Sultanate of Aïr

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Aïr, officially the Sultanate of Aïr, is a tribal country in West Africa.


National Spirits

Luftwaffe Terror Bombing
  • Construction Speed: -60.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -40.00%
  • Production Efficiency Growth: -35.00%
  • Needed Consumer Goods: +25.00%
Launched from airfields in Südwestafrika, the German Luftwaffe regularly launch missions across western Africa, indiscriminately bombing both civilian and military targets as a demented form of 'pilot training'. Only along the coast do those few scattered cities with sufficient anti-air capabilities keep the Luftwaffe at bay, with none in the region capable of beating back this enemy permanently. This leaves the Germans with near impunity to strike the towns and farmlands further inland, crippling west African growth until this nightmare can finally end.
Tuareg Heritage
  • Division Organization: -20.0%
  • Stability: -20.00%
The Sultanate of Aïr is not a nation so much as it is a tribal confederation, an alliance of the Tuareg tribes of the southwestern Sahara. The government isn't decentralized, it simply doesn't exist. Individual tribes roam the desert, migrating across the sands as they have done for centuries. Without significant reform and centralization, Aïr will never be remembered as anything other than a temporarily unclaimed region of western Africa.
Sahelian Nomads
  • Heat Attrition: -50.00%
  • Supply Consumption: +50.0%
  • Hot Acclimatization Gain Factor: +50.0%
The Aïr Mountains lie at the heart of the Sahel, the arid borderland that stretches between the great desert to the north and the rolling savannas to the south. This rugged, dry region is hostile to life, and only the hardiest species can survive in it. The nomadic tribes of the region have made it their home all the same, mastering the art of surviving where few others could.