SS State of Burgundy

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The Order-State of Burgundy (Ordensstaat Burgund) more commonly the SS State of Burgundy, or simply Burgundy, is a country in Western Europe, bordered to the west by the French State, to the north by Reichskommissariat Niederlande, and to the east by the Greater Germanic Reich, Switzerland, and the Italian Empire. De jure, the country is a part of the Greater Germanic Reich, but it's de facto independent from Germany.

The country itself is completely administered and operated by the Burgundian Schutzstaffel, otherwise known as the Burgundian SS or simply just referred to locally as the Schutzstaffel. The head of Burgundy and the Reichsführer-SS, Heinrich Himmler, preached his own ideological and economic doctrine known as the Burgundian System. This ideology viewed the classic National Socialism practiced in Germany as increasingly decadent and inefficient and looked to revitalize it based on extreme militarism and state spartanism.

The population is controlled through fear and brutality. The Burgundian military is one of the best in the world and is heavily integrated into everyday life. It is said that the nation had "more work camps than houses" in which anybody who speaks out against the state is forced into. Burgundy is a member of the Einheitspakt, with its faction status being a unique representative of its status as an SS-Ordensstaat.



The Kingdom of Burgundy was an ancient state founded by Germanic tribes that inhabited the modern southwestern Provence regions of France. The territories that Burgundy inhabits in TNO reflect the boundaries of the Holy Roman Empire at its greatest extent, with parts of northern France having been included under the crown of what, in Nazi revisionism, was referred to as the 'First Reich'.

Burgundy as a territorial concept has since been assimilated into France (hence the 'Bourgogne' region, famous for its wines.)

Second World War

The concept behind the SS-Ordensstaat Burgund stretched back to the Second World War, where Heinrich Himmler proposed the idea as a model state incarnating the definition of National Socialism, justifying it by claiming that the Kingdom of Burgundy was, in fact, German territory, and that by extension, the territories of the house of Valois-Burgundy belonged to Germany. Heinrich's proposal was not entertained and instead the French and Belgian territories were annexed directly into Germany.

SS Coup

Following the attempted SS Coup during the West Russian War, concessions were made to the Himmlerite SS in order to avoid any attempts at another coup. Namely, the territory of Reichskommissariat Belgien-Nordfrankreich and the German territory west of the Moselle river was given to Heinrich Himmler and formed into the Ordensstaat.


  • Originally, Burgundy played a much more significant role in the TNO universe-- through a network of spies, Burgundy would be able to manipulate events on a global scale in preparation for 'cleansing' the world with the assistance of nuclear weaponry. This role was later reworked, partially out of concern for realism, and partially because, if Germany were to request forces from Burgundy and send them some place remote (such as Africa), it would lose to France and a number of crucial events would not occur.
    • The themes of Burgundy planning to start a nuclear war to end the world, however, have remained in Reinhard Heydrich's path for Germany.
  • The flag of Paktkommission Frankreich, a joint territory managed by the Einheitspakt after Burgundy was eliminated.
    If Burgundy collapsed in 1970, Germany will be allowed to intervene in its civil war if playing as Speer or Bormann. After Burgundy's defeat, France will (providing the Red Poppy Movement does not win, which will immediately turn over the territory to France) demand the return of its territory, and Germany will have the option to either turn over the Burgundian land in exchange for influence over the French or set up the Paktkommission Frankreich.
  • Todd Howard, Reichsfuhrer-SS of the Ordensstaat Skyrim and creator of the Bethesdan System.
    Bizarrely, if one looked in the folder with the leader portraits for Burgundy, a photo of Todd Howard in SS attire can be found. Given that Howard was not born until 1970, it's inclusion was likely a mean-spirited jab at Howard.
  • The symbol in Burgundy's flag came from the Thule Society, a German occultist and Volkisch group.