Commonwealth of Australia

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The Commonwealth of Australia is a sovereign country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania and numerous smaller islands. It is the largest country in Oceania and one of the world's largest countries by total area. While they do not border any country directly, its closest neighboring countries are the Republic of Indonesia to the north, the Empire of Japan to the north-east; Reichskommissariat Madagaskar to the west, across the Indian Ocean, and New Zealand to the south-east. Australia's largest cities are Sydney and Melbourne and its other major metropolitan areas are Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.

Australia is currently a federal constitutional monarchy under a government led by the Australian Labor Party under Prime Minister Kim Beazley Sr.


In 1939, Australia, at the time still part of the British Empire, entered World War II alongside its master and the rest of the Empire's colonies and dominions. While the situation in mainland Europe worsened day after day, the people of Australia began to grow discontent towards what many saw as a meaningless massacre, especially since the war theater was tens of thousands of miles away from the shores of the Australian continent. This assumption was soon proved wrong, when the Japanese declared war against the United States, dragging the entire Allies in the war against an enemy much, much closer than the Germans.

The Australian military fought with honor and determination, but in the end, it faced defeat after defeat alongside the British colonial troops, losing Malaysia, the Dutch East Indies, even New Guinea fell against the seemingly unstoppable Japanese advance. Right before the Japanese launched their attack on mainland Australia, which would have proved impossible to stop due to the inferiority in both numbers and equipment, the British Isles were invaded by the Germans.

Quick to act, the Australian government seized the chance and declared independence, therefore avoiding being dragged into the humiliating peace treaty its former master had to sign. Without the problem of the British, the Australians immediately put themselves under American protection. Their last hope was the United States, and their plan was dubbed Operation Downfall.

Operation Downfall was an ambitious project, which involved placing the majority of the United States naval capabilities into protecting Australia and New Zealand from the Japanese. This initiative proved fruitful, as the Japanese invasion would be fought off by the joint ANZAC-American forces, ending the war in the Pacific.

After the peace, Australia managed to retain its newfound independence, but new problems arose: with the fall of the Empire, the prosperous trade network Australia got most of its revenue from disappeared overnight, leaving thousands unemployed. Labor politics increased the public debt to enormous proportion, without the means to pay it. And finally, the Japanese may have been stopped, but they are far from defeated: even now, they plan their next move, trying to achieve what they failed in the last war. Whatever happens, Australia is in a dire situation, and it will take great efforts and reforms to resist the coming tide.



Australia is currently a federal constitutional monarchy of six states and two territories. The states are New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania. The territories are the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory.

The government is composed of the Australian Labor Party led by Prime Minister Kim Beazley Sr.. The opposition consists of a coalition of the Liberal Party of Australia and the Australian Country Party.

Foreign relations

Australia has friendly relations with the United States due to mutual membership in the OFN and the protection from the Japanese.

Australia is a founding member of the Organization of Free Nations, led by the United States of America. It's an international alliance between the US, Australia, Canada, the West Indies Federation, Belize, Iceland, New Zealand, and Guyana. The alliance's main purpose is to promote democratic and Western influence across the globe, as well as securing the safety and sovereignty of Australasia and the Americas.


Head of government: Prime Minister Kim Beazley Sr.

National spirits

The 1961 Recession
  • Consumer Goods: 15%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
  • Factory Output: -10.00%
  • Dockyard Output: -10.00%

Too many loans, not enough capital. Labor had set the stage with their ruinous policies, their nationalizations, and welfare, their wanton misuse of money the government simply did not have. From there the economy pirouetted into a death spiral as investors leave and creditors tighten their pockets. The camel toppled over in 1961, and so began the worst economic crisis in Australia's history since the Great Depression.

White Australia Policy
  • Monthly Population: -15.0%
  • Stability: -20.00%

The Land Down Under has always been under assault long before the Rising Sun had made its terrible debut. Every poor, dirty Asian that sets foot on Sydney Harbour is one more threat to the Australian way of life - its prosperity, its freedoms, its culture, its faith. West and East differ too much for one to coexist with the other; thus, it is for their sake, as much as it is for ours, that the government spares every effort towards keeping Australia white.

Looming Japanese Threat
  • Division Defense on core territory: +5.0%

"I'm telling ya, right outside a stone's throw from Darwin is the Jap just waiting for us to fuck up so they can come swooping in and butcher us to the last man! We've already been caught with our bloody knickers down in New Guinea, and what did that get us? Fifty thousand funerals are what! All this shit about harmless this, the peace that - well, 'Never Another Moresby', I say! NEVER ANOTHER MORESBY!"

Unpopular Draft
  • Stability: -10.00%
  • War Support: -20.00%

Draft an Australian to protect the continent and he will give his life without a second thought. Draft an Australian to protect the Free World and he will grumble lightly, before marching off to wherever he is needed. Draft an Australian for no good reason, however, and the first thing on his mind will be "What am I lugging twenty bloomin' pounds of kit for, then?". Indeed, this question has been asked by many such Australians as of late, as the opposition to the National Service Act grows by the day...


Flag Country Name Ideologies Notes
Australia flag.png
Commonwealth of Australia Progressivism group.pngProgressivism
Reformist Socialism subideology.pngReformist Socialism
Social Democracy subideology.pngSocial Democracy
Paternalistic Conservatism subideology.pngPaternalistic Conservatism
Liberal Conservatism subideology.pngLiberal Conservatism
National Liberalism subideology.pngNational Liberalism
Classical Liberalism subideology.pngClassical Liberalism
Right-Wing Populism subideology.pngRight-Wing Populism
Aristocratic Conservatism subideology.pngAristocratic Conservatism
TNO Australian flag.png
Republic of Australia Reformist Socialism subideology.pngReformist Socialism
Social Democracy subideology.pngSocial Democracy
Paternalistic Conservatism subideology.pngPaternalistic Conservatism
Liberal Conservatism subideology.pngLiberal Conservatism
National Liberalism subideology.pngNational Liberalism
Classical Liberalism subideology.pngClassical Liberalism
Right-Wing Populism subideology.pngRight-Wing Populism
Aristocratic Conservatism subideology.pngAristocratic Conservatism
Monarchy abolished


  • In older versions of the mod, Australia could mediate in the Hawaiian Missile Crisis between America and Japan. Australia's role has since been replaced by Mexico in the Aleutians Crisis.