North Borneo Military Administration

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The North Borneo Military Administration, commonly known as Nanpo Gunseikan, is an overseas Japanese territory occupying the territory of the former British colonies in northern Borneo.

It borders the Republic of Indonesia and its territory, on the island of Borneo. It has a large coast line along the South China Sea.


The North Borneo Military Administration is lead by the Gunsei Honbu under General Baba Masao.

National spirits

Imperial Protectorate
  • (The Empire of Japan) Civilian industry to target country: +55.00%
  • (The Empire of Japan) Military industry to target country: +30.00%

We will have to pay 40% of our Gross Annual Income to the Leader of the Co-Prosperity Sphere.

Home of the 37th Army
  • Division Attack on core territory: +5.0%
  • Division Defense on core territory: +5.0%

The famous, or perhaps infamous Baba Masao commands the 37th Army, which is directed to maintain its garrison in North Borneo. Nominally ensuring that the interests of Shōnan and Indonesia are protected, in reality, the 37th Army's sole purpose is to ensure that the strategic port of Kuchin does not fall to dissidents and rebels hiding within the Bornean jungle.

Comprised of the 56th Mixed Infantry Brigade and the 71st Mixed Infantry Brigade, it is quite a weak force in comparison to others across the Co-Prosperity Sphere, but their invaluable combat experience ensures that their lack of manpower is made up for in skill. Needless to say, there is no North Borneo without the 37th Army, lest Japan lose their sole directly-controlled foothold in the Spice Islands.

Sarawak Independence Movement
  • Stability: -10.00%

Before the North Borneo Administration, there was the Raj of Sarawak, and in the northeast British North Borneo. While British North Borneo, or perhaps more appropriately Sabah, submitted more easily to foreign control due to its lack of native rulers for some time, Sarawak maintained its own Raj and government.

Somewhere within the suburbs of Canberra, the last Raj to reign, Vynar of the House of Brooke, continues to maintain his contacts with pro-independence elements in North Borneo in addition to OFN leaders, in the hope of returning to his native land. With this competent government-in-exile posing a threat to Japanese interests in North Borneo, it will be quite difficult to fully cement our hold on the territory of Kuchin and its surroundings with this threat at hand...

Extremely Underfunded
  • Division Organization: -25.0%
  • Research Speed: -50.00%
  • Max Planning: -25.0%

It is undeniable to Baba: the administration he runs operates on a budget to budget basis. His men's wages, the maintenance of heavy weaponry, infrastructure projects, all are subject to the whims of Tōkyō and its backstabbing kleptocratic politicians.

However, as an honorable general, Baba remains resourceful as one can be in a situation like his, and simply puts a notice to the Imperial General Headquarters every quarter to request lobbying in favor of an increased budget. Regardless, more yen is needed if the administration is to function at its highest point, rather than at its most conservative...