Northern Counties Special Zone

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The Northern Counties Special Zone is a semi-autonomous region of the Republic of Ireland. It covers Counties Antrim, Armagh and Down, which used to be part of British Northern Ireland and still have a Protestant-majority population.


Taken by the Irish in an invasion during Operation Sea Lion, the Northern Counties are a “special zone” of the country, governed by Fianna Fáil hardliner Neil Blaney. In the Northern Counties, there is much violence, between Irish Catholic and local Protestant unionist militias. There are three major militias - the loyalist Ulster Volunteer Force, the nationalist Irish Citizen Guard and the communist Irish Republican Army. At game start, The Troubles are ongoing between these groups.


In real life, Northern Ireland is still part of the United Kingdom. Ireland did not get the land when it gained independence, largely due to the fact that it was largely populated by Protestants (whereas the majority of Ireland was - and still is - populated with Catholics). While Winston Churchill offered to return the territory if Ireland agreed to join the Allies and fight, but Éamon de Valera (also leader of Ireland at the time) refused, largely due to the fact that if he had accepted, it would have likely resulted in a civil war due to the differences between the two groups.