Free Kazakh Clans

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Free Republic of Kazahstan
The flag of Free Republic of Kazakhstan

The Free Kazakh Clans are a post-Midnight warlord state. When formed, it borders Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan to the south, Xinjiang and the Central Eurasian Republic to the east, the Brotherhood of Cain, the Redeemed Black League, the Chelyabinsk Institute, and the Trans-Ural Confederation to the north, and the Kazakh Purification Army and the Revolutionary Communes of Orenburg to the west. They're one of the most moral warlord states in the After Midnight scenario, though various events establish that they have a fully capable fighting force trained by Kazakh military veterans, preparing them for any external threats like the Kazakh Purification Army. Despite having endured beyond horrendous treatment, the unification event for the Free Republic of Kazakhstan details how they triumphed despite facing extinction. Furthermore, and unlike the Purified State, they were able to overcome the anger and dismiss any notion of revenge, instead genuinely wishing to reform under a unified and free Kazakh republic. Having endured Taboritsky's insane reign together, some bands of surviving Kazakhs and Russians have forged a deep bond with each other and driven them to work together in the new nomadic lifestyle they share. However, the game also notes that not all Kazakh clans are friendly to the Russians, whom are in an uncertain future of whether they will be accepted or not. Despite this, there is also hope that the two ethnic groups can reconcile their differences with each other until they become indistinguishable and can live in harmony. With both Kazakhstan and Russia itself destroyed, those Kazakhs outside of any other authorities have coalesced around their shared heritage and the desire to simply survive, building a loose confederation of towns and villages based on mutual aid and defense.

National Spirits

The Kazakh States
  • Construction Speed: -50.00%
Kazakhstan was re-occupied for only a short few years, but the damage done is incalculable. Entire tribal identities were erased overnight, and population centers wiped from the landscape. The people of the steppes survive, as they always have, but it will be many long decades before the legacy of Taboritsky's genocidal imperialism is erased from Central Asia.
Salted Earth
  • Monthly Population: -45.0%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -10%
  • Division Attrition: +15.0%
  • Needed Consumer Goods: +25.0%
  • Construction Speed: -25.00%
The greatest mark that the Regent's Holy Russian Empire has left across the motherland is that of salted earth and ruined fields, the legacy of the vast amounts of chemical agents deployed against insurgents and other enemies during the process of unification. As a result, vast amounts of fertile land has been poisoned, formerly critical water sources has been rendered unsafe to drink, and forests have been stripped bare. Untainted food and water is rare in the post-imperial wasteland- and all of the motherland shall suffer for it.