Winnie Madikizela

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Winnie Madikizela is a ranking official in the African National Congress. In the event of a Oberkommando Südafrika collapse, she is made the puppet leader of the Kapa Bokone African State, which is made up of former ANC members who have become radicalized in the African Devastation.


  • In our timeline, Madikizela married Nelson Mandela in 1958 and was better known as Winnie Mandela. The two divorced in 1996.
  • Madikizela is a controversial figure for her use of violence. She has been accused of ordering kidnappings and murders, and infamously endorsed the use of "necklacing." This is where a person is placed in several tires filled with petrol, given a lighter, then tortured to set themselves alight.
  • She died of diabetes on April 2, 2018.