Republic of India

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The Republic of India is a country in South Asia. It is bordered by the Xinjiang Clique to the north; the Government of Free India, the Kingdom of Nepal and the Kingdom of Tibet to the east; and the Kingdom of Afghanistan to the west.

The country is an independent social democratic republic, led by the Indian National Congress under Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

The country has a fierce rivalry with the Empire of Japan, mainly due to the Azad Hind occupation of the Bengal region in eastern India. There is also a large source of internal conflict sourcing from the Indian control over the Muslim majority region of Pakistan.


The history of the united republican state in Hindustan began in 1943 after the Indian National Congress declared the independence of the Indian Republic from the collapsing British Empire. While territories of Bengal were occupied by the pro-Japanese Azad Hind, the Indian subcontinent for the most part managed to preserve their freedom from colonial oppressors.

National Spirits

Religious Tension
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -25%
  • Stability.pngStability: -10.00%
India's religious makeup is countlessly varied, with Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians, and even more tiny religious groups, such as Jews and Zoroastrians. These religious groups are hardly on the best of terms, and interfaith violence is rampant, with the All-India Muslim League constantly coming at odds with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, and the other faiths often fighting against the more major ones, as well as between each other. Either extensive autonomy or independence for at least some of these groups is inevitable, and if such changes are not brought about by the Indian government, then they will be pursued by violent means.
The Permit Raj
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -0.50
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 5.0%
While the Azad Hind abolished private business as a whole, the Republic has kept it around, albeit with a byzantine bureaucratic system of regulations and red tape. This system is the product of Jawaharlal Nehru in an attempt to create a command economy, working alongside the Five-Year Plans and other economic laws and principles. This system of bureaucracy, known popularly as the "Permit Raj" in a mocking comparison to British rule, is extremely corrupt and severely stunts economic growth as well. It create a heavy division between the left wing of Congress, believing it is necessary and good to keep socialism around, and the right wing, finding it a needless system run by incompetents.
Disunited Government
  • Daily Political power.pngPolitical Power Gain: -0.15
  • Stability.pngStability: -5.00%
The Indian National Congress is a big-tent political party ranging from communism to borderline fascism, and everything in between. Unfortunately, this large-reaching coalition has led to many issues within our government, with conservatives constantly feuding with leftists and anarchists feuding with centrists. So far, only one charismatic leader has managed to join the coalition; the father of the nation, Jawaharlal Nehru. However, the father's days are numbered, and when he inevitably passes, it is doubtful that a leader as charismatic as him will fill the vacuum, and chaos will ensue.

Political parties

  • The Indian National Congress, which has been the ruling party for almost 20 years, still holds strong positions in the Indian political life and enjoys popularity among the population.
  • The All-India Muslim League is a separatist party which pursues the independence of a sovereign nation of Pakistan from the Indian state.


  • In very early development, there were plans for a British Raj restoration path named "British Empire Expeditionary Forces" led by Lord Louis Mountbatten to rise up if the planned Indian Civil War reached the anarchy stage. BEEF was categorized as Ultranationalist and written as very comically evil, with things like burning a village where Gandhi was born, engaging in cannibalism, and even performing human sacrifices to resurrect King Arthur. BEEF was reworked into a more "sane" version and ultimately scrapped completely. BEEF was hated by most of the dev team and is considered an "old shame" to the team, to the point of updating the lore to kill Lord Mountbatten to distance themselves from the idea.
  • One of the planned mechanics for India was distributing supplies to combat an ongoing famine. After a couple of years of the game, it would be revealed that the famine was made up by the Azad Hind government. The mechanic was removed due to it feeling pointless and making the republic look incompetent.