Andrey Sakharov

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Andrey Sakharov (born 21st May 1921) is a Russian nuclear physicist and politician who leads the Modernist salon in Tomsk.



Sakharov was born in Moscow on May 21, 1921. His father was Dmitri Ivanovich Sakharov, a private school physics teacher and an amateur pianist. His father later taught at the Second Moscow State University. Andrei's grandfather Ivan had been a prominent lawyer in the Russian Empire who had displayed respect for social awareness and humanitarian principles (including advocating the abolition of capital punishment) that would later influence his grandson.

World War II

Being a part of the Soviet intelligentsia, he largely focused on scientific work, away from political goals of the Soviet Union. Of course as to everyone else did, it came a shock to find out that the Union was being attacked by the forces of the Third Reich, however, he could not do much due to his position he had as stated. Following the collapse, Sakharov, amongst other intellectuals, vanished without a trace for a time being.

Siberian War

Later on, with a formation of Central Siberian Republic, he reappeared in Siberia to a political scene of the republic. However, the chance to rebuild Russia in his image were temporarily halted by Genrikh Yagoda, sparking a subsequent war between the newly formed republic and the last remnants of the Nikolai Bukharin's government, stationed in the Far East region. The war came to an end, but at the cost of a weakened republic, with many warlord states forming during the war, most notably the anarchist Siberian Black Army, cynical republic of Novosibirsk and the enigmatic lunacy of Kemerovo.


With Boris Pasternak's days being almost over, Sakharov must prepare against the rivaling saloons in order to win the upcoming emergency election. With a decisive victory in elections, only then will his Modernist vision of new Russia come to fruition.


Sakharov is interesting choice for a player to reunify Russia with, alongside with other characters from Tomsk, most notably being the unique Duma system of the government. Once the player elects Sakharov as the leader of Tomsk, the previous White Duma that was bicameral, with a lower and upper house, is replaced with a Blue Duma that instead has seven cabinet positions, those of which being; the minister of industry, minister of technology, minister of science, minister of commerce, minister of education, minister of infrastructure and the minister of military. Depending on who is in charge of the aforementioned cabinets from each of the saloons, the player will receive minor bonuses that can help them in overall goal of reuniting Russia.

At the warlord stage, Sakharov will start implementing his Modernist policies, that are mainly focused on improving infrastructure, factories, education and so on, with one of focuses being also the modernization of the voting system, that upon completion, shall change the voting laws, thus giving benefits. After most of the focuses by the time the Spring Rasputitsa ends have been completed, Sakharov will have an option to reconquer the lost territories of Tomsk. Once that is all done and the regional stage has been reached, only one focus remains to be finished, which then will switch to the regional focus tree for modernist Tomsk.

At the regional stage, Sakharov like his rivals, will reform the economy and military in his modernist vision, both of them upon complete reform being called "Modernist Army" and "Modernist Economy." However, it is at this point that a "Cynicism Crisis" will appear, prompting Sakharov to act upon such issue. In contrast to Dmitri Shostakovich and Dmitry Likhachyov, Sakharov cannot limit by his own focuses the effects of cynicism, but instead, he can lower down the number of political outsiders. The player must still maintain a low amount of both, and it should be no issue tackling cynicism as it is the only actual problem the player has to deal with.

In his diplomatic focuses, it is revealed that Sakharov will gladly join the Organization of Free Nations, and how in his political focuses, he intends to make the Central Siberian Republic not just a beacon of modernism, but also progressivism, with him granting equal rights to women, minorities, as well as decriminalizing homosexuality, making him one of two only leaders in Russia to be able to do so, with other being Svetlana Bukharina. At the super-regional stage, being a technocrat, he also intends to bring technology that Russia "missed" during its warlord period from advanced western nations, such as the United States.

Sakharov can easily reunify with most warlords that have a democratic ideology, making him easy to play as. He can reunify with Magadan, considering they are either under Mitchell WerBell III or Nikolay Petlin, and Chita, if they are authoritarian democratic. Sakharov can also integrate back Kazakhstan, provided they are democratic, and can reunify with anyone on the super-regional stage as long as they do not have Authoritarian Socialism, fascism, National Socialism and other non-democratic ideologies.

Quote upon unification

"Every addition to true knowledge is an addition to human power."

—Horace Mann