuate him and important Soviet politicians east, seizing East Siberia. He would later march westwards and invade the Central Siberian Republic. However, the Siberian War shattered his realm, as well as the Republic's. His far eastern possessions seized by fascists and the old whites, the north falling into anarchy, and now, yet another uprising begins. The Buryats seized the eastern half of his minuscule realm, lead by new Bolsheviks with fire in their hearts. Yet Yagoda will not stop fighting for the Union. For the revolution shall weather any and every storm!


The battle is going again.

The battle started long ago. When the Union collapsed, Genrikh Yagoda, chief of the NKVD, evacuated key Soviet politicians east and created a state in Eastern Siberia. The state was a strict securocracy, the NKVD being everywhere and could strike at anytime. The people were injected with terror yet in this terror they found resistance. There too were partisans everywhere, though the NKVD were too powerful to dislodge. Until now.

For Genrikh Yagoda sought to seize Central Siberia, ruled by a republic ruling from Tomsk. Yagoda's army marched east yet struggled in the snow and were pushed back. The partisans, seeing their opportunity in the weakening of Yagoda's state, seized their chance and rose up. The Yakuts seceded, the Fascists emerged from their lair in Harbin and invaded the east. The people of Aldan rose up and seceded as well. And now, the Buryats fight too.

A mutiny turned into a full rebellion. The Buryats found a leader in the very young and idealistic Valery Sablin, a fierce Leninist who wished to enact his vision whilst keeping from the authoritarianism that plagued Bukharin.

However, Russia is a merciless place. Many ideas and people have perished. Shall Sablin walk the path of Bukharin, sacrificing ideals for pragmatic prosperity, or walk the path of the revolution, and make it truly successful and equal.


The Russian Civil War left many bitter memories. From the wealthy emigres of America to the Russians of Harbin. They utterly despised the new Bolshevik order in Russia, and turned to the ideology that promised a total end and annihilation of Socialism: Fascism. So began the Russian Fascist Party, of which two popular figures emerged: Konstantin Rodzaevsky, leader of the Party, and Mikhail Matkovsky, a friend of Rodzaevsky. The Japanese welcomed these men as a useful weapon against the Soviet Union which competed with them for influence in Asia.

These men sat and talked in Harbin whilst the world went asunder. A bloodbath began in China, then a genocide in Europe. Then a terror in Russia. The Nazis rolled over Bukharin's pathetic peasant army and carved a path to Moscow. Rodzaevsky welcomed these new overlords; after all, did they not shatter Communism? The Soviet Union disintigrated into multiple states, with Genrikh Yagoda ruling Eastern Siberia. Eventually, after his foolish handling of the Siberian War, Yagoda's state started to break apart. The Fascists and the remnants of the White Movement formed an alliance and invaded through Manchuria, seizing Amur, Chita, and Magadan. However, the fragile alliance quickly broke apart, with Matkovsky splitting with Magadan and the Whites doing the same in Chita.

Now Rodzaevsky plots in Amur. He talks with the Japanese and keeps a watchful eye over his nation. His administration fear him for he could purge them at any moment and the populace labor in his factories. The Mad Vozhd, though cast down, shall win or die, with either leading to blood.


Rodzaevsky's praise of Germany deeply disturbed Matkovsky; for here was a man, his friend, who was dedicated to saving Russia from the Bolshevik menace, praising those who, even worse than the Bolsheviks, wanted to destroy Russia and Russians. Matkovsky now plotted: that madman, Rodzaevsky, shall not hold his grip over the party; his rule would be a disaster for Russia and only benefit its enemies; no, Russia shall be saved from itself, not by Nazis, but by brave Russians!

So Matkovsky plotted in Harbin. He made friends and allies in his cause. His doctrine of pragmatism allowed him to reach across ideology and gain allies that no one else could. Once the Fascists and Whites sweeped up north, Matkovsky launched his plot and secured Magadan, the new gateway to Russia, the successor to Petrograd and Vladivostok, two grand cities now in enemy hands.

Whilst Rodzaevsky runs rampant in his decrepit lair of Amur and the Whites blunder and fight in Chita, Matkovsky sits at the chessboard; he cared little for ideology, all that mattered to him was the revival of Russia and the final annihilation of the traitorous Bolsheviks. Why should he care if others different from him helped? It only made his goals easier to accomplish. Accordingly, he negotiates with Nikolay Petlin and gives his people rights, whether cosmetic or not does not matter; he also reaches out to the Emigres of the Americas and their overlord, for they shared common enemies.

Whilst Magadan may now be a small, tiny, unknown port, it will not be so for long; Matkovsky's schemes ensure it. But what if they go awry?


The oldest, most loyal sons of Russia fight once more, in the name of the Tsar. Though they had bled in 1917, their blood spilling across Russia and Siberia, and they fought to the bitter end, finally perishing in the far eastern siberian snow. But this was not the end of them; they conspired with the Fascists in Harbin, forming an alliance. When Yagoda's realm was breaking apart, the Whites and their Fascist friends launched an invasion from Manchuria. They quickly seized the area. However, this alliance soon broke apart, with the Whites separating in Chita and the Fascists breaking apart.

The new fledgling state of Chita was wildly unstable, with many officer cliques conspiring against each other. In this chaos, some officers invited Michael Andreevich, a heir to the Russian throne, who although has no claim to it because of his parent's morganatic marriage. Despite this, when Michael arrived in Chita, one thing led to another, and he soon found himself Tsar Mikhail II and the de jure leader of the Transbaikal Principality. However, the military has true power, and to rule truly as Tsar, without equal, Mikhail II must remove the military's influence.

Either that, or return to his home: Australia.


Siberian Anarchy

With the fall of Genrikh Yagoda, all authority in Northern Siberia dissipated. The villages keep to themselves in the frozen tundra, with no visitors other than a priest, Alexander Men.