Union of South Africa

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The Union of South Africa is a country in the southern part of Africa. They have ties to the Organization of Free Nations but cannot make any more than overtures to the OFN due to their southerly position on the African continent coming into conflict with the German colonies in the area.


Colonial Period (1652-1945)

Prior to the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, the most efficient way to transport goods and services to and from the orient was by circumnavigating the continent of Africa. However, staying on a boat for months at a time proved to be an unappealing prospect to even the most experienced navigators.

In 1649, members of the Dutch East India Company were shipwrecked at the Cape of Good Hope in what is now Cape Town. When they were rescued, they reported favorably on the conditions found there, and thus in 1652, the Dutch established a colony in the cape. This initial wave of Dutch settlers clustered primarily at the Cape.

During the French Revolutionary Wars, the British would seize the Dutch Cape Colony and impose British colonial rule. Angered by this prospect, the Dutch population would commence the 'Great Trek' eastwards. The rivalry between British settlers, Dutch settlers (now known as Afrikaners or Boers), African settlers in the form of the Zulu, and the rest of the African natives made the environment in South Africa naturally chaotic. Several major uprisings occurred during this period, including the first and second Boer wars against Afrikaners in the Orange Free State, Natal, and Transvaal regions.

In 1910, the Union of South Africa in its present incarnation was formed from the various regional colonies, consisting of four provinces - later five after the occupation of Namibia during the First World War. After the contributions made by South Africans to the First World War, the Union of South Africa was granted self-governance in 1934.

World War 2 (1939-1945)

During the Second World War, as a member of the British Commonwealth, the Union of South Africa sent soldiers to fight alongside the rest of the allies. Most South African deployments were in Africa, particularly focused on the North African and East African campaigns. South African forces saw consistent defeats due to staunch Italian guerilla resistance in East Africa and major tactical successes by the Afrika Korps in North Africa and Egypt.

After the surrender of Great Britain following Operation Sea Lion, the Union of South Africa signed a separate peace deal with the German Reich wherein it would cede the historically-German colony of Namibia to Reichskommissariat Südwestafrika in exchange for the Bechuanaland.

Monarchy & Unrest (1945-1961)

While South Africa does not recognize the United Kingdom's monarchy as the official branch of the House of Windsor, it also does not - or, more accurately, cannot - recognize the House of Windsor-in-exile in Canada for fear of upsetting the Einheitspakt presence to the north in the German colonies. This caused instability and disillusionment with the government in the early years of South Africa "going it alone" without any foreign aid. However, the country's diamond reserves helped keep the economy afloat, trading both to the Pakt and the OFN while making its neutrality abundantly clear - although the Union does lean more towards the OFN than the Pakt.

The discovery of diamonds in Bechuanaland sparked a brief crisis. South Africa was later forced to cede part of the central province to Reichskommissariat Ostafrika following the discovery of three potent diamond mines in the region. Reichskommissar Hans Hüttig had this province renamed "Rommelstadt" after its acquisition.


At the start of the game, South Africa is neutral to both the OFN and the Einheitspakt and will attempt to stress their neutrality. After the first few focuses, the player will have a choice between working with the Boers and expanding the suppression of the African National Congress or agreeing to sit down with the ANC and integrate the African population. If the South African government supports the Boers, the ANC will rebel and fight as a third side in the South African War; if they work with the ANC, the two will remain allied. No matter which choice the South African government takes, the Boers will always rebel and side with the Afrika-Schild.

South Africa will ultimately find itself siding with the OFN no matter how much it appeases Germany, due to the outbreak of the South African War. Additionally, it can also find aid from the Iberian Union and United States of Brazil, provided they make certain decisions.

South Africa's content currently only lasts until the end of the South African War. If the country can secure either total victory or a ceasefire, they will join the OFN. If a ceasefire in the OFN's favor is secured, South Africa will then wind up with a varying level of territory under its control, depending on how much of the African Reichskommissariats were taken; if total victory is secured, then while South Africa will take back Namibia and Bechuanaland from Reichskommissariat Ostafrika and Reichskommissariat Südwestafrika. The rest of the Afrika-Schild will be turned into OFN mandates. If Her Majesty's Most Loyal Resistance wins the British Civil War, the South African government will reaffirm Elizabeth II's position as Queen (this can even occur if the monarchy is abolished as a result of a socialist revolution).


  • One event when playing as South Africa will see Ian Smith, the prime minister of Rhodesia in reality, assassinated by a then-unknown party, but likely the SS in Ostafrika (the game will allow you to blame either the Boers, the ANC, or refuse to point the blame at anyone). This was likely included by the developers in response to people who asked for Rhodesia to be included in the mod.